Summon the Swarm

Can you make the Rogue Drones Entities and Rogue Drone Entity Drones two separate entities in the overview? I want to be able to see just the ships and remove the Rogue Drone droneswarms from my overview.


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these sites are supposed to fix risk reward ballance
Allowing these to be done on closed rolled j space islands would be stupid.
In fact it is time CCP finally disallow abyssal filaments in J space since getting ganked on the exit is supposed to be part of that experience.
Also blue loot needs a serious hair cut.
Getting ganked by rage rollers once a year is no reason j bears need to earn a billion ISK per hour in their safe space pockets.

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I went on to the testing server today got a bit of feedback

  1. OMG AMZING job with the MacOS client I can’t wait for that to go live

  2. me and 2 corp mates tried the capital sites we hoped for more of a challenge. we played around with it to see if got more hard by activating it with titan but was really the same and not worth it we find need more challenge and more reward

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In terms of ISK, the numbers on the test server aren’t exactly where we like it - so I’d expect it to be higher yield from the bounties themselves in a 100% DBS system.

Some really valuable feedback (not just from you, but everyone) would be what sort of levels you feel are worth the risk. I can’t guarantee that the suggestions will make it to live, but would really love to gauge what people feel is ‘valuable’ and see how it lines up with our internal discussions.

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FAX cannot activate the beacon. They can only be activated by

  • Carriers
  • Dreads
  • Supercarriers
  • Titans

You can, of course, have a FAX on grid but it cannot be what activates the beacon.


And this is why they have so many problems on release. because they don’t actually TEST what is being released.

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There was an issue with the calculations for the sites, the bounties/rewards should see a significant buff soon.

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Look at what is currently considered “acceptable” Risk.

People will put Supers on the field for 250Mil an hour in super safe areas where people struggle to find you, have intel, and can warp/cloak/jump at any moment.

Supers have tripled in price because of your changes, (you’ve already changed the risk dynamic) and this new functionality allows people to warp in without even scanning to find you first. reducing your opportunity to escape and you get lock’d down, something that never used to occur.

You used to be able to pay for a super with about 100 hours (or less) of Super Ratting. so there is your “Acceptable risk” ratio.

With the massively increased risk of these (not from the sites themselves, but from gankers espeically with the speed that 3/4 of the galaxy can get to you these days (look at what happened to AOM a few weeks backl), if i couldn’t replace my super once every 30-40 hours of ratting, i wouldn’t bother. That means a 30Minute site, (with new Build costs of 70Bil, probably higher once people start building them again and the prices of the PI/etc increase) needs to payout at minimum 500m-1Bil to make this worth the risk. (Note: This risk calculation is purely from a “Super” perspective, it would be different for a Dread, which seem to be the most viable way to do these)

Or if not straight ISK through logs to sell, providing significant drops of the new mutaplasmids, or even some other things on top (drone blueprints, etc?), could add value without being enormous ISK faucets outright


A super makes currently 200-300m an hour roughly running safe anoms where it can jump out in case of danger. If this isn’t substantially more then they will never be risked. And if you also have to share the payout and loot with another player then you need to be paying out 1b+ per run to even make it worth it.

I don’t know what would be a good payout but it’s gonna take a lot for the risk on field.

Can be run with a solo HAW rev in 21 minutes no implants or drugs or blingy modules. Risk is extremely high to have a sieged dread sitting there for 21 minutes. Hope it’s worth

This needs to be for wh use also

@CCP_Swift Could CCP consider making the CRAB function similar to abyssal filaments (3 frigs vs 1 cruiser). Have one tier that can work with a dread or handful of carriers. The second tier aimed for super and titans.

Capital Tier:

  • spawn frigs to BS’s
  • include NPC interdictor
  • Chance of a NPC carrier or dread at the end.
  • Have a payout of roughly 150-500mil per hour

Super Capital Tier:

  • Spawn cruisers and above.
  • Include HIC spawns
  • Include several carriers, dreads spawns
  • Chance of a NPC super or titan spawn.
  • have the payout roughly 500m - 2bil per hour.

HIC/DIC spawns should be one, maybe two per waive at most. Both tiers should be tailored to the respective PVE pilots for risk and reward. As others have pointed out super ratters can make 200-300 mil an hour ratting safely. Ratting in a carrier, dread, or marauder can make about 50-200 mil an hour (rough guess). Personally I would like to see these sites pay for the ship in 40-60 hours of ratting, when compared to current construction costs, not market cost for existing ships.

I also agree that the CRAB should have an increase in health, and/or spawn further away for smart bombs.


Played around with it! Seems cool, echoing some of the other comments in here.

1: One of the waves needs into include a HIC randomly to give some real threat to supers.
2: People will drop the module to link for the resist bonus’s in PVP. I promise, unless it is changed.
3: It’d be nice if the number of waves / difficulty increased with the number of ships on grid much like C5 / C6 capital escalations (maybe with an upper cap of like 15 caps on grid. It’d be cool to see groups out running these putting themselves at risk.
4: The waves that spawn shouldn’t include frigates / cruisers / BC’s etc. They should have large enough sig radius to not be a HAW dread only activity. (BS to Super rats only in size).
5: Rewards should reflect the risk of the ships put on grid (easily tunable, and shouldn’t require another smaller ship to loot them / pick them up).

  • You should be able to solo the site. At the moment you need at least 2 dreads to finish the site before the beacon expires.
  • Sites should be solo’ed with a single carrier, at the moment a carrier is so bad at the site its not worth trying. I lost 3 flights of fighters, and was no where near close to finishing the site on time.
  • Time before the beacon expires is way to short. But I also don’t think you need to make the timer longer. In reality 30 minutes locked in a site is a long time, if you lengthen the timer it just means I have to stay sieged in place even longer. The beacon count down time should be reduced from 10 to 5 minutes.
  • Increase delay between waves.
  • Drones should not pause the timer.

I tested out 6 sites with the following configurations and results:

  1. HAW Moros & Cap Naglfar - Site failed as the cap Nag was completely useless at hitting anything.
  2. HAW Moros, 2x HAW Revelation, Nidhoggur - Site completed successfully, very easy. Fighters were getting just deleted by anything smaller than a battleship. Reward was 42m in bounties, 1 mutaplasmid, and 1235 Rogue Drone Survey Data.
  3. Cap spawn & 4 Paladins - Site completed successfully, deleted it faster than the previous one thanks to faster lock times. We had really long pauses between the waves with this comp. A wave consisting of a Raven, Typhoon, Abaddon almost managed to alpha off a paladin, but otherwise nothing super scary. Reward was just under 40m in bounties, 600ish survey datas, and 1 mutaplasmid.
  4. Nidhoggur - Site failed. Between fighters getting just blown away and travel time for the damage I ended up basically having a steady stream of rats so the timer never got started really. I did get a mutaplasmid off one of the battleships.
  5. HAW Revelation - Site failed. Not quite enough damage to kill things quick enough to keep the timer going. Also got a mutaplasmid to drop off a battleship in this run.
  6. HAW Revelation & HAW Naglfar - Comfortably completed the site. Rev was the only ship targeted and rarely needed reps. Same isk payout, 1000ish Survey Data, and 1 mutaplasmid.

These sites feel very underwhelming, especially for HAW dreads. I don’t understand why the beacon has 4 minutes of literally nothing, except anchoring a capital in place and wasting the 30 minute timer. There is nothing to shoot, just you stuck in place while a bar goes around. The waves themselves aren’t bad, if you are in subs, but they lack damage to even threaten a capital. My Nidhoggur with a CONCORD rep was fine even if I was chewing through cap boosters. I am fine with the isk payout being what it is, provided the Rogue Drone Survey Data are worth enough to warrant even running them.

Some suggestions then. First is to reduce/remove the 4 minute spool up, it’s boring and just serves to lock a capital in place. Second, they should require a capital to stay on grid the entire time. Seems silly I can take a capital site and run it in subs after sitting in space in a cap for 5 minutes. Also this should make hunters happier. Along the same vein though they need to pay out well. If you are going to expect folks to actually engage these with capitals they have to be rewarding. If not in straight isk payouts the drone survey data should be. I also think they need to be harder. If you want these to be caps only sites they should challenge capitals and be virtually impossible for sub caps.


… im getting the impression you don’t know what rogue drones are

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yeah… petty sure thats the point.

CCP needs another way to artificially “encourage content” between players

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Make it really jucci for supers and titans plz. Get them crab eyes full with dolla signs so we can pew pew them.

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