Surgical Strike Update Follow-up

Why not have loot drop in secure container which needs to be hacked? Criminal timer from start of hacking.

Again, this will hurt new bros in PVE, older players won’t have to change much. The 1000 golden number (dps + tank) is enough for most l4 missions with good skills / knowledge how to do it, but new players will be lacking both.

Some Epic Arc missions will be a bit more trickier, but then again I can afford an alt who can provide ongrid boosting, newer player or casual players don’t have this option.

While I can understand you will monitor situation and you will keep track, try starting a new toon and reaching level 4 mission with 2-5 hours of gameplay per week and let me know how long it takes…


You didn’t understand what I said the post you replied to, did you?

Sorry, but what did I take out of context exactly?

So what I said. Either you weren’t honest when you said that, or you aren’t being honest now, or both. And that’s not taking into consideration your inclination to delete your own posts…


Really? The dev blog announced the resistance change as “There is excitement here about this approach because … it also diminishes the overall power of logistics and will make modules focused on speed and damage a more attractive option.

So are damage and speed modules more attractive, or less attractive because now we need to offset these changes with more and better tank modules?


That is actually a really good point you have raised.

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Yeah, that’s why one of them died with 800,000 hp and the other with barely over 1.1m hp, right? You’re vastly overestimating how useful they were.

More crap dying in each engagement.


Please consider effects of increased short range damage and lower resists on interceptor survivability!

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We have written over 1.5k posts here. After announcement of blackout we wrote over 15k posts and this alone did not change CCP’s plans. Only mass unsubbing did. Let’s repeat that!


Use your brain and proper fleet comp, fighting does not end with orbiting fax at 1 km.

That has nothing to do with how effective they were at keeping the subcaps alive
which is what allowed the fight to happen.

Thats a nice thought, except people dont like to take impossible fights, so less fights will happen if you make them impossible to win


Yeah, I wasn’t even thinking about burners because I multibox them. Solo players were already pushing their fits to the limit for some of the burners.

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Turns out the CCP is making incremental changes and can’t fix 3+ years of a messed up economy in a single update. Who knew!?

This isn’t going to be their last change. If you’re so scared, then stay docked until the next update as CCP works towards fixing the problems with the game.


Difference is that fleet fights, you push to kill and sigh if your ship goes down, until you hit supers.

In PVE, you gain nothing if your ship goes splodypop, and so tank will be the priority pretty much every time until you are certain that the ship can handle the intended use case.


would be nice if the changes actually did anything to solve the issue, they don’t though.

If their goal was to increase the amount of ■■■■ dying a good way to do that would to encorage capital escalations like what happened in that fight. Thats where the big money gets lost, and solo active faxes make amazing escalation targets, something they should want to keep in if that is their goal.

Instead they are doing the opposite, active fax get hit way harder than passive fax from these changes

edit: also if you actually wanted them to improve the game, feedback on the changes is a pretty important part of that

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Removed a off topic post.

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well I can’t see any indy ships getting anything from Damage focusing, and HP is a waste of time if you can’t reduce the increased damage you’re taking, I wonder if CCP every wondered why indy player Tank EM shield???

surely has nothing to do with reducing the 100% damage to a lower more manageable level?!

if they want to get us to HP tank, at least give better HP modules and regen modules to help in that area!

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I’d like to see you come up with a conflict driver that would “encorage” capital escalations.

Passive moon mining in POSs : P

POS mechanics encourage capital use vs citadels which discourage it, and the value of the moons is worth fighting over
Lots of good lowsec fights back in the day happened over those


In other words players your ■■■■ out of luck but hey more isk out the door is more chance players will buy PLEX and sell that for isk to recover their losses!

This change never needed to happen this is why CCP keeps losing players, unnecessary decisions made by an individual without compensating the players affected by said change.

All in all I hope a lot of players unsubscribe to omega so that Pearl Abyss will realize the incompetence in CCP’s management and gets rid of you people with more competent developers that will encourage more new players to join the game.


What are Titans going to be good for if subcap fleets can grind structures just as easily and without the risk? They’re awfully expensive just to be mobile jump bridges.


It seems to align with their theme of “bloodier battles”. They have already reduced NPC bounties and mission rewards. It seems to me if they are going to make us more vulnerable, so should the NPC’s that way at least all of New Eden can burn.

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