Indeed. I had forgotten the faction ships have no regular BPOs. Well, at least not to the vast majority of players. A Raven yields about 30M isk gain per raven, but Ravens are a logistic hazzle due to the 50.000 m^3 size they have, so I assumed it to be a better idea to build 10 faction frigates rather then 1 bs for the same price.
The R-O Trigger Neurolink Conduit is the central piece of price optimization of the Hookbill. It uses 10 Reinforced Carbon Fibers, but each time you cycle the reaction formula, 200 Reinforced Carbon Fibers are produced. This means that you have 190 left, and you can use these leftovers when you build the next Neurolink for your next Hookbill…
…for the Raven, it would be Core Temperature Regulator instead. In order to produce one Core Temperature Regulator, the outputs of
Complex Reactions
3x Pressurized Oxidizers Reaction Formula => 600 Pressurized Oxidizers, 500 Used
3x Reinforced Carbon Fiber Reaction Formula => 600 Reinforced Carbon Fiber, 500 Used
are required, which on their side will consume the output of
Simple Reactions
Simple Reactions
3x Carbon Fiber Reaction Formula => 600 Carbon Fiber, 600 Used
3x Carbon Polymers Reaction Formula => 600 Carbon Polymer, 600 Used
1x Oxy-Organic Solvents Reaction Formula => 10 Oxy-Organic Solvents, 6 Used
3x Sulfuric Acid Reaction Formula => 600 Sulfuric Acid, 600 Used
3x Thermosetting Polymer Reaction Formula => 600 Thermosetting Polymer, 600 Used
. After completing the Core Temperature Regulator Production, you will be left with
1 Core Temperature Regulator
100 Pressurized Oxidizers
100 Reinforced Carbon Fiber
4 Oxy-Organic Solvents
If the Core Temperature Regulator Blueprint is to be cycled twice, i.e. 2 Core Temperature Regulators are to be produced, the total consumption will need you to cycle
Complex Reactions
5x Pressurized Oxidizers Reaction Formula => 1000 Pressurized Oxidizers, 1000 Used
5x Reinforced Carbon Fiber Reaction Formula => 1000 Reinforced Carbon Fiber, 1000 Used
which require the output of
Simple Reactions
5x Carbon Fiber Reaction Formula => 1000 Carbon Fiber, 1000 Used
5x Carbon Polymers Reaction Formula => 1000 Carbon Polymer, 1000 Used
1x Oxy-Organic Solvents Reaction Formula => 10 Oxy-Organic Solvents, 10 Used
5x Sulfuric Acid Reaction Formula => 1000 Sulfuric Acid, 1000 Used
5x Thermosetting Polymer Reaction Formula => 1000 Thermosetting Polymer, 1000 Used
and result in the production of
2 Core Temperature Regulator
and no leftovers, assuming the BPO was unresearched and the station had no bonuses either (which isn’t realistic). The point here, however, is that while 3 runs of most formulas are needed to build 1 Core Temperature Regulator, in order to build to build 2 Regulators, the overproduced reactions from the first Regulator can be used to reduce the required amount of reactions for the second Regulator, yielding in only 2 additional runs of most formulas being needed to build the inputs for the second Regulator. If you don’t take the overproduction into account, 3 additional runs were needed, and you’d be left with more reactions materials. In case of the Oxy-Organic Solvent, no additional runs are needed at all since the overproduction of the first run cpmpletely covers the requirement for the second run.
This is a property that the new-component based ships share with t2 items, just that t2 items scale harder, to the point where it can be said that if only one t2 module is produced, it’s impossible to produce it at jita trade prices, but when you build 1000, you can sell to Highsec Buyback ( at 90% jita and still make income
The production leftovers are periodic, though not necessarily in the economically feasible range. In the example of an unresearched BPO in an NPC station, it’s every 2 runs. Assuming the component Blueprint was fully researched, it will harmonize a lot worse with the overproductions and be periodic to use up all inputs at 40 runs, which turn Evepraisal - Appraisal 11mfi6: 378.77 Million Buy / 397.71 Million Sell into Evepraisal - Appraisal 11mfrm: 540 Million Buy / 560 Million Sell (using 90 runs of each formula other then oxy which uses 18 runs). It’s not all that great, but it’s not too bad, either, and definitely can make you some nice profit, even if you highsecbuyback it at currenlty 468M isk.
The link posted in T1 Manufacturing to cover fuel costs - #9 by Fish_Hunter can tell you about time efficiency and how station configuration, implants, system modifiers and whatnot effect you.