TEST vs Goons: this war is a joke

Joker vs Batman in Gotham, nice

So we can continue a little longer before reaching the Godwin certainty shall we?

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No, it doesn’t at all; don’t be ridiculous.

Someone doesnt like board topic, so they spam said topic with prohibited content until the topic is locked.

Because this is EvE, they don’t actually address the people spamming said illegal content, instead they just lock the topic and act like its “fixed”.
It never changes.


Could have used Monty Python instead of Batman and the Joker and Gotham

The war isn’t a joke; the Goons 'war propaganda" is a joke. Aka, you can declare somebody an enemy and you can freely robber him, you can call somebody a traitor or backstabber and you can freely backstab them being a good guy. This is a bad side of Goon’s politics, diplomacy or whatever you wanna call it. Well, I hadn’t time to track these kind of things on a daily basis, so maybe somebody will exmplain me the origin of this situation. I watched a record of the yesterday The Meta Show and that was funny to hear The Mittani attitude to the Legacy alliance or any other alliance. He thinks that every alliance or coalition is the Goons wife or girlfriend: “Look! She cheated me! She backstabed Goonswarm”.

Between a capsuleer and a corporation is signed a contract - what the corporation will offer to the pilot and what pilot should do in return. Between a corporation and an alliance is signed a contract on joining - which determines what the corporation should do as a part of the alliance (renting, industry, military defense, to take part in brawls) and what the alliance will give in returns. The same thing happens between alliances, being a part of a coalition. Different entities can sign a NAP (Non-aggressioin pact) or a NIP (Non- invasion pact). As I know, between most 0.0 entities exists different NIPs only, because NAPs will turn it to the completely Blue-donut mode. If a member of the entity not does anymore what was signed in the deal - he’ll be removed from the entity based on known procedures. If a member of the entity don’t want to do what is signed in the contract, he can leave the entity based on known rules. A member can be a pilot, a corporation, an alliance. Pilots switch corporations, corporations switch alliances periodically and it’s counted as a normal thing without drama.

So what we should call a betray or backstab? If somebody is supposed to defend you on grid, but insted he’ll attack you or will not show forces there at all. Well, in this scenario, when there is a NIP (for a time period) and somebody violates the NIP during that time. As soon the NIP period is over, there aren’t any NIP violators. Therefore, if TEST will attack Goons while the NIP is active, then TEST can be called backstabbers. In this scenario, TEST don’t want to do this and they’ll wait two weeks until NIP will expire, previously informing about it. Do you think that TEST should be called backstabbers due to their relations with Purple Helmeted Warriors? They had a deal with PHW similarly to how the Imperium had a deal with Snuff, during Northern warr. Does this mean that Snuff should serve Goons forever - of course not.

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They all share in the profits of the Tranquility Trade Tower in Perimeter… If this war is “real” then whoever controls the button will surely cutoff everyone else from access to the isk riiiiiiight?!

wow, look at you. i didn’t realize TEST and Goons had to meet your personal standards for a what “real war” was or else they’re not allowed to call it a “war”!!

can you gatekeep how people play a video game even harder?


are you new to this? This is not IRL - it takes a while to deploy and raise the banners.

This war isn’t a joke - but it sure as hell gonna be a MemeFactory.

It IS a joke though.

there’s a meme with a dinosaur and a bee and a picture of flat earth - what in the actual do you expect?

You’re avoiding the point. The war is a joke, it’s about nothing and will change nothing. It’s an arranged duel between two shitfit carebears where they both agreed to stop at half armour and where they both ■■■■ talk during the “fight”.

Ever consider this could be TEST “test” to shake up their alliance or even turn on those who are with them, the goons have always had good luck with turning CEOS and others against their own allies.

Sitcom in Space… ok… does it matter?

17 year old game in milking mode

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Ok let’s face it. The days of epic year long conflicts are over. It’s become a stalemate with no real reason to break it, this state will continue. All I have to say to goons and test is have fun and give us a highlight reel on youtube later. I will be in high moving stuff around and shooting mission rats lol.

how is that? i’ve came back after a long time away and ican’t war-dec one man tax dodge corps now, i don’t know why they did this? people just mine and run missions and incursions in peace now. it makes me mad

You can’t wardec them, but you can still kill them by investing in a gank alt. It’s a change in playstyle to engage them in highsec, not immunity to PvP.

emm well, the fun was in the threat, i’d politely ask for money to drop the dec, then show up and lock them down and politely ask for the money, and if they said no or didn’t respond, i would take them to hull. i only killed one person who was freaking out calling me slurs, but i’d take them to hull and usually just let them go, i didn’t want to cost someone an expensive ship. even if they paid i’d just give it back, i’m not super rich but i didn’t need 50 or 100 million ISK and if someone is grinding missions, i didn’t want to ruin their time. it was just a fun thing i’d do once in a while so people would respect the war-dec… now it’s gone and it just kinda sucks. it’s fine though, i stil find other ways to have fun, it was one of the things that convinced me to come back and then it’s gone, idk it just sucks.


Fair enough. The reasoning for the change is logical (new player experience with wardecs was really awful and proven to be a significant factor in player retention rates due to a small population of overly aggressive wardec corps) but the implementation definitely falls short of awesome and is clearly not an ideal fox for to the original issue.

Who? I assume these aren’t high-sec groups?

It doesn’t matter if they “inform the enemy about their actions 2 weeks beforehand”.

Reasons: (1) fleet movements and preparations of the size that are needed to pull this off cannot go unnoticed, and also take weeks if not longer … (2) you assume test&co haven’t been preparing for a while before they nipped the NIP in the butt, or that the spy networks haven’t gotten wind of it before it became public, that would be assuming much… (3) although there is some rustle in the bushes of Fountain and in the northwest, this is still the early days of propaganda, psychological war and even spin doctoring on one of the sides, as much to confuse and challenge the enemy as to create enthusiasm with their members in the prospect of “content”.

It takes two to tango, and so far it’s only some hip shaking, true. But it’s far too soon to tell if it will be a real clash and how big it is going to be of a “world war bee”.

On the contrary, they would risk a lot, they know they are not invincible at all, not any of the big coalitions. The metagame doesn’t follow fixed paths, that’s the beauty of it.