TEST vs Goons: this war is a joke

Was it last year when they skipped the annual summer war?

Our options in regards to undeccable corporations boil down to infiltration and suicide ganking. I am not aware if deploying a POCO gantry is still a thing we can use to make corporations deccable involuntarily. Tangentially: This connects to another problem, which is people hiding in neutral corporations, while using a holding corp’s structures.

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I thought TEST was goons


The anchoring bug (where players not authorized to anchor still could, making them wardec-eligible on demand) was fixed; unless a corp is badly configured, it shouldn’t be possible for the average corp member to anchor wardec-qualified structures.

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mittani spoken clear. dinos gonna be erased from eve. or goons. no more nip. test is a enemy nr1 now for goons.
entire goons playerbase prepairs for the war. last counters was some at 2.2k goons in one system. that was without diverse alts and inactive vets resub again. test is dead, they just dont know it yet now.

Entire goons player base mostly care only of making ISK
If their cut off of it - they will be demoralized very very fast.
Nobody want to loose their precious.

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bs. i am 200% krab. but i will defend my isk ground with everything i have to make in future more isk. yes some will be leave. but many have 4-5 titans and several supers on each alt. that can not all be asset safed anymore. so we fight until we dead or win this fight! ■■■■ test!

and also care about the next step, using that ISK to defend their assets, territory, influence and power, and attack whoever needs to be attacked.

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It’s like all these people are too new to understand that the summer wars have been a thing for years, only interrupted by last years Black Out.

may be. but this one is not a joke. nip is annulated on 5th. mittani is pissed. goons are bored. because of BO last year all gonna prepair to fight and wanna fight. it will be “so nice” ™ ncosis. we will see.



This seems more accurate to me:


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After recent changes to EVE Online, there is a crisis of content in big 0.0 blocks. Such heavy entities are unstable like Uranium-232. Their leaders are busy on the task how to entertain their members somehow. The issue is that almost all “hostile” groups had been finished their wars during the last year. In my opinion, nobody is interested in a big and true EVE war currently, but almost everybody is interested in some kind of proxy-wars or dreadbomb drops on easy and defenseless targets without extra risks.

The so called conflict between TEST and Imperium “WWBII” will be more likely a null-sec Faction Warfare over border zones. Considering the fact that Imperium leaders likes the name of war this time, they believe that they’ll be winners (and will not take a fascist role as a defeated side). The will to invade Delve is minimal and vice versa. Some kind of “summer fun”.But I’ll not exclude a scenario when the situation will escalate unexpectedly. It mostly depends by what other in game entities will decide to do overall.

What is a nip?

non invasion pact

But you guys still share highsec with them, and the TTT?

good point. idk how it affect that. maybe the loser loses it? :smile:

That’s not even historically accurate.