Thank you CCP for raising prices!

It simple

Your case

“This price rise is targetting me because I am RUSSIAN”

No, they are doing it because richer Russians than you are able to afford it more than you can.

There’s nothing else to this.

You are wrong again. I donated PLEX via CCP programm from Haiti to Japan.

What has that to do with subscription prices?

I do not agree. the price increase is not because I am Russian. but because I am not able / not ready to pay so much in this difficult period. but I like this game. and I would like to continue to play it.

lol, no. If regional prices were in Ukraine too and CCP removed it. Quite possibly I would support Ukrainians/Poles/Koreans etc. Anyway Im even have an ukrainian surname if you so worried about the Russian question.

Yet you both keep bringing up that you are Russian, and dont deserve the price hike.

Honesty, either there is a language issue, or you guys are trying not to understand.

Look for what its worth, I personally believe in people being charged what they can comfortably afford, but thats too socialist these days apparently, so this is capitalism.

I dont like it when my bus fare goes up either, but Im not complaining and making it about nationalism when everyone is in the same pandemic.

It has already been said several times that we are not opposed to paying for what we like at the same price. but not during the period of unemployment. but you rested your forehead against the wall and do not want to hear others and their opinions. I believe that you are a person limited in worldview. Yes, we may be wrong, maybe they have their own motives, but we don’t understand them and it looks like intentional mockery.

Dude, it’s really become strange that you so support the theme that doesn’t even touch your wallet.

It’s our Russian problem. Because it touchs our wallet.

But you said you don’t even play and that you could easily pay for it anyway so it doesn’t touch your wallet at all.

You evidently havent read anything Ive written then.

Its not like you guys dont know what to do if you get pissed at capitalists.

Will you justify everything by capitalism? unreasonable increase in loans, prices for utilities, travel. This is just capitalism. and you will not defend / express your rights / opinions?
you can always come to compromise decisions, the main thing is to discuss them and be ready to listen.

If you can’t tell the difference between a luxury item like EVE and essential goods/services that are required for life, well, I don’t know what to say to you.

CCP is not a charity. They don’t owe you a discount on EVE just because there’s a high unemployment rate. The fact that you are trying to frame this as some kind of injustice is completely absurd.


Justify implies I think its right. I do not. I do not think its right, but thats the world if you want video games and fast cars and stuff that doesnt help anybody.

However Im certainly aware of the realities of needing money to live, and if its EvE or bread, EvE loses.

Yeah but have you not noticed CCP doesnt discuss things?

Where are the people you are trying to talk to? I dont see em here.


They dont care if you are Russian, Bahaman or Martian.

No, we have planned payments and plans for spending time. and it doesn’t matter if it’s a game or paying for electricity if it is part of our daily lives. Buying chocolate for example is not necessary, but we still take it, because it is tasty, we like it, but if it becomes more expensive than the amount that we pay for it, we will stop buying it, although we will be sad.

Thats how the rest of us deal with games we cant afford too

they are waiting for a community reaction (as they said) and I express my opinion

Ok, then what’s the problem? What you’re describing is just basic capitalism: the company sets a price, consumers choose whether or not to buy at that price. If the increased per-customer revenue offsets the loss of customers then the business comes out ahead. There’s no moral issue here at all.

Fair dos!