Thank you for everything <3

Fly safe, CCP Guard.

I am overwhelmingly glad now that I took my wife to EVE Vegas 2018. She absolutely loved Permaband and even though she knows almost nothing about EVE at all; her comment, referring to CCP Guard, was “That guy is GOOD!”

Honestly, I find it difficult to imagine CCP without Guard.

o7 friend


Fly well friend.

This place you can never leave. It always exists within you and the harder you try to push it away the closer it seems to come!

I am sure we shall all be seeing you again soon in some capacity or another.

16 years… 16 years and your only “real” job as you put it… Hell, that’s a career and we are all sad to see you go! Even those of us who have never met you or dealt with you on a regular basis can recognize that such dedication on your part shows just how deeply connected you are to your work and everything you are passionate about! 16 years is two MD degrees ya know :wink: So you have the essentials of two Eve Online medical doctorates and I do hope that the Powers That Be plan something special for your leaving us here in New Eden.

Thank you CPP Guard for all that you have given. 16 years is amazing and you should wear that with much pride.

Not 16 years in, but almost 13 :wink:


Gosh. If that happened today I wonder how many players would be told to go pound sand.


16 years… a run as long as EVE itself. Only been here for 6 years as a player, so consider me impressed. CCP Guard in various EVE videos has been a constant presence during my time in game… you will be missed, sir! o7


On behalf of all of PushX we are certainly going to miss CCP Guard. He helped us implement the PushX Elephant Race and it turned out to be a blast! He will always hold a special place in my heart. I’m sure CCP Guard will be successful in anything he is involved with. Fly safe! o7


miss the guard


And I never managed to deliver your munitions to you, either. I feel I failed you somehow. :wink:

Fly safe Guard, and I hope to see you at EVEsterdam. <3


Thank you for your amazing investments in our Universe, thx for the many laughs we had together. Good luck in your future endeavors.


GL on you new challange

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@CCP_Guard Thank you for everything you’ve done for the EVE community over your sixteen years at CCP. As someone who started playing at fourteen and grew up with you being the face of the game, it was a honor and a privilege getting to meet and work with you on the CSM. But one’s time in EVE/CCP, as with all good things, must come to an end.

So I wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your career. You will always be a true Battleship among men in my heart. o7



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CCP Guard was the face of CCP for me. His departure will leave a hole it will take a very big man to fill.
Thanks for all you have done for us CCP Guard, you went over and above for the Eve community.
Whatever you do I know a man of your stature will succeed.
Fly safe and carry our best wishes and gratitude with you :smile:

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Thank you for your hard work, good luck and all the best wishes for the future!

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Hey man, sorry for the late reply.

You are good Eve culture, and we’ll all be the lesser without you helping the staff. Good luck in your endeavors, and thank you for your time. :slight_smile:

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Fair Winds and Following Seas, CCP Guard. You have been the public face for our community for so long and though it saddens us all that you are moving on, it’s wonderful that you going out to try new things. I feel it’s a healthy thing and I wish you be best in your endeavors.

Viva La Guardia!

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07 Mate. I look forward to teaching you how to swear in English again. :slight_smile:

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“Quitting is just a means of communication…”
Godspeed, amazing Sir. I take comfort in the fact that getting to wave goodbye to your incarnation we know so well, sealed my deal of buying a ticket for Evesterdam. Bring Vitamin B: you will need it.
o7 Hope to fly/mine/fight with you some time in the future!

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Good luck


Fly safe 0/ CCP Guard

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