Thanks for everything Guard. And thanks for our picture on the big screen in Fanfest!
Thanks for everything you’ve done to the community. Fly safe, Guard!
o7 Guard
Wow…I cannot even. Best of luck, of course, on your future endeavors. We will truly miss you. I hope you become a rock star for your next pathway, like you have for us.
You will be missed.
Fly safe!
well damn. gl out there, fly dangerous
Can i have your stuff ):
Thank you so much for your service to the community … I always considered you the soul of EvE.
You probably don’t remember, but we had a short talk at the bar during Vegas party 2014 where you asked me what cocktail I had and then ordered the same. I don’t remember the cocktail, only that it was a recommendation from a goon.
Wish you the best of everything, good luck, and satisfying success with your new job.
o7 Thanks for everything, and was awesome to see you, when I gone to the EVE Online fanfest of 2017 ^^.
Going to miss you Boss
o7 - Thank you for everything Guard. Fly safe.
You have been one of the best parts of this community, I wish all my best to all you do in the future.
Thank you for giving us the best ship in EVE!
@CCP_Guard, My Little Buddy, even tho we never met, but to see you time and again with such a positive attitude that even in public certainly made you one of the most loved fellow space friends out there, I wish for you and your family the very best wishes in your new adventures.
Of all the shows I ever watched was the 07 show and your bright cheerful positive smile brought a lot of confidence that you were in control.
Yes, even tho I have retired from Eve and moved on, you were one of the very best and you proven that time and again, and in the future to be.
Fly Reckless my Friend! 07
Fly well Guard.
Pilot. Dev. Legend.
So long and thanks for all the (friend) ships
Thank you Guard for all these years. You really have been the light of this community for me and for everyone else too.
Fly safe and godspeed to your future endeavors!
Thank you for being an important part of something that has given great joy for over a decade.
Look forward to seeing you in game and hope you FC a public fleet:
“Attention all capsuleers; warp,…warp to the dance floor,…er I mean mark!”
o7 Guard, Never has there been a more classy Icelandic man than yourself, fond memories of meeting your good self at Eve meets in the uk, and sincerely hope where ever the future takes you it’s for the best and all works out well for you!
Also, it’s about time you joined us in RvBland again…
WOW, in many respects you have been the face of CCP to me. While I will miss you I wish you the best of fortune in your future. Fly safe (or come to Provi and I may help kill you )
Take care, have fun in your new Job (and if you dont, please come back).
Take care Guard. I remember when I first saw this kid hosting the first few alliance tournaments all those years a go. (Spoiler I was still in my early 20’s myself) You’ve done Eve a great service and will be missed.
I had the pleasure of meeting you, and hugging the snot out of you in Vegas last year and wish you all the best.
I’ll miss seeing your ugly mug on The o7 Show. Fly safe.
this basically destroyed my morale today but I do wish you good luck though