Thank you for making it easy to quit

I biomass at least twice a day. High fiber diet really helps.

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lmao, if you have to fall back on a hyphen to be all “technically, we didn’t mislead you”, it’s pretty clear showing that the game is dead and CCP have no ■■■■■■■ clue what they’re doing.

Side note, are they paying CSM for damage control? Because a lot of you are succing the D hard tonight.


Yes, I have biomassed several times. Then again I also keep switching character, I’m an idiot like that. This one is my highest SP active character. I do have older chars but those are dormant, I stopped playing them.

Not saying it makes any sort of sense, it really doesn’t but sometimes I need to “get away from it all” and thus I do stupid ■■■■ like this.

LoL. Actually. I can relate. Fly safe. In this made up pixel world. Or in the real world.

“Flight NACL1 to tower - request departure clearance”

“Tower to Flight NACL1 - you are cleared for departure runway zero-seven”

*turns radio on to maximum broadcast range * “FLIGHT NACL1 DEPARTING - SO LONG SUCKERS!”

No PVP balance

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