The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

These are just baits for gankers, so the real loot piňata can squeeze in and get through the pipe unharmed.


Zkill is full of Fenrir kills where the ship is worth way more than all the cargo. In fact I’d say that’s 2/3 or more of all Fenrir kills. In some cases I see people using a 2.4bn ISK ship to carry 70m ISK worth of cargo.

Zkill is full of Fenrir kills where the ship is worth way more than all the cargo.

This is only due to gankers can’t do math.

I killed a Fenrir once:


Yes…its definitely worth losing a 3.5bn ship over 1m ISK of cargo :slight_smile:

Actually, now I look again there wasn’t any cargo, just 1m worth of cargo expanders.

[R I O T vs Mechanical Advantage]
Actually a very good catch. +1

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That’s griefing and CCP should ban them all long time ago.

Surprised you didn’t die of boredom, must have been banging away for a good 15 minutes.

That’s a good point you made. That’s another reason why PvE should be scrapped from EVE Online.

They don’t, not in PvE. That’s why PvP is much more rewarding.

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They should remove PvE from the game.

Instead, you should buy plex and spend it on roulette.

Winners get to play, losers go home.


They won’t. PvE is the kitchen in EVE’s restaurant… and Hilmar does the dishes :rofl:

You go buy PLEX if you want to. I don’t need to be rich in a game that gives free ships and modules.
And do you mean Russian Roulette or the game of chance?

…and F the prom queen.

You gotta at least buy me a coffee first.


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Not first. I buy the breakfast after the fact… if it was good.

:pancakes: :princess: :waffle:
:bacon: :egg: :bacon:

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Oh it will be… she will gank you in your sleep.

I helped killed a freighter too

And didn’t lose anything doing it.

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It’s easier when there is no CONCORD.


True but its still fun to do

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Ok, so come gank with us.

Prove you think it’s fun…

And you think i would trust you, you won’t even let me join why was i ganked.

My eve time is unfortunately limited due to real and im happy doing what i do but thxs for offer