The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread


Or you can just make a new alt and continue for another decade?

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Oh gawd…yet another ‘28 day old character’ with no killboard whatever yet who has posts full of comments about people and things before they ever joined up. I mean, how or why would a 4 day old noob posting on Feb 3rd even know about Gix ? How would a 4 day old noob know or even care that ‘Destiny doesn’t play the game’ ?

You’ve made numerous comments that clearly imply you have been in the game for quite some time…so excuse me if I find it hilarious that you are now pretending to be a 28 day old noob.

Er…maybe I should add ‘again’ to that.


Glad you clarified. I thought you were talking about something else!

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Sometimes I think these might be the same person!

No, you’re not allowed to be abusive towards the ISD, spread rumors and discuss moderation. (I have the screen shots of your last epic escapades with the ISD…)

Besides you already knew this. I’m fairly certain you’re just another alt of “he-who-must-not-named-otherwise-he’ll-abuse-the-flagging-system-to-get-your-post-censored.”

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As a 4 day old noob I’d never heard of the infamous Aiko Danuja…in fact I did not even know what ganking was or that there even were any Eve forums. I was still at that 'look at me, everyone…I’m flying a Venture ! ’ level of naivety. So yes…when people come on here and they already hate you after just 4 days in the game and without even being ganked…its pretty obvious they are not really noob.

Noob - yes, Newbie - no

The princess does have a way with words

Onto this thread though and if you wish to discuss with me then that is fine too.

There are times when it is required to jump out of +stats clone and undock into the dangers of highsec which i do with grace. I take risks and even visit Tama.

If you may converse with me here by answering, what sort of risks would be appropriate for someone who doesn’t focus on pvp as the primary goal in New Eden actually take on a daily adventure?

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Hello forum😃

You can discuss almost anything about EVE but it has to be constructive and positive, be on topic and criticize the ideas, not the poster.
Mentioning moderation in any way is a sure way to get your posts hidden and deleted.
Not everything you think is valid for a post. Most times it’s better to let it go and not post, especially when you know that it won’t make any difference in the grand scheme of things.
Also, conspiracy theories aren’t welcome in the public square. Thought I’d mention it just in case…

Fifie laughing her butt off.

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I recommend that they should plant cranberries during the autumn season. It has one of the highest gold per harvest yield and the plant isn’t consumed. So you can get multiple yields.

It’s the least riskiest of the autumn plants and provides one of the highest gold/hr returns.

There are faster ways

True, but that involves risk. And for the risk adverse crybear, they would either cry to have it removed from the game, or the basic mechanic changed so that they can reap the reward without any of said risk.

Haven’t seen or heard anyone from my crew so far so I can sefely say that I’m alone in the ship.

:smile: I found that out for myself. Those guys don’t F around. They remind me of the… never mind.

True. Nobody cares anyway, lol.

I must’ve missed that part. Thanks for letting me know that there’s a problem with the words I use and the thoughts I think.
So to recap:
Write nicely about EVE.
Do not mention other players.
Do not mention CCP.
Do not mention ISD.
Got it🙂

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It doesn’t seem to make much of a difference if there’s a crew in the ship or not since they count for nothing and give no bonus.

I don’t indeed and you shouldn’t also. It’s just a game. It shouldn’t have any impact on you except a good one. If it’s not the case then it simply means it’s not the game for you and you should move on to something more aligned with your personality and values.
And you’re welcome.

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Helloo :smiley:
@Zaera_Keena Hello Kitty is a very nice game. I used to play it for a while and it kept me entertained for hours on end. Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.


She didn’t knock it.

She suggested it as an alternative game that might be better suited to that particular persons game style.