The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

Upon thinking about it, there are a lot of great games out there that are not necessarily pvp oriented.

Some of my favorites include
Cyberpunk 2077
Surviving Mars
Stardew Valley
Darkest Dungeon
Civilization VI
Rivercity ransom underground
Elite Dangerous.

I think the issue arises is that in EvE, there really isn’t a way to “turn off” pvp, and other players that are in a pvp mindset can, and may, force you into pvp. (A gank).

As far as I am concerned, non-consensual pvp is a core value adding to the dark, dystopian future that is the EvE setting. If you can’t fight for what you have, then you better be ready to have it stripped from you.

Even the lowely “defenseless” (no such thing in this game. I, and Destiny both have a lot of pvp kills using a venture, and I’ve lost ships to skiffs) miner can strike back. In fact this is the only game I know where you can take revenge is so many different forms, and that just feeds into that dark dystopian universe of quasi-gods in ships with enough destructive firepower to level planets. With enough funds to crash entire planetary economies.

This game really is unique and a gem.


I’m had never reached the cow level in New Eden yet.

Pretty sure it was shut down over a decade ago, unless someone is running a community server somehow.

She suggests an alternative that doesn’t exist anymore… yea.
Thanks for insulting my intelligence.

You can play the game yourself with paint.

Just select the plants u want, cut and paste where u want.

That’s my farm, you just cut and paste what you like, and it’s fun. No need for developers or subscription fees. No griefers to burn your farm. You can do the same thing in EvE, just find the ships you want and paste them into a station hangar. Or even paste them in space if you want to live dangerously and undock.


I want to have whatever you’re smoking. What do you put in your bong?

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@Aiko_Danuja I might’ve known.

Oh but frosty , you have , CCP have been milking you for 5 years now.

Your intelligence was insulted over a person suggesting an alternative game, that also happens to no longer be available?

That’s a pretty trivial thing to get all tushy troubled over.

Perhaps forums aren’t your thing.

I suggest


for you. You don’t have to be worried about getting triggered over nonsense with that particular activity.

It is pretty trivial and I’m not troubled over it at all, remains the fact that you insulted my intelligence and you continue to do it by pretending you didn’t.

Forum are precisely my thing.
Perhaps people aren’t your thing.

If you’d paid attention to your own thread you’d know that I played that game and liked it a lot so you trying to trigger me with that is very dumb on your part.
Don’t be surprised if I ignore you from now on… along with all you trolls ( you know who you are ).

@Ax_l_Thorne Your reply: “Bye!” I know how you uncivilized cheeseheads operate on these forum.

Again zero proof that Frostpacker had received access to the Cow Level in the past 5 years…

We are who we say we are when we play we pay without being milked by anyone.,

Right to insults I see.

You sound pretty triggered right now. Maybe take a break from the forums. Play some hello kitty online to recenter yourself. Get some perspective and realize that it’s not worth getting all tushy troubled over posts on a forum about pixilated spaceships.

I’m not responsible for managing your emotions for you. You yourself are allowing yourself to be insulted by that trivial nonsense. Not me. Stop playing the victim and (insert preferred gender pronoun here) up.

No, I don’t think they are. You get pretty triggered over stupid forum stuff.

I didn’t say you didn’t like playing it. Perhaps you should spend some time reading and applying reading comprehension to what others have posted. It would save you a lot of heartache.

Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.

If you don’t want to be insulted don’t reply to them😃 It may mean you only have exchanges with a few members but at least it will be a civilized exchange.

You’re insulted by the word “cheesehead” ? :rofl:
Maybe it’s you who needs to play


True. Moreover I know who the uncivilized are so the blame is mine, really.

So, Nienna. Ganking Ebil or Ganking Goob?:grinning:
Might as well go back on topic, lol.

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Well played! Take my gold star!


That entire shtick of one fresh alt coming into the forums and “blocking” all the regulars until the only person they still talk with is another fresh alt that came in at the exact same time they did, with the only stuff being posted between the two being rants about how all the regulars are trolls and how blocked they are, is so trite and played out at this point.


Yes. And I bet it’s a very stimulating conversation.


And somehow being blocked by forum alts of [redacted] is some sort of punishment?


I saw one of them walking long the street arguing with themself. Would stop, punch themself in the face, then continue walking and arguing, stop, punch themself in the face again…stop, punch themself in the face…