The 2023 ganking is good (or Ebil) megathread

Doesn’t matter to me. I have no value invested in the game but for the free stuff that’s given in missions and whatnot. Once I make some profits I biomass and make another character who inherits all the stuff and I start over.
My next one will be Amarr. I want to see how fun their lazers are.
Whoever ganks me won’t get much. I don’t use implants, rigs sheilds… maybe I put some armor and I’m good to go. I fight the NPC pions, make a little money in bounties and material reprocessing then I go to sleep. Nothing spectacular and it’s free.
Thumbs up to the arts department by the way.

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I’m not an alt, I’m my own independent person. I have no killboard because I think its hilarious you even think killboards matter, or maybe I do have a killboard cuz i joined one nullbear blob and it shows that I can do it, or actually I have a killboard but I won’t tell you who I really am because I’m a big deal and it would really be a truth you are not prepared to handle. Besides, even if I have no experience in the game whatsoever, a good idea is a good idea, and I’m full of good ideas which is why I repeat them so often in long bitter rants which nobody actually reads. So without further ado, here I go, so ok I have no problem with PvP in a game, and I even think ganking is a fine mechanic, but it’s too easy to gank and the griefing is out of control. I’m not at all concerned about getting my freighter through Uedama, I’m actually super concerned about newbro Ventures and rookie players getting harassed out of the game, and I think it’s really sick and disgusting how these cyberbullies just act so toxic, I think they are all a bunch of [toxic inappropriate words and personal attacks go here]. It’s ok to act this way toward them, because you fight fire with fire, and if they don’t like it they need to harden up, this is EvE Online and gankers need to be banned for that stuff but antigankers are the good guys and can do it all the time. So ya those gankers should be banned, and they are obviously sleeping with the devs, in fact I have proof that they are autobotting and I reported them so many times I actually had some alts banned for spamming the devs and here is my log proof video showing that their entire fleet warped simultaneously and they even prefired their modules!!! I’m a new player, but I did my research, and I’ve been playing for twenty years as an elite nullsec industrial PvP expert, in fact I even FC’d Burn Jita and ganked two freighters solo at once, so I know how easy and unbalanced ganking is, and I think it’s really just harassment for you to pretend that I’m the alt of that other person, I don’t even know who they are or why I’ve liked so many of their posts, and why have they liked so many of my posts, and how do i know about that conversation they had two years ago, so ok hold on I’m gonna cut and paste part of my rant here, and I’m gonna hide my posting history because it seems people have started to notice my ten year obsession, so ok so anyways I explaining that I’m totally not that other person, it’s just a really absurd thing for you to troll and harass me about, all I want to do is have a reasonable discussion about ganking and you guys keep trying to derail the conversation. Ganking is griefing, and EvE is actually not a PvP game, in fact ganking is PvE because they are just fighting concord and it’s actually unethical to shoot a ship that can’t shoot back.

-JJPNotAlt :sunglasses:


Aiko, stop lying. Everyone knows your my alt, and I’m an alt of Destiny.

And I’m a 12 year old girl serving multiple consecutive lifetime sentences for blowing up pixilated spaceships in nonconsensual pvp. And I think that all gankers should be locked up in real life and sent to rehabilitation / reeducation centers for being anti-social psychopaths. And for repeat offenders they should be [insert capital punishment here] because they are beyond redemption.

EvE needs to be safe place for the newbros that have multitrillion isk wallets and freighters worth billions.

You’re not missing anything, honestly.

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Hellooo forum😃

That sounds unconventional to say the least.

Have fun. I’m sticking with the Gallente and this character.

You’re a casual player then. That’s okay, everyone is free to play games the way they want to. I don’t see why you’d biomass and keep creating new characters but if it’s allowed, why not.

I agree. EVE looks gorgeous.

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Aiko does not lie, she does gank though, alot.

How would you know? You never been a cow, you homicidal maniac.

I’ve eaten plenty of them tho. Very tasty.

Keep your fangs out of frosty


I’ll put my fangs wherever I damn well please!

I’m an inconsiderate ganker pro pvper homicidal axe wielding 12 year old girl serving multiple consecutive life time sentences for blowing up pixelated spaceships in a video game maniac. Or have you forgotten?

You will do as I say

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Wouldn’t ganking already be considered pooping outside the litterbox?

I mean, it makes a nice mess

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We’re talking about completely different things.

:cow: :cow2: :cow: :cow2: :cow: :cow2:

Ganking is not an important aspect of the game

Ganking is however an acceptable play style.

Ganking is not a core aspect of playing the game .

PvP should be directed towards faction warfare or via war decks in highsec.


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CCP took most of that away. Hence ganking…

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They could read and listen to the numinous requests delivered by Aiko and or was it Destiny.

In any case there should be an option for increased HS Wars by making it mandatory to anchor a player structure if inside a Corporation.

Also all Pilots hiding under NPCcorps should automatically be enlisted into faction warfare!

It’s time to make the decision!

It’s way too late with the latest gen of gamers for it to make any difference at this point. And that is the saddest part.