Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great that both sides are competing and providing content (even if I personally agree with one more than the other), but let’s not obfuscate the real reasons for AG behind some kind of feel-good RL “what if” agenda.
Yes, things can happen in real life that require players to suddenly walk away from their PCs. But all we have to do is look at the proportion of such events (rare) to the amount of AFKing that goes on in the game in general (most of the players most of the time) to understand that the odds of someone being AFK due to a genuine emergency are exceptionally low. Predicating AG activities on the intent to save players having an emergency is fundamentally dishonest, and whitewashes many players’ bad gameplay decisions. It would be a much better idea to come together as a community and do something nice for people who undergo true emergencies, than to save everyone on the off-chance that something bad happened and they weren’t simply ignorant and not paying attention to the game.
Relegating the justification behind AG to such an argument does nothing but diminish the justification of AG from a moral perspective (which, once again, even if I disagree with personally, I think is valid).
First of all do not quote anything from that character back to me when you reply to me. Because if you do I will have to block you, which will be a shame after deciding to unblock you.
It is amusing that you all picked up on my first paragraph but ignored the second, which was what I think most likely happened. And there is no moral perspective in this as such, because I was actually joking.
Like many AG I get discouraged by the sheer number of people with no tank and doing things that make them easy kills.
To be clear, I am not justifying anything in terms of this event from a moral perspective, this fight was all about resisting gankers. It took them three bites at the cherry. Most of all it was fun and I had a feeling that the gankers were a bit fed up that they failed several times based on some of their comments in local and spamming local with odd stuff.
What I most enjoyed was getting on a ganker freighter kill with Tina, always good…
I just hope that was not deliberate. And I have to ask why don’t you and people like you tell that other poster to calm down. The reason is simple isn’t it. No my reaction was cold and calm. Does that upset you?
The way that you adjusted what I said indicates that it did…
Okay well first of all, I’m pretty sure I was replying to him, as you can tell from the context of my post, which is in agreement to what he said.
Second, while I have nothing against you, I literally couldn’t give less of a ■■■■ if you block me (or if anyone else does for that matter), and find it massively entertaining whenever someone actually does it, so that’s pretty much an empty threat. Come back when you have something like getting together with your friends to beat me up, which might actually cause me to terror-■■■■ myself.
I am just asking you not to quote that person like that and with me in it, I think you did that deliberately as you know very well how these forums work and how to get around the block system, so if you do it again I will block you. Try to do better.
The fact that you think that I know who you have on your block list is such an extreme level of egomania, that even I can’t relate to it, and I’m the kind of person who has mirrors installed on the ceiling above their bed.
@ISD_Golem you seem the most reasonable that I have seen, can you have a look at this please. You might want to start by looking at all the replies to me by Gix Firebrand to understand what is going on and why this was done. Thankyou, and I will end this reply to Destiny at this point, I have said enough.
Yes, Vlad, ask the ISD to “look into” me replying to a post I agreed with because I wasn’t specifically tracking your interactions with another poster to know that you have a forum beef with them and have them blocked.
After all, that’s what everyone is here for; to be consciously aware of your opinions about everyone else who posts on these forums.
Vlad, here’s some advice: get a close friend who isn’t an EVE player to look at our interaction over these past few posts, and ask them for an honest opinion on who’s being the dummy.
I want to add to this that, at least in my experience, for people who genuinely have to AFK for an emergency, the emergency itself puts their loss into perspective. They become acutely aware that there are much more important things to be concerned about than the loss of a ship, its cargo, and a pod.
On the two or so occasions I’ve had serious scares and left Eve running for whatever reason I was just glad that I and my family were still alive and well (or alive and in the hospital, I guess, but you get the idea). What happened to my character in Eve was the furthest thing from my mind.
Once things settled down and I could get back to the game, the relief from the resolution of the emergency far outweighed any concern I had for what I could have lost in Eve. I just don’t feel like people having a genuine emergency are going to be all that concerned about other things, and if they hold it against other players that they lose a ship they had to abandon to take care of an emergency, that seems petty.
I have heard of it happening, and there are times that you have to go deal with stuff, for example my daughter insists to have all her stuff delivered to my house and often forgets to warn me of that or they are a day early.
At the risk of going off topic, the issue is with the way that certain gankers and ganker defenders think. For some reason, they think that what I said was an attack on them, how dare these sociopaths attack someone with a medical emergency was what I said somehow in their mind, and as such I had to be attacked for it.
I don’t think that all gankers are sociopaths period, and there was nothing wrong with attacking that ship, period.
So how best to get back at me for making him feel defensive when that was not my intent, but in his mind it is that what I said, ah I know by quoting me in a reply to another player who I blocked, and where there is real history there which resulted in his main no longer being able to use these forums, his fault not mine by the way.
Of course it will be decided that I am being unreasonable. But whatever, and I am called the forum warrior, lol.
I am blocking them when they do this, because life is too short, but it is a shame.
Or maybe just maybe the opinion that saving a player that’s afk from the consequences of being afk does nothing but reinforce lazy play styles is valid and deserves some discussion.
And putting someone on ignore for engaging in that discussion because they quoted someone on your ignore list is well……… I have no polite words so I shall refrain.