The cost of suicide ganking is too low

That’s actually false, I can log in as many alpha accounts as my ram allows. Your “supposed” to only use one at a time, but it’s by no means impossible, or even difficult to bypass.

Then you would be breaching the EULA and could be banned for this.

Make isk with all those alphas and transfer it to your main, see how long it takes to get a ban
Transfer assets to those character from your main, see how long it takes to get a ban
etc etc
People do get bans for this, but they are banned so you don’t get to find out.

SO EASY to have a load of fully competent Omegas, cost to set up initial accounts and get skill farm running much less than cost of running multiple VMs. hiding IP etc, and you will still get banned, so why not just skill farm omegas.

But by all means, give it a go and let us know what happens (if you don’t get a ban, which you will as soon as you let us know).

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I can’t deny they would be a likely outcome, however I can attest to alliance mates and friends and hell even a suicide ganker who have been doing it for YEARS without any hassle. I wager it’s just not prevalent enough to hurt CCP’s bottom line, so they don’t care. Or my assumption that eve is going F2P entirely within a year or two is accurate.

Citation needed.

Please tell me more about this ganker who has been multi-boxing ALPHA accounts for “YEARS”?

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Calm down. There definitely are people who do this, and it’s likely that at least one of them is a suicide ganker.

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And that makes his claim factual that someone has been doing something for “YEARS” (sic) that has only existed for 12.5 months?

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No, it doesn’t. Nothing makes his claim factual. Everyone can observe that “years” is an exaggeration and everyone can question if he actually thinks when he types. I was mistaken about your reason for calling him out for it, and i commented on it to prevent his irrelevant and wrong claim to gain unnecessary attention. No one gives a ■■■■ about it, and there’s no reason for you to do so either.

I’m not trying to command you here, i’m trying to reason with you. Think about it. Irrelevant posts by random people from the internet, which will just drown in the masses of posts that were created before, and will be created after it. His claim is irrelevant, and it doesn’t deserve Drama, or too much attention.

Like absolutely most of them.


Exactly, the point of I was trying to convey is that it is the absolute freedom to use your account how ever one wishes, but this does beg the question, who can afford 6+ accounts to be a -10, in those accounts they have 2 other alts, so what to do?

Choice, pay for your accounts



So this begs to ask, who can afford it, the most simple answer is those that pay for the 6 accounts, or are a player involved in some very lucrative areas, I have my thoughts but obviously no proof to place blame, but it is someone who has too much damn time on their hands and that is bit disturbing.

I don’t disagree with you, I wasn’t intending any actual drama or intention. Just using “Citation Needed” as a modern version of “you’re full of ■■■■!” :slight_smile:

  • Please see my profile if you were confused about if i was being serious or not. :imp:

Do you find multiboxing miners and ratters equally disturbing? What is it, that disturbs you?

Now i have a profile too! :smiling_imp:

Hi Fabulous Rod.

Black Pedro summarized it right, it is happening this way because the system enforces it. Also, it is happening because industrial ships are riddiculously squishy and the damage output of t1 destroyers is riddiculously high. Projectile weapons as if were designed for suicide ganking entirely…

I agree with you that suicide ganking is super easy to do and take no risk. However, as you noticed already there is a strong suicdeganker propaganda and so you will never win this “fight”.

If you want to change this you have to start doing this too. We need more players suicide ganking t1 industrials, shuttles and capsules. This won’t be adressed by CCP if only few players will do this.

If you can’t beat them, join them. I already did.

Send me a mail if you want to learn how to do this, to kill capsule all you need is a alpha clone character with 2 weeks of training or 1 skill injector used. The fit costs about 4milion - as you said yourself it costs nothing…


You’re so bad (and fake), you should be ashamed of yourself.


Finally, we get some unbiased suicide ganker input. Thank you for your honesty, and the offer, sir. I would agree on all points. CCP do seem to have embraced suicide ganking as a playstyle and made it accessible to even the newest of accounts. Presumably, this is supposed to contribute to EVEs “harsh” environment, but it mostly just makes the game tedious and annoying when you want to go anywhere, the worst part, for me at least, being that you have no way of combating suicide gankers without feeling like you are wasting your time, as they are only ever flying cheap, disposable ships. This seems a glaring inequity that overshadows much of the enjoyment of the game.

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This is a good area of exploration for the topic. What would people like to see changed with Facpol/Concord?

No, the life forms doing the ganking simply have too many currency, which makes everything less worth and worth less.

Just make remove much currency and New Eden will be a better place.


I find this entire thread sadly amusing.

While I believe the majority of the high sec griefers are alts of null sec players, CCP will certainly never ever release that information, as they protect the griefers at all costs. Bizarrely, CCP still believes that griefing high sec players at a ridiculously easy skill level and cost should be a cornerstone of Eve. Until that viewpoint changes, this entire thread is pointless.

The only way things will change is if there is a wholesale change in CCP management and senior devs. And that change won’t happen until the existing investors step in or new ownership happens. I think the self-destructive views of CCP are finally starting to catch up to them, but it is likely at least another fiscal year before the hopes and dreams of much of the player base that has left are realized, and sanity prevails in the direction Eve goes.


Damn, I almost wish I had less of a life, then I could “immerse” myself into the CCP/Goon conspiracy as well.

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You’re not good enough for these kinds of shenanigans. Your fake ganker doesn’t fool people.

Not only that, you’re also not smart enough to understand that IT MAKES NO ACTUAL DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER. :smiley:

If you want to make a difference, then go to reddit. They’ll deal with griefers like you pretty swiftly. :slight_smile:

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