Other than your arbitrary ‘Social Corps don’t do that’[1], why not? Again: Why should that 1 guy be forced to leave the corp, and all of his friends, just to find out if he likes something or not?
And it is arbitrary. You’re the one declaring the limitation there. You’re declaring it because it’s what social corps don’t do, but it’s only ‘what social corps don’t do’ because you say so.
Because the aim of the Social Corp is to promote people staying active and in the game. That’s why the idea’s being presented. The whole ‘let them build their own unique identity without being wardec’d’ is how it tries to keep people active and in the game, but the actual objective here is to keep people active and in the game.
People stay active when they have options. If something puts up obstacles to them for no good reason (and ‘it’s about HS wardecs’ isn’t a good reason to force people to stay in HS or leave their friends), then it’s going to make them not want to have to deal with it, or the game that it’s in.
If the entire corp has to be ready to convert before one person can see what other things are out there that they might want to try, then that’s a dead end. That one person is more likely to start feeling hemmed in and bored than everyone else is to be ready to try something new at the same time. He’s more likely to be annoyed at the game that’s limiting him, and he’s more likely to be annoyed at the friends who are suddenly ‘holding him back’.
Which is all a bunch of really good ways to get him to quit, and never come back.
The attrition from being wardecced, logging off and never returning, is happening in HS.
We know that, because wardecs are largely irrelevant in LS, and completely irrelevant in NS/WH.
As we know these players in HS are leaving due to wardec (as above), we also know that they DONT WANT to be in a war. They arent starting them, they are victims of them. They implicitly just want to PvE in HS without being wardecced.
This is simple, obvious logic.
Thus the point of Social Corps, is to retain small groups of HS PvErs, as wardec immune.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Any attempt to weaponize this for LS/NS/WH Corps, access to LS/NS/WH, or being able to commit suspect or criminal acts in a Social Corps, defeats the purpose of a Social Corps.
The point of Social Corps is to retain players. Attempting to force those players to remain in highsec will hurt retention. Thus, it’s counterproductive and bad.
As solution to ‘we’re bleeding players’ should not, itself, cost the game players.
And, if this was a true CCP devblog, I would only answer one way…
There it goes again, CCP being effin clueless for a change! Why should a mission runners be deprived of access to essential tools of his trade such as Mobile Depots and MTUs just for the stupid idea of joining a unwardeccable social corp? By doing that, joining other players would be a WORSE case than just staying in a NPC corporation. Does CCP want to encourage socalizing or just make highseccer’s life miserable for the sake of it? Seriously, what kind of rabid highsec hater has suggested this??
(rabble rabble rabble, and then)
November of 2021 is getting closer, CCP, don’t hasten its coming! EVE is already going down the drain fast enough without more middle fingering to highsec.
Social Corps offered wardec immunity is pointless in LS/NS/WH.
There is no point to Social Corps operating there. Those are PvP unrestricted areas, regardless of wardecs.
It has been established, in the CSM minutes this thread is about, that wardecs are causing attrition of players.
Since wardecs dont matter in LS/NS/WH, we KNOW this is about HS players, operating in HS, as PvErs.
This is astounding that you still dont get it, though Ive explained it repeatedly.
There is no alienation.
A Social Corp can become a Player Corp whenever it wants, or feels ready to do so, and any member can join an NPC or Player Corp whenever they want to commit suspect/criminal acts, venture outside of HS, place structures, declare war etc,
What’s astounding is that you don’t seem to be able to understand that one thing does not exclude the other. There’s no need to exclude social corps from doing those things, so why exclude them? The more avenues players have to find the things they like to do in EVE, the more likely they are to stay.
Can a single member of a social corp go and find out if they want to try out wormholes without leaving the social corp? Yes or no.
If you are trying to get people to have a chance to progress from a NPC starting corporations to a PC corporations, you have to offer a corporation identity BETWEEN the two poles of the spectrum. Creating a new corporation identity that limits the area of space they can explore, temporary structures they can deploy, and spur of the momment acivites they could try out fails at achieving a progression, but in many ways, it regresses from what is offered by the NPC corps. HOWEVER, that is if we go with Proteus’ concept of a social corp and the over restrictive limits he proposes. Other concepts offered by others are workable and the people suggesting their concepts are apparently willing to reach a mutual accord on basic principles that could be tolerated by a large percent of the players pending further tweaking.
I’m concerned that Arrendis is going to get carpal tunnel replying to those that don’t want to intelligently reach compromise.
They are only exclusive because you choose to make them exclusive. They do not need to be exclusive.
Again: Can a single member of a social corp go and find out if they want to try out wormholes without leaving the social corp and his friends? Yes or no.
Congratulations of successfully proving you are not Salvos. You have answered a ‘Yes or No’ question. I apologize for ever thinking you were Salvos.
Then that is a failure. If people are forced to leave their friends in order to explore their options in EVE, that is failing to provide them reasons to remain active. It is failing to provide them with a way to play with their friends. And it’s bad game design.
As in the CSM minutes, people are leaving because they log off during wardecs, and dont return.
Wardecs are not an issue in LS/NS/WH.
From that we can deduce its HS specific.
Nothing prevents a group of friends from forming a Player Corp to venture outside HS, or place a structure in HS, or commit suspect/criminal acts in HS.
But a Social Corp will NOT allow for that.
Social Corp is only for HS exclusive small or solo groups to PvE without being wardecced.
Syphilis kills people. Cancer kills people. You don’t have to give people cancer to cure syphilis. You don’t have to force people into a mechanic that hurts retention in order to avoid another mechanic that hurts retention worse.
Its a “medicine” specifically to prevent the attrition of HS small groups and solo players that just want to PvE together without wardecs, and whom have been leaving, per CSM minutes, in alarming numbers due to not being able to do so.
This is a necessary concession, to aid retention.
These players have no use for yellow/red safety to commit suspect or criminal acts, or to venture below 0.5 Security. If they decide they want to, they can go NPC or Player Corp, like everyone else that does so.