The CSM 13 Winter Summit Minutes are out

This is amazing make the system the wardec’d party? That sounds intriguing. All the Joe’s in the system attacking the aggressor. Though like you said make routes more expensive vs dead-ends.

Then we merge all highsec war dec alliances to one BIG one. Imagine how much isks they have together. :laughing:

I suggest we call the new alliance “The United Middle Finger” TUMF!


@Brisc_Rubal @CCP_Larrikin

With regards to the statistics of corporations that had been at war and activity, was this made to include that most members leave that corporation once the war had gone in and reformed another?
For example, many times ive put in wars against 50 man entities for them to leave and join another corporation then do it again once that got decced as well. Your stats would show 2 corporations with -100 player activity.

Increasing costs will have no effect, been suggested to the moon and back for 3 years straight. If it was that easy it would of been done already.

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I`m really interested how null-sec dudes gonna improve high-sec stuff if they know nothing about the subject. Lol


T3C focus group was a failure? Since when? I thought CCP was happy about it, whole balance went rather smooth.

Anyway I’m still against NS CSM deciding or advising how to change wardecc system. It’s all cluster and especially HS issue. I still remember the RW fiasco. You are disconneted from HS issiues.

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The Pirat Collective?


Sounds good to me too. :rofl:

I can echo that sentiment the T3Cs overall turned out well. Though I still miss my Proteus and think the Loki is a little to OP vs others I think it was a positive and only tweaking is needed.


It’s nice to see the google ID’s of all people reading that document. Since they are all eve related… that’s quite a link for a CSM member. How is the fight against doxing going?

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I spent 10 years in high sec. I run level 4s in my spare time.


This just provides options, you can even disable universe wide wardecs, and limit wardecs to a region. Having a spatial component just allows for much more granularity. And even the richest organizations would think about a 10 billions dollar per week per region. Not saying that is the cost, but it allows for it on a much more granular scale.

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Considering that everybody only uses Lokis now, I think it’s unlikely that they’re happy with it.

Question : Why is everyone using loki ? Answer well to this one and you will know what needs to be changed.

But are they not happy with not getting right the first time or the changes overall? That seems to be the key distinction. The Loki was in a SAD spot prior to the change so they buffed it to gain popularity now I think it is time to dial it back.

If you spent 10 y in HS, you must to know how you can avoid wardec and how big an impact is. And believe me, it’s not.

The point I was making was that the T3C changes nerfed the Tengu and the Proteus, buffed the Loki. The change resulted in everybody shifting to Lokis. The problem of T3C balance still exists, it just the opposite of what it was before.


If you saw the data, you wouldn’t be making the claim that the impact is low.


Any info on this please?

So how was the focus group the root cause of the problem. As hinted at?

Tech 3 -cruisers are much less OP than they used to be. while the balance of loki and proteus is off, they are in a much better place than they used to be overall.

Hell, even the focus group called out that the loki was too good and proteus was lacking when compared to the rest. While the focus group didn’t get everything 100% correct on the first run, I think it’s still a win to the group.


Weren’t you leaving? How can you vote if you don’t have an active account?