The CSM 13 Winter Summit Minutes are out

You cannot legally shoot someone for opening your car hood. You can use ‘force’ in that you can push them away and restrain them from your car, but you cannot use disproportionate force. Until they take a swing, you can’t take a swing. Until they offer credible threat of serious injury, you can’t involve a weapon. Doing so opens you up to criminal charges of your own.


This is ■■■■■■■■.

Lets say Im a 80yr old lady, and you are a 25yr old man that has illegally opened the hood or boot of my car. I have zero option of force o push you away or restraining you after you have already committed a crime against me and my property.

The bottomline here, is you have no business or right, at all, to scan the personal ship data of another player regarding fit or cargo.

Are you a lawyer Salvos?

If you’re not, refrain from talking idiocies out of your arse…

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We all know that scanning fits/cargo becoming suspect in HS doesnt change anything, except for suicide gankers cherrypicking targets.

The resistance to this is obvious as to why.


Get tampermonkey and install this script adding MUTE USER function:
Use this script:

Just add a text below a line
// @match

in a form of
// @match*

And then change
var HIDE_NAME = false; in line 40-something

var HIDE_NAME = true;

Turn on script and enjoy cleaner forums. :broom:

Laugh as they write walls of text and you dont even have to scroll past it. :joy::joy::joy:

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Yup. You also can’t pull a gun on me in that situation. That’s called either attempted assault with a deadly weapon, or ‘menacing’, depending on where you do it. Call the cops. It’s what they’re for.

How do I call the Cops in EVE HS when you are prying into whats under my hood and in my boot storage?

What if cops are far away or busy? Cant I defend my own property?

You don’t. Scanning isn’t a crime. Now, if you’d like to continue using flawed RL analogies, maybe you should go and start advocating that CCP actually installs cops in HS, and not just death squads.

Not with deadly force. You want to know the specifics of what you’ll be charged with, consult a lawyer near you.

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It should be a suspect act.

You have no business prying into my fit or cargo.

And in EVE, yes, I should be able to shoot you for it.

Ooooo yes please

See that? You finally admit that you want to make scanning someone a crime punishable by death. So you were lying when you said you weren’t talking about blowing someone up.

And you still haven’t demonstrated how that punishment fits that crime. You’ve not demonstrated even a 1 ISK cost to you. But you’ll still claim no cost is equivalent to a measurable cost, because you’re fundamentally incapable of rational thought beyond ‘waaaaah but I WANT IT’.

You already can :sweat_smile:

You’ll just get a GCC timer like anyone else doing illegal activities

Doesnt mean death. Just means I can shoot you for invasively, non-consensually and suspectly prying into my personal ship data regarding fit or cargo for intel.

if you want my personal ships fit and cargo data, damn straight I want to be able to shoot you for that.

@Arrendis sometimes I want to come back to EVE and join Miniluv/CODE. to get some delectable tears like we have here :joy:

But then I remember I’m poor and have better things to do

First rule of weapons: You don’t use one on someone unless you’re willing to kill with it.

That’s as true in EVE as it is IRL.

@Annah_Tsero HAH!

Dont scan someones fit or cargo, unless you are prepared to defend yourself.

You mean unless you’re prepared to die.

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Going suspect doesnt mean you die.

CONCORD wont blow you up.

You want to shoot people for scanning you. Are we seriously supposed to believe you’ll only shoot them a little bit?

You want to kill them.

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I guess he’s looking for the EVE version of using rock salt in your 12 guage…