The CSM 13 Winter Summit Minutes are out

Just re-read the minute segments involving wardecs.
Feedback, opinions and suggestions from both CSM and CCP are very varied and all over the place.

Problem is very complex, it will be hard to find solution.

I think I have more grey hair after yesterday. I cheer for packers, that kicker…

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Well, in the period between Crucible and Rubicon CCP shifted to customer oriented design in regards to EVE Online. COD meant for CCP to look at what do the players expect from the game, who they strive to feel (what isi their customer experience) and focus on that. And based on the data available, CCP decided that what players love better was to control the game environment and fight other players over it with organized fleets. And the nearest content to that was/is nullsec. So CCP focused to spread that “good content” to as much of the playerbase as possible. They introduced structures in all spaces and took their chance to get rid of the horrid spaghetti code behind the POS system. And when they developed content for other areas, like HS, it was meant to ease up the transition towards their target customer -nullseccer PvP multiplayers.

There was a risk of losing players who didn’t adapt to that goal, players who would stick to “their EVE” until it grew old and tired for them. But then, as a company, CCP also counted on making big money with other projects -namely spearheading the VR market. Even if EVE faded a bit, they could just milk VR to pay for EVE.

What could go wong? We know what: VR faded into nothing and EVE suffered the loss of HS solo PvE players. In terms of “why does people give you money”, nullsec was the lesser source of income, specially compared to the PvE and highsec crowds. CCP focused to make a few players very happy and unwillingly dismissed a larger majority of players who weren’t all that happy but where paying sweet money for it.

The little data we can scrap together points at this - less HS players, a little more NS players, and CCP becoming a smaller company in all regards -income and personnel. And the EVE development team also took its hits, with layoffs in 2013, 2015 and 2017 (anyone betting there will be layoffs in 2019 too?).

In her “Crossing the Rubicon” letter, CCP Seagull pointed at how CCP was making a risky decission. Some things have succeeded, but also some others have gone wrong. Maybe CCP never had the abbility to slow down a bit the structure development and devote more energy to keeping the HS crowd happy and subscribed. Maybe CCP has just being below the power curve since Incarna. And of course, the only way to stay functional is to believe you’re doing it right no matter how bad are the bad signs.

But my final point is that, as one of the customers CCP deemed expendable in favor of the “cool guys”, I’ve been right about signaling the demise of EVE Online and CCP with every wrong turn taken since 2011. I have the gut feeling that EVE will pass by November 2021 , and when that happens I will have earned hard my right to say “told you so”. Turns out we the HS solo freaks weren’t all that much expendable, and now CCP can go f*** themselves along with their NS chronies. :fu:


Clearly its very far from action on a solution, as nobody seems to agree on anything, except that it is a problem that needs addressing as shown by stats regarding players leaving and dissatisfaction with the system.

The issue seems to have been largely addressed as a “brain-storming” session, but the wardec issue pops up in many of the minutes sections, showing how pervasive the problem is.

This is a PvP based game, and wardecs are a core mechanic for PvP.
PvE largely has just the function of providing the means to PvP with, and targets for PvP.

The decision to just leave the hisec solo guys at the mercy of war deckers, multi-boxers and gankers (bumping for example) cost CCP a lot of players I watched the loss of many hisec players when mining ships had the tank of a wet paper bag with alarm after the buff to destroyer DPS and realised that CCP had no clue what was happening. It took CCP two and half years to adjust that with the current correct balance on mining ships. But the damage was done.

I disagree with the comment that CCP should go F themselves along with their nullsec cronies, because there is a good game here in spite of balance issues in hisec especially. But that is where they lost their paying customers, CCP fecked themselves.

I like your comment about the cool kids because I see them in a circle jerk in the cool kids farming club too, once you experience the braying mob on the forums going all out to attack you personally, you find it rather sad and pathetic.

People here have suggested this:

It is a good idea in one sense, but Eve is often defined by personal conflicts in-game, so having the ability to war dec perhaps five entities without structures or without consent would be a good idea if CCP went in this direction.

The idea of just allowing war decs to those with structures will not however make the game in hisec better, as any serious indy entity has to have structures and it does not solve the issue of consequences for the war deckers. So while I think it is something that could work to a degree, it does not improve hisec enough.

It is not just about new players, but player retention in hisec, but in adjusting war decs you do not want to make it too safe and getting that balance right is critical as the game is built on PvP

The only thing of value for the defender is ending the war dec, don’t forget that any forced victory conditions on defenders will just be part of the existing protection racket we have now but within the game mechanics. :popcorn:

I disagree.
Creating these ‘Civilian Corps’ allow groups of players to play in Hi-Sec without the oppression of a Wardec, if you do not think that makes the game better for those groups, I’m not sure you are understanding the problem here.
The risk is not changed, Hi-Sec is not safer, as these players always had the option of dropping into NPC Corps. This way, it allows them to have their Corps and work for that common goal.
If down the line, they want to be serious Industrialists, the option is there for them, but you have the consequences, if they want to dip their toes in PVP, the option is also there for them to make the Wardec consensual.
It’s simple a simple solution for the more casual groups, just looking to have some fun in EVE, nothing over complicated and not forcing them into playstyles they have no interest in.

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Only thing it will result in is NS alt “Civilian Corps” to easier manage their trade between NS and HS.

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They can do that already with NPC Corps, no difference.

People are going to game any system that is put in place. Look at how many 1 man corp citadels there are in Hi-Sec already. Why make the solution over complicated for the casual players?

Then no reason to add Civilian Corps, as everyone can already do what you explained.

I don’t know if you have been reading various stories from people who left the game due to Wardecs, but the common theme is that groups of friends join EVE, want to make a Corp together, get Wardecced and then leave due to Wardec.

Civilian Corps would allow them to do this, with little to no disruption to the game.

Where did you read its commonly a group of friends that join EVE to form these, and leave due to this?

How would a Civilian Corp differ from an NPC Corp or Player Corp?

Various posts in this thread, the corp obituaries currently being posted on Reddit due to Wardecs.

A Civilian corp would differ from an NPC corp because it would give players attachment. It allows people to group up together and work together with the same advantages of a player corp, just no structures.
The difference between the Civilian Corp and Player Corp, is structures. Nothing else, once you place that structure, welcome to EVE and all its glory.

NPC Corp - Immune to Wardecs
Civilian Corp - Consensual or immune to wardecs
Player Corp - Open to wardecs

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I think that the problem is deeper than just new players, it is retention of hisec players itself. So yes we disagree.

You need to look at it from another direction. They have a glass ceiling which they will not go above because it makes them vulnerable to the game play that they don’t want to partake in as it is not fun. So what you are saying is in effect just mission and mine and don’t do more than that and when they decide hmmm can’t develop any further without this farming / feeding rubbish, hmmm another game perhaps…

So what common goal are we talking about when the higher level gameplay just enables people to farm them?

There needs to be consequences for the war deckers, not just for the indy players.

As if they would want to do that? Seriously indy players do that, no way.

It does not solve the issues in hisec, and indeed sets them a glass ceiling on what they can do and means that there will be no real change in player retention. So you keep new players for a couple more months, big deal!!!

But let me be clear removing War decs is not a solution, so the braying mob can’t paint me with that.

Public Service Announcement!

What is being claimed:

  • CSM proposes immediate removal of wardecs in high sec. **

What it looks like to most people:

The CSM, as a group, wants wardecs to be removed.

Factual reality:

Brisc Rubal noted that the numbers here were so stark, it would justify immediately removing war decs as a mechanic and promising a fix after the fact.

It’s a propaganda piece meant to influence people.

Removing war decs, without having a fix ready, would only cause further citadel spam, considering how long it will take CCP to find a way of “fixing wars”.

Always remember: They have no shame and only care about keeping you discussing about it, because that makes them look legitimate. The more they get you to take them seriously, the more people they will find making noise.

Simply wiping wars without a replacement will increase the already massive citadel spam even further and is an outright stupid idea. There are already tons of abandoned citadels out there, and the more pile up, the longer it takes getting rid of them!

Thank you for your attention!


Hi @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode !

Sorry! I don’t know how this got here!
Could you please move this to General Discussions?

Thank you!

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Wardec will be removed sooner or later, it is unnecessary in this new Eve concept.

In the EVE Leadership meeting the CSM was presented with numbers resulting from research
into the state of war declarations in EVE and those numbers quite starkly showed how
asymmetric the situation is, and how war declarations allow a small number of players to
negatively affect a huge number of people, with low risk. These numbers may be discussed
further by CCP at a later date.

Hopefully against the GSM.

I don’t see a semantic difference between “proposes immediate removal” and “would justify immediate removing”. Care to enlighten me?

Furthermore, CCP is not exactly known for listening to users, taking consequences for developments into account or thinking things through. Everything is possible.

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done :slight_smile:


It’s not rocket science, Rivr.

Re-read my post!
He claims that the CSM proposes the immediate removal of wardecs!

Now show me where the CSM proposes any of that! You can’t, because it doesn’t exist! One guy, who is a member of the CSM, is NOT the CSM. It’s propaganda. People in that thread already start piling up their negative experiences, completely oblivious to how they’re being played!

To an outside this whole thing creates the impression that the CSM should really do that, because apparently that’s a really good thing. No one even mentions the downsides, it’s always just about the victims and how it hurts the game. People don’t actually read and think about what they’re reading, instead they let their instincts guide them!

People only ever read the headlines and don’t put any further thought into it. You could have actually read my post too, and put some actual thought into it, but you didn’t!


Thank you! :slight_smile: