The failure of CCP was so predictable

TBF I wouldn’t argue that that is a ‘fair and balanced mechanic’ and would like to see that changed, although one could then potentially see the abuse of artificially created TiDi being used to extend repair timers to allow their forces to mass more numbers. (The only major abuse case I can think of off the top of my head).

I dont see how CCP will upgrade their tidi code, make it multithreaded or upgrade the servers, I dont see that. So only solution is to change citadel mechanics so its kilable even thru tidi, as it would be without tidi.

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Just a point, without TiDi things were far far worse. Yes TiDi is bad,but at least it works even if slow. Prior to TiDi, things were much more random and there were far more problems of things just not working.

That said, I would expect to see changes. I mean it’s not like 6000 of us hopped onto the test server to help CCP test killing a keepstar. So really, this was a big test of the system. My guess, CCP is recovering today. Tomorrow they will start brain storming what they can do to make things better. It takes time, but this was a big spot light on an issue. Those tend to get priority at least for trying to think of corrections.

In Planetside 2 the player limit is like 3000 per server. You can have battles with a few hundred players AND physics (i.e. aircraft explodes when they crash into eachother).
Although they use tricks like limited draw distance in the big battles.

Let’s try:

  • no disconnects. No matter how high server load and how big TiDi is disconnects are no-no.
  • no losses for client commands or server updates. If server cannot handle so many packets per second make clients package multiple packets into one to reduce overhead. Send updates by packages. After all the game has 1 second ticks. Remove potential collisions between states and commands (for example: warp starting and point activation) - make strong and clear rules for such case so you can execute player commands independently of intra-tick arrival time.
  • if server cannot execute given number of player commands and object state changes per TiDi’ed tick - make a tick as long as needed. But execute all of these changes.
  • add 3rd state of modules to client: starting. Once module got command to activate it switches to this state (which is visible) and client does not resend activation command to server anymore. Player can wait for module activation or cancel it before it started. Add anti-spam protection. Make duration of this state visible to player (client knows value of TiDi and has good prediction for when module actually activates).

These changes will not make the game faster or decrease TiDi but will for sure decrease frustration of players. Which is good.

@Algarion_Getz reminded me: if i am not mistaken currently 1 system is processed as a whole on 1 server. Since removal of OGB it might be changed to processing one grid per node.


Maybe they should shut TiDi down for a while so all the idiots complaining can experience the alternative.

I remember a time where a fleet of 70 people warping in in FW completely desynced everyone. As soon as the “fight” started one side crashed and could login back to the new clone once everything was over. TiDi basically fixed the whole game, so stop complaining.

If you don’t like it don’t go there, because you are actually part of the real problem.


Perhaps the problem is not the big fight but the lack of smaller meaningful fights. I felt from the forums and reddit people were going to a new movie or something. Some may have taken off work to get in a real fight.

Okay, this was a massive ■■■■■■■ fail. I hyped about this fight on Facebook and lured a few of my friends into following Eve. Not one of them converted into playing the game, though, and especially not after this debacle. There’s significant negative press circulating already.

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Why on Earth would you hype this?

It was obvious that the playerbase would pile on and burn the servers to the ground. Anyone with an ounce of brainpower would have been able to figure out that this is exactly how this conflict was going to go down.

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Yeah, I know. My mistake.

If we have anyone to blame for the negative press, it’d probably be PGL and his r/gaming coward-shaming post. Bringing all that attention to a fight guaranteed to see strained server performance was like starting a fire in a room full of dynamite. Why on Earth we’d want anyone looking at our dirty slo-mo pixels is beyond me lol

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If I had 15 minutes of fame,I wouldn’t have thrown it away for such a minimal value. Now that persona is burnt toast.

Just sayin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This would be great IF it was secure enough for hackers to not intercept packets and modify them.

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Of cause they would, everyone in Eve will exploit manics to help themselves. What we learnt yesterday was the defenders just have to load a system with enough pilots/drones/fighters and ships that the server starts kicking people, not letting them back in and slows the tidi soo much that attackers cannot do anything.

Basically TIDI to win the battle.

Again the issue isn’t TIDI. Anyone who says it is a fool. The issue is that in a structure battle the defenders are very heavily by making their timers count down in real time while all the timers related to attacking are slowed down by 90% in this case. That is the issue here.

People have to hype these fights for two reasons:

  • Oh my god, 6000 people fighting at once - Gamers from other games tend to be drawn to this
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars gone for good this something the outside world looks at as shocking and draws people into the game.

I don’t know we had people from CCP tweeting about records being broken, while the server node was being broken… that seems like they were trying to hype it up as well.

Edit: as I keep reading replies I am going to comment here so I don’t get told off for spamming :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s how it has always been. But with enough beer you will not notice it.

So exactly like in pre-TiDi age? :rofl:

It’s not really a tidi age (pre/post/current thing). It has always been an issue.

Someone asked yesterday why dose CCP not limit it 2,000 people something the server could handle. The answer is simple, because who ever logged their fleet in first would win the battle :stuck_out_tongue:

Lets them apply TiDi to every single case of high sec suicide gank.

Pretty much.