i learnt that years ago, it was a standard alliance tactic to collapse the grid. Tidi rectified that somewhat, but the battles keep on getting bigger in numbers and the servers cant cope…and never will be able to cope. At the present time the only hope for a large battle of this type is for citadels to get a anti drone/fighter superweapon…something like the old doomsday, making it totally stupid for either side to use them. That will probably make the tidi fest unplayable at (my guess) 10,000 in system.
Wow they are tone deaf and just false advertising.
Talk about falsely trying to get new players.
Ccp thousands and thousands of prospective new players witnessed your ■■■■ show yesterday live after it was on redfit and gaming sites and freaking BBC LOL.
They were intrigued and watched your game fail and servers die LIVE WITH THEIR EYES
Wow what LIARS!
STFU already. If you don’t like the game, quit. Nobody will miss you. Nobody will miss your tears that the game does not adapt to your will.
Enough of this garbage. You lost. TiDi wins. It’s time to grow some balls.
Its an issue, actually I am not even considering taking part in one of such battles or witnessing it, watching it even. Its too boring and everything takes ages. So yes, TiDi won that I dont want to have anything with it. For me its ridiculous, but I can understand that for some its just necessary evil, because empires, fleet 3k+
I’m sorry, what did they lie about?
Yes, they omitted the TiDi and they did not break immersion by admitting to the fact that it’s apparently hard running 6000 (I always thought it was 5, makes it even more cool) players in a single system.
So… what’s the lie?
Did they utilize 50% of their hardware to record such video without visible lags and freezes. I see what they did.
Genuinely lol’d, have a +1.
I have no idea what hype people are talking about.
This thread was the first I heard of it.
What’s really hilarious about that video is not that the footage is in slow-motion… rather that it’s been sped up!
Wasn’t CCP talking about a GTFO doomsday for upwell structures already?
See the problem with that was tidi was at or about 10% before we launched fighters yesterday. We didn’t really bother with drones as all.
The GTFO moduel would in effect make supers/carriers useless, and it would relocate your entire subscap fleet to another point in system. With the amount of people moving the system would likely disconnect a bunch of people and those who survived would spend ages trying to load grid, and then warp back to the keepstar. By then the structure would be repaired and the battle lost.
So in a battle where tidi really favored the defenders a module like this would almost give them an I win button.
Children, children, please… You were not there for D-G. Crying will not help you.
I think if they could implement block chain encryption on clients you could. But I do understand why youre saying what youre saying. I too echo that unless sufficient encryption would be possible on the client. I havent seen anything even close to the redundancy or encryption abilities that blockchain allows for before. Not just to protect IPs, look at Kodaks new coin, but to secure almost anything I think given sufficient development could mean a new era in gaming allowing for usage of clients host machines to do calculations, think SETI program, by way of blockchain encryptions.
I think this massive increase of users host machines through secure clients to run calculations would allow for such a secure and efficient transfer of data that that wouldnt be hacked anytime soon and the more you ran the blockchain the more secure it should become.
Sure integration into modern games is an issue and building the code from the ground up would be… interesting, to say the least. But I think its quite possible. Then server side issues wouldnt be a factor as the more users youd have the more computing power you would harness. The key would be efficiency and average ping times, packet losses, etc across the entire network.
A man can dream…
called that a battle between people? While they even can’t use the modules or log into game? False statement, false advert. They tried to wrap that disaster into success. I want to see where all this is going. I have some popcorn already. I’m really glad I never joined null corp for that kind of experience.
I came to that conclusion back in 2014. Then I took a long break. When I returned to the game in 2016 I decided to do exactly that, follow that sentiment. And I have no regrets so far.
Well no, there is a regret. Most I ever managed to get chasing / dropping on a group of 11 players was 1120. That was Ascension and the other goonpets just before ascension assploded. I was aiming to go for 4k+, so I failed and didn’t make my mark, I regret that.
OMG this is so wrong on so many levels especially coming from an elected individual. The users put you there. Can you trust the monthly cash subscriptions coming from the users? I bet CCP can.
The users played by your rules and your preparation was childish, at best. The entire community team and the marketing team is a joke. You make so many mistakes it is not even funny anymore. Amateur mistakes. Your marketing stunt went tits up and it could have been prevented easily.
The moment another company is going to come out with something remotely similar to eve you will have to adapt fast or die quickly.
Dissapointing event and attitude.
you are completely out of the topic.
Stop your big sentences and listen to what the guy says.
You are childish, at best.
My only advise is : quit the game if it’s not fit for you.
Being an arrogant insulting child here won’t help anyone, not the game, not you.
It wasn’t set up by CCP, it was done by players. It wasn’t hyped in Reddit by CCP, it was a player (and it was a beautiful piece of meta-gaming
I did. He said that I can never be trusted. I am sinking around 100 € a month in this game I think I am entitled to an opinion.
The topic is CCPs recent failure.
CCP is renown in the gaming world for making huge mistakes which can easily be avoided. This means they are created and implemented by amateurs.
There is no arrogance in pointing out that you are stupid. It’s called constructive criticism.
This was a CCP marketing stunt. It went wrong, now it’s a user event lol.
@Anderson_Geten try to make sense next time. Playing the “oh I am a grown-up, mature and I can’t link two sentences” card is out of your league.
No he did not. Read again what he is answering to. You did not read his whole answer and now are petting about how he does not agree with you on a subject you didnt even read.
THAT is complete childish. That is arrogant, to believe that you don’t even need to understand people’s answer before saying they are wrong.
You think that your opinion is worth you not making any effort . That is false, your opinion is worth NOTHING at the moment, until you accept to make the effort to express your opinion in the topic and without any aggression / arrogant behaviour.
I totally understand the many people that say they are displeased by the “event”. I was displeased by it too. not a reason to throw useless aggressions left and right.
Basically if you are incompetent and I tell you that you are incompetent, this is aggression? Where were you living until now? In wonderland?
How arrogant of me to point out that you suck. Damn so aggressive and arrogant of me. Get back to work and deliver results stop whining if you are incompetent. Become better at what you do.
Incompetence is your worst enemy. There is no way of sugarcoating it. Unless you’re a special snowflake.