It’s funny to observe tho.

Shhh. Let them fight.

That absolutely wasn’t what I was saying. I think I made it rather clear that these attacks were a waste and nothing but a pathetic gallentean struggle for power, how dumb one should be to consider I am supporting them?

What I was saying, is that we shall not support, but USE them for our own advantage. Let gallente rats murder each other, while we can focus on securing our own space from these swines.

It’s a good idea to think about it, isn’t it so?
It is as well a nice opportunity to show the whole cluster the true nature of gallenteans and the extent they’re going in their games of presidential chair.

Just look how Soter squirmed, like a fish beating on a hot pan on a fire after he posted that. He probably was pissing steam. Look as well for his cronies who are jumping into the thread with foam at their mouth. Look how many pathetic accusations they already barked at me just for pointing at facts.

Know your enemy and know yourself. These are truly the wise words. So, lets expose them and watch the gallente circus in all its utter ugliness. Soters, Veros, Lanates, even traitorous puppies start to bark in their choir - all for your amusement.

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Commander, you are intelligent enough to know that the resulting chaos and additional stress on the civil infrastructure that your campaign creates does provide support for the terrorists—and that they are not likely to be a purely Gallente organization, but likely have ties to criminal organizations throughout New Eden.

In effect, you are furthering the goals of those who would see the State torn asunder, by helping them secure a more solid footing within the Federation from which to conduct additional attacks to destabilize other nations.

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Is she though?

Again, I question why anyone is surprised by this. Not a word of it is original. I’ve actually seen worse, many many times.


And this is why the State must be destroyed.


Clearly not for someone like you to comprehend, Vero. Learn your place and keep radio silence, people are getting tired of your dumb remarks.

That’s a bit too far fetched. Even if that does give support to gallente political terrorists, why should I care about it at all? I really prefer them murdering each other than sending same terrorists into the State to murder us.

My goal is to secure the State, our citizens, our assets, our systems, our Caldari Prime. Gallente political murders is not my issue, if our actions indirectly support them - then let it be. The more chaos there will be in the Federation, the better.

Again, for me - the Federation is one of the largest criminal entities in our cluster. How that could be worse?

Again, it’s a bit too far fetched. It feels like you’re advocating to not boil the kettle with a whistle because it might wake up your neighbor whose alarm clock is broken and you’d like them to be late to the work because the day prior they were playing a tube and didn’t let you sleep. Far fetched to that degree.

We shall do what is important to us, we shall do what we must without overthinking about the areas that are not in our interest.

The second point is that it is actually a positive development: the Federation is already the main source of destabilization of other nation, and once it itself will be destabilized, that actually can help stabilize others. It will not torn the State asunder, it will counterwise help us hold together.

The Federation is a source of all kind of “freedom fighters” and ideas of resistance against the lawful rulers, it seeds chaos, conflict and hatred instead of healthy competitions. Just look at the same Vero, Soter. You will see that. These kind of people shall not have any power.

The Federation is a single, trackable foe whose activities are largely conducted through conventional channels. They use, for example, a navy. They pour trillions of ISK into that navy. It has a single, unified command and control structure. It pursues objectives of a predictable and focused strategic nature, and abides to some degree to international treaties that limit the scope of warfare.

Now imagine the entire budget being spent on terror campaigns within the State, by hundreds of organizations with different goals and different methodologies. No coherent strategic objectives, just the drive to impair the State’s welfare and cause chaos. That goal, for the record, is far simpler than taking a planet from an opposing fleet’s control. Even failures can raise awareness in the populace that they are not safe, that their government cannot stop all threats, and can undermine public confidence.

CONCORD and the State both agree that they do not want the Federation to collapse into anarchy and chaos. By exploiting this opportunity, you are promoting that descent into madness.

The CEP has already established what is ‘important’ to the State:

Caldari State Chief Executive Panel Declares “Outrage” at Attacks on Federation; Offers Support and Suspends Customs Duties on Vital Supplies

As for ‘the main source of destabilization in other nations’… in the last decade, that has most definitely not been the case. While each nation has had their share of internal conflicts, the greatest single case of destabilization of other nations would have to be considered a single terrorist organization that killed civilians in all three of the other nations with a biological weapon so feared, just the threat of it caused panic and concern: Kyonoke.

And that was the Dragonaurs.


Yeah, happy to do so actually. I have no interest in posting in your threads, and am more than willing to stay out of them. I have said this repeatedly in the past, and stuck to it, but then you insist on trolling GMVA threads, and here we are.

Post your threads, stay out of ours, and don’t @ me.

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My stockpile of Triglavian Trinary Datastreams stands ready to be weaponized at this moment of crisis, if only a great leader with the vision and knowhow to see the thing through would emerge.

You wish… they’re probably the most cloak&dagger disgraceful scum you could find in New Eden. Their torture facilities are hidden in deadspace pockets. They sign treaties only to violate them. They claim about people rights and on the same time violate them in the most brutal way possible.

And then we just blap them as flies. Unified professional force is way more dangerous than terrorists that destroy targets of no significance. Besides, terror attacks never work against the State. We are not a scaredy cattle like gallente swines.

I’m outraged that you don’t think we’re the most disgraceful outfit in New Eden. Saddened, even.

Say, which mega are you affiliated with, Diana? Maybe we ought to send a Komodo their way.


How about sending your feared “Guri Hivaa” assassins?
Many innocents do not need to die because of her.

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No one that willingly works for a mega is innocent.

Also, we save those for high priority targets. I don’t think Kim qualifies as one of those.

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That you believe this, Diana, is not surprising. It is, however, disappointing. The State, after all, were about to use antimatter to annhilate one of their own cities during the Kyonoke incident. They were saved at the last moment not by the State, but by capsuleers.

That, Commander, means that in terms of State reaction… yes, the terrorists’ attack—completely accidental as it was—did work. It was successful enough that it had the highest echelons of the State so frightened that they were willing to slaughter their own citizens.

I’m afraid, Diana, that your very limited experience with the wider cluster does you a disservice here. The propaganda you have limited yourself to has blinded you to the truth.


Which I would have used as well. Those “capsuleers” were, excuse me, dumb - they threatened everyone by going for that. There was no guarantee the cure would work and way more people could have died. I find that decision criminal, even if in the end they didn’t die - it was purely by damn lucky accident.

And the decision to do so is not because you’re frightened, but becasue you take cold calculation of possible casualties in both cases. Sacrifice one city to save a whole planet is absolutely justified. Not doing that is a criminal negligence.

How dare you blaming me in beig limited to propagada?!
Have you completely lost your mind?
Or you just admit in that way you’re incapable of arguing against my point and just want to cry, pout and stomp foot like some kind of @Rinai_Vero or Julianus Soter?!

The quarantine was holding. The dome was doing its job. Under those circumstances, especially while an organization like the SoE was holding out hope of a near-term cure, no, is it not justified. It is panic. It is cowardice.

I think you know better than to make reckless accusations like that, Commander.

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I’ve asked you repeatedly to stop @ing me, and you continue to do so. From now on I will be reporting your posts that do so as harassment. Seriously. Stop. You are clearly capable of not using that feature to refer to other players, so stop using it with me.