The first highsec system flipped!

Pure conjecture. At best, this is merely anecdotal, if you personally know those people. In this case I could easily counter it with my own anecdotal evidence: I just had half a dozen friends come back/try out this game due to word-of-mouth about recent entropy-focused changes.

Factually and logically incorrect. The market only collapses if there’s a glut, and not a shortage. Why is this the case? Because unlike real life, which has limitless potential for creation and innovation, EVE’s economy functions only by effects of the broken window fallacy. The only reason that industry exists in EVE is because things that are destroyed need to be replaced, because the initial needs of seeding the market are taken care of very quickly.

A lack of nonconsensual PvP would, over time, lead to a situation where the supply of goods and resources is so high, that everything loses its value, and player economics becomes meaningless. Gaming history is rife with examples of this, including early games such as Diablo 2 and SWG. In more recent MMOs, developers have no choice but to either constantly increase the cost/decrease the yields of everything, or create a system of perpetual power creep in order to drive market demand for something. This, by the way, is one of the primary drivers of player burnout.

Meanwhile, an extreme shortage of supply still results in a functional, workable market. In fact, this is how EVE was like during its early days. You know, the time that it was actually growing the fastest? Do you want to know why it grew fast? Because player decisions and politics had much more acute consequences (losing a battleship was an event), and players couldn’t shut up about how fun the game was. That includes new players. When was the last time you heard a new player rave about how fun and exciting EVE is? I constantly teach newbies about PvP, and rarely hear more than lukewarm opinions about the game, even from players who stay for the long term.

If the carebears actually got up and left, there would be no such thing as “PvP players”; there would only be players. These players would mine, do sites, manufacture, and fight each other over economic opportunities. Like they are already doing now.


Not even close.


My commentary was to the thing when the system would become low sec. If there will be no incentives to bring it back to high level status, peeps will dont do it. It will be abandoned. If there will be incentive, a good one, someone will liberate the system. The best wins.

It will be interesting to see some implementation details. May very well be that they restrict this to only highsec islands or something. Otherwise it would be fun and actually great content and we can’t have that.

But Balos is crying a river here so it was already worth it :joy:

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Sometimes, you’re no fun.


Do we still need Concord?

Players can do crime and punishment

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There’s only two players who are actually evidence of this being a possibility …
… Knowledgeminer and Jennifer e Marland (spelling?)
… everyone else is just constantly whining and finding excuses
about how the game’s rigged for in favour of gankers.

Because … but don’t tell anyone … it’s a conspiracy!

CCP loves gankers and wants them to kill the game.
It’s a long story and requires its own thread.
If you make one, I’m sure it will find plentifull participation!

The game is rigged in favour of blood and guts and gore and tears, yes, questions?

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Can we form a second and third CSM just because this guy dislikes the first one so much? They don’t actually need to do anything except be there.

The one we have already doesn’t do anything.

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Not to argue but to learn: can You provide some examples of these changes? I’m really curious.

Yeah that was a huge stick in the eye over incursions. When incursions were in the epic “live event” phase, there were a lot of pro-Sansha players who would have happily fought on the side of Sansha.

Imagine, if you will, incursion sites were PVP sites where anti and pro Sansha forces had to duke it out. Imagine needing PVP elements or modules in an incursion fit, instead of an Isk per hour bling boat. Imagine the fleetwork it would have taken.

THAT would have been interesting.
But no. Incursions were to be “content”.
At the least, CCP figured it out partially, but half-baked it. I don’t know why they are so averse to bleeding PVe and PVP content together.

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Even I don’t think that’s actually the case. What I think happens is CCP puts too much stock into which side is crying the loudest at given times, and gets pulled one way, then the other, then back, and so on. “Where going to buff this, and nerf that”. Then “W’e’re going to buff that and nerf this”.
All they manage in the end is to piss people off. The merely inconvenience players with half-baked measures that only take adjustments to get around, not thinking things through, then if the complaints are loud enough, go back the other way with the same ham-handedness.
It’s almost as if they are trolling both sides.


Imagine the forced 40 man PvE fleets getting dunked by 200 man fleets they have zero hope of fighting, who are also supported by the entire NPC fleet… then realise why it’s a pipe dream and doesn’t work


Back in the olden days there were hardly any “highsec gankers” - anybody that wanted to fight could just go to lowsec or do some wardecs. If wasn’t hard to find conflict. CCP killed all of that. Now people who want to fight have very different options.

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Back in the old days people wore top hats and carried walking canes


So your asking CCP for retro fashion? Not a bad idea!


Don’t forget the monocles and $1000 jeans

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best way to fight is low, i log in and in less than 10 min i get a fight , people are there for that, and its semi friendly semi fair, 4x1 max lol, i just had a epic one
luv the place

CCP didn’t change that.
Players changed it, they claimed space and killed anyone else who came near. They built up huge stockpiles of forces and capitals. And that’s what drove everyone out.
Don’t blame CCP for player meta actions and results.

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Jump freighters had nothing to do with it. Neither did allowing capital ships into lowsec. Or allowing the mineral and mission values between low sec and high sec to get too close to each other. Nothing to do with it, right?