The gate to Sivala

Are you a hunter killer or a whiner?

You get that’s not the challenge.

You challenge is for destiny to be out doing pve and stuff and for you to disrupt that. To prove you can and earn 10bill. I’m pretty sure you can bring friends to.

It has nothing to do with destiny hunting you.


So the challenge is for Dracvlad to wage war on another person, not for Dracvlad to successfully avoid someone else’s wardec.

Interesting challenge, with a 10 billion isk prize!!!


Nothing to do with that lame challenge, and all to do with Destiny doing his core game play.

Irrelevant to the challenge.

So now destiny has agreed to put up a war hq can the challenge commence?

The challenge is irrelevant, always has been. Destiny knew full well that being a war deccer and begging a target to war dec them was hilariously bad. It is as irrelevant as your posts.

So is a no to the challenge?

A yes would require him to undock.

True Dat

One day away and all these post

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There is no challenge.

This is going to end with him dumping his structures or leaving the alliance, and then posting about how my “next task,” if I am a “hunter killer” as I “claim to be” is to get him interested in being eligible for wars again.

It should be more than evident to everyone here what kind of person he is.

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You are making excuses again.

PS The challenge is irrelevant.

I think Destiny has made a valid point.

If Destiny war decs you, you will just not log in.

If you do log in, and she starts to annoy you, then you will just not log in.

I think that’s the truth.

Excuses for what.

The challenge is for you to disrupt destiny’s gameplay. How many more concessions to you need.

Does destiny need to agree to fly an unfitted venture afk? Would that work?

Oh man, if Destiny offered this challenge to me, I would have her mine in Isanamo in an unfitted Venture. Oh goodness, would she have a hell of a time.

If Dracvlad continues to decline the challenge, you are always free to reissue it to me, because I will definitely accept. I want that 10 billion isk.

You can have it without the challenge. All you have to do is ask.

Please, can I have ten billion isk (or twenty), I promise I’ll use it to kill Highsec miners.

Do you prefer a PLEX contract or a wallet entry?

I am indifferent, so long as the tribute contains water and soil from your home village.

Okay, if you want that, you’ll have to get in line behind Putin.

I’ll sell some stuff and send you the money shortly.