The Grand Heist - In Testing

@CCP_Swift is this the thing you announced in the AT thread?

Sounds much better. Iā€™ll hopefully have another look if I can get some new keys. Will it remain that multiple players share the same pot or is there a way to scale the pot if there are multiple people linked (with some form of diminishing returns per player)? eg 1 person gets value 10, 2 people share total value 16, 3 people share total value 20 or similar?

There is no intent to change this mechanic for the time being.

So normal ESS timer you have to link for X minutes before you can get a payout, allowing defenders a chance to stop you from stealing their bankā€¦This system doesnā€™t allow for counter play to shut down the steal, itā€™s just instant payout that rampsā€¦it takes longer than a minute to reship from out in space and get to the ESS, let alone form up a group to try to stop a fleet coming in and stealing.
Also why lowsec only for keys? keep making lowsec the most profitable place and you will end the solo/small man experience there as big blocs move in to reap the rewards.

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will the payout be affected by tidi?


Whilst I applaud CCP for making this content (especially for a dirtbag like myself), I must protest about some of the mechanics and provide some suggestions to fix it before they go live

First, I am going to assume the GOAL of this content from CCP is to drive up conflict, competition, whilst re-distributing wealth at the same time.
These are fantastic goals and ideas !!!
However how they are being implemented should be reconsidered:

  1. The Region Wide Alert (which I am now coining as the RWA), is a really bad idea.
    Think of it this way. When was the last time you saw thieves breaking into vaults and purposefully setting off the alarms and letting the owners know youā€™re there, doing that stuff.
    Thieves (IE: people who pull off heists, which is what the name of this content is about ā€œThe Grand Heistā€), do not want to be caught. They do not want a fight. They want to be stealthy, and be able to get in and get out without any interference at all.
    To counter this ā€“ Nullsec dudes should NOT get ā€œfree intelā€ (the RWA), but instead co-ordinate their efforts to protect their own Reserve Banks, and hack them themselves as fast as possible, whilst scouting other Reserve Banks, and relaying that intel back toā€¦ I guess some sort of player run and player organised ā€œcommand structureā€ for this operation.
    This would encourage massive player co-operation, and encourage a massive amount of small gang skirmishes, as opposed to blobs

  2. Having the sites where the keys spawn, only spawn in LS is a bit poo.
    Have them spawn in Highsec, as well, BUT to drive up conflict, have anyone who attempts to get the keys from these sites go Suspect, so anyone can shoot them legally without CONCORD intervention.
    FURTHERMOREā€¦ Maybe change the idea of the sites so that people who are more interested in the ā€œstealingā€ part of the game can actually participate.
    What do I mean by that? ā€“ Right now I assume these are gonna be like combat sites or something. That means alot of brand new players cannot get in on the action because they likely donā€™t have the skills to complete the sites.
    Make it new player friendly (this comes back to the wealth re-distribution part I was talking about earlier)
    Make the sites, instead of combat sites, make them similar to ghost sites
    Gotta hack the cans and get the keys FAST
    If not, cans go boom, and NPCā€™s warp on grid to kill you
    This will allow brand new players, with a little guidance from veteran players, to participate in finding their own keys, and then going to Nullsec with them and trying their hand at getting some SWEET SWEET ISK, which would be a MASSIVE morale boost for a new player, if they were of course successful

Anyone ā€“ Please post your thoughts below, as I would be interested in constructive feedback


Another issue with the sites being combat based is what happens with every event that has a loot drop.
CCP has stated there will be ship type and player number limits.

There are certain restrictions to ship numbers and class that will be allowed into one of these sites, but that challenge will ensure that only Capsuleers who show patience and skill will be able to pull off the heist.

From experience the limits are likely to allow for someone to sit at the entry of the site until it is nearly finished, then drop in and take the key. Just another setback for new/er players being able to compete in yet another event designed for the non elite.
Also, ghost sites often Arenā€™t new/er player friendly. Ghost sites are about, knowing what youā€™re doing yes but more about the right skills at the right level.

Iā€™d suggest that to help newer players and upset the elite thieves (sorry Jim) a little. Once a site is active (someone is attempting it) no-one else can enter.
This would curtail the thieves only to the point theyā€™d have to actually kill the player/s who completed the site to get the key once it is completed rather than just waiting till the end and swooping in to steal it.

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Since the last mirror was just on June 1stā€¦ and I forgot my password prior to June 1stā€¦ Iā€™m SOL on testing this, yes?

Cause it seems like there was once a ā€˜secret handshakeā€™ that could get the password synced but everyone who knew it was eaten by a grue or something? And thereā€™s no semi-automated way to have an authenticated account/user request a query be queued up for say the next downtime to update only the password record from TQ to SiSi? Either because [complicated reasons] or SiSi access is for serious testing & not for playing around.

Or will there be another mirror for a mass test of The Grand Heist SOONā„¢?

Doesnā€™t say anything about a mass test, or mirroringā€¦ so Unless you can remember your old password, you will not be able to test this new ESS until it goes live on TQ.

CCP you all can not calm down you not only that online in the peak reaches 23000, blackout, you have not learned anything and you jump further on the same rake. Continue on, do not stop, soon 20,000 online will be the maximum.

I think it is a missed opportunity to make the notification 1) based on light-year distance from the ESSā€™ system and 2) nondescript (the alert just says an ESS system is being hacked, not precisely which one). Just a big dumb ā€œSOSā€ beacon.

Then that would have promoted:

  1. Nullsec defenders still getting the carebear alert, but having to work a little bit to make sense of it
  2. Opens up option for heisters to strategically triggering multiple to sow confusion
  3. Opens up option for heisters or third party to spy (maybe even from lowsec) on alerts and covert-jump/filament/WH to an area

And at least this way things get more brawl-y as an alert causes people to get better intel during an initial chaotic reaction period, instead of just holding nullsec hands.


You did read lowsec? Nobody can sit there and wait, they would be long dead. Unless CCP messes up the mechanics.

People and fleets will sit there and wait to block entrance and kill other players.

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@CCP_Psych I get a lot of information on the background panels (like transactions), but I canā€™t set course or warp to the ESS from there, but have to find the right beacon on the overview. Can you make it so, that you can warp directly from within the info panels?


I did but I also know lowsec is all but dead if you know where to go and what time to go there.
Totally bored late last week I decided to run a few LVL5ā€™s. Ended up doing 5 and in the three hours and roughly 15 jumps, I didnā€™t see anyone.

Of course they can. Dscan is your friend, something shows up you are ready to fight. Unless of course youā€™re saying lowsec players canā€™t fight?

AND there it is, another event designed for the average guy shot to shite by ā€œeliteā€ lowsec pvpā€™rs.
Worst of all, CCP is well aware of this and donā€™t give a Doo Doo.
I suppose me still hoping CCP will put a little thought into events and such, especially those directed at new/er players is just stupid

Except that the new sites need 3 people or 2 alts.

What sites are you talking about. Surely not CCPā€™s sanctioned gank fest of new/er players.


The sites in lowsec to get the ESS reserve bank keys.

As I said, CCPā€™s latest sanctioned gankfest of newer players.

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New players have no business with the ESS keys.


Damn, gotta luv the elitism.
I honestly hope you donā€™t mean that, Iā€™ve always enjoyed your posting but that commentā€¦

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