The Grand Heist - Now Live!

How are they similiar?

@Brisc_Rubal and be very very explicit, not some political hack double speak bull crap.

Yes, you do. Thanks for reminding me about the upcoming event. I will not touch those sites. Losing standing with drifters and rogue drones is ok, as they are always the bad guys. Losing standing with Concord ASSEMBLY while there is no way of repair, is a no-go for me.

Let’s see whether it becomes a, “you choose the wrong side now you are f…ked 2.0”.


No, it would be worse. This time they are not giving you easy ways to fix your standing or remove entire systems from the cluster and in the process consequences from the people who choose the “wrong” side. This time, you are screwed harder.

And people wonder why some people are mad, frustrated and annoyed by CCP. :joy:

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no problem. you can fix it for 4.99€ soon.


My word you’re demanding, you sound like a hoot

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Today I logged into a few pilots and am rather happy with the 40mil isk ea they got.

Hello, everyone,

We have identified an issue affecting the acceleration gate in the second room that caused some of the SCC key sites in Lowsec to be much harder to complete than intended. This problem has been hotfixed today, 30 July at 12:00 UTC, and we expect all SCC sites that are warped to after this time to be working correctly. We are in the process of determining if any sites were warped to in during the first hour after downtime and will redistribute these as required.

Thanks for submitting bug reports for the last few days. These have been vital in identifying why only some players have been unable to complete the sites while others successfully obtained the ESS Reserve Bank keys.

We continue to monitor the metrics on our end, but do let us know if you encounter any more issues with the SCC sites. Cheers!


Thanks for the quick response. When you are at it, can you please remove the faction standing loss for shooting the Concord entities?

I’m fine with consequences, if there would be a way to repair that loss. But there is none in the game. So if you shoot too many your char is burned forever when attempting operation in the Concord constellations. And SCC sites is not a niche activity than running pirate faction missions (I presume).


I have to agree. If you can burn your standings, you should be able to raise em back up.


Just want to chime in on “Resilience” and provide my personal example here which I agree with @Zhalyd_Lyehin on this particular - sub-topic that sprung out of the discussion.

I left Eve for 5 years since late 2015 for reasons obviously…RL related - Time and some others. During the time, I HAVE played Elite Dangerous and also participated in crowd funding for Star Citizens (Which actually happened in 2014, b4 I quit Eve, lowest tier and never any further investment in that - was really waiting for the product to actually come out of alpha and more complete)

With Elite however, just because it’s space themed, does not make it an alternative to Eve Online, it does not fit the criteria “Space MMO like Eve” IMHO. My handle is “Casual Lazy Gamer” in most games, I like to do things at my own pace, competitive gaming is not my type - A carebear some would call. So to achieve that, I do not play Elite in anything other than Solo or Group Sessions, but Elite, while you can do a lot of activities in there, compared to Eve lacks the depth to industry and empire building (there’s player minor faction mechanics, but that’s not very sandboxie…you need Frontier to approve the application).

Some gameplay mechanics in Elite (the dogfight, deepcore mining) - I like them more than Eve - but Eve’s spaceship control mechanics are fundamentally different from the types of Elite/SC…so it’s hard to compare as to say who’s better or not, it’s really just player’s preference.

Surprisingly, non-MMO Space Sim 4x games actually probably bears more resemblance to Eve Online more. Resource management - which actually plays an important role in those games and in Eve Online (if one decide to go particular career route in Eve - Whether you are a militarist, industrialist, trade tycoon…etc, it’s like "Faction Traits/Leader Personalities in those games that affect the stats).

Below is the list of games I played and some are the reason I came back and play Eve (does not mean I prefer Eve over them or vice versa):

  • Sins of a Solar Empire - Simple 4x elements, Epic space battles, chokepoints and Strategic plannings - Game is great as it is but as all RTS goes, can go down a bit zergy at times.(Reason to think about going back to Eve - well, each game session is relatively short compare to persistent Universe Eve has, and gives you a bit of itch for Eve)

  • Stellaris - Empire building, Grand Strategy - Build fleets and fleets and watch epic fights! (Reason to think about going back to Eve - Fleet fights can be epic, but you really have no direct tactical control of the battlefield, it gets a bit more like deck building then let the battle run its course, fun in its own respect but it itches you again to actually fly in your own ship in the midst of such battle)

  • X4 Foundations - This is what I like to imagine if Eve and X4 can blend the best elements of each other, then I’d have found my dream Space Sim (if anyone came across one like this, please recommend it to me), it’s the closest thing to Eve I have found so far! Empire building, freelancing, pirating, trading, it’s just like Eve! You can fly your own ship, you can be on the ship and have your crews fly it for you! You build fleet compositions, design own various fleet ships…and Station Building! mega space city or just specialized tiny outpost…so much possibilities! You command, fight across the entire game universe, on-grid, off-grid, capital vs capital!
    When you let your crew fly the ship for you, it’s just like flying ships in Eve. If you want to taste the battle yourself, hop into pilot seat anytime and bam! you are flying the thing like Elite Dangerous/SC/Valkyrie. It can take a long time to complete a game session, and in each game, it’s just like Eve, you run a story, your own story however you like! Sounds like Eve???
    (Reasons to think about going back to Eve? - Hell! All the above what X4 offered don’t just generate a tiny itch, it’s the bloody reason I returned to Eve! X4’s lacking only 1 thing, multiplayer! and that’s enough why I came look for Eve again, the interactions that can be had with other players, friendly or hostile, is something X4 cannot offer).

So no, there are no Space MMO’s like Eve, but Eve disappoints somewhat, it’s been 6 years or more since Seagull took the helm after Soundwave left (and of course, I didn’t keep track on more team lead change during the time I was away) and I cannot say CCP has utilized their advantage (Eve as a niche in the market) fully - with respect to proportion of resources they are spending on, they did not seem to spend or come out with enough “Innovation”.

Rather, not very much emergent gameplay or design changes that act as “catalysts” for emergent gameplay has occurred during the period. And many iterations to features or rebalance (which seemed to be using up a good portion of CCP’s resources at developing/maintaining Eve) didn’t get majority of the player base to overwhelmingly support!

The core of the problem I see and want to bring up as concerning is that it tends to sow more “Division” and further divide/fragments players and Eve, while always know to be toxic, seems even more toxic than ever! Gameplays are more restrictive and people put others into groups like - Blue Donut, Nullbears, Hisec Carebears, Hisec PVP = Exclusively Ganking, Alphabots, Miners = Botters…etc. People Tether Hugging to avoid concordokken becoming a sure sight in popular systems give real eyesore, many other mechanics hasn’t iterated for improvement - hence, removes fun factor further.

Under these circumstances, how would you not lose players?

Back on the Grand Heist event, it is no different, CCP almost blatantly states the intention is to “Get Free ISK, buy Omega! | It’s never too late, just subscribe anytime(*) to get your share of the raining ISKs” in this very blog.

While this single event itself with the injection of ISKs alone won’t be the “Death of Eve”, and as pointed out, free ships were also given out during other major events. It is like opening up the floodgate of troubles. like @Snowflake_Tem says, morally or other reason. These kind of event certainly seemed to be getting more frequent, are these kind of event really made to benefit the “health” of the game ecosystem or just attempt at temporary boost Active Player Counts? Only CCP knows.

What we know is there’s a significant drop in players this year, and while some argues it’s COVID*Summer effect, it is quite a significant drop nonetheless, and almost “everyone” kind of looking at Chribba’s site when referencing PCU trends. let’s look at the all time, and you’ll only find some drops match the same magnitude of drop we see this year. We can almost attribute and associate some event/design decisions with each of these drops (I’m not a Eve historian, so feel free to correct / fill in the blanks):

  • 2011 - 60k PCU → 45k PCU for the whole remaining year → Monoclegate
  • 2013 - 60k PCU → 45k PCU for remaining year → Odyssey Moon Redistribution?
  • 2014 - 55k peak in Jan (expansion?) → less than 45k for rest of year after end of May → (Reason Unknown but this is not a summer cycle it’s from Year average of 48k in 2013 to Year average of 41k in 2014 after a 4 months of steady slump starting Jan 2014)
  • 2015 - 40k → Steady 30k after Summer (I don’t recall but that’s roughly when I stopped playing, they were still doing 1/2 yearly expansions at the time, whatever the July expansion was, it certainly wasn’t popular)
  • Skipping the ones when I wasn’t here and didn’t hear about, but player count steady at roughly 30k except the boost at End 2016~Start 2017 (Citadels?)
  • 2019 - 37k → 24k - (Nullsec Blackout) rising immediately after blackout ended, (vs 37k->34k in 2018’s summer drop)
  • 2020 - no summer drop, citing COViD lockdowns
  • 2021 - 35k → 24k (rather large drop again compare to other years summer, current trend slightly reversed most likely by Free ISK Event) Cause for the drop debatable, but presumably by most likely Industry Changes immediately followed with AFK Cloaking Changes and some says due to Scarcity Fatigue (hence can attribute to the bounce as well since CCP has just publicly stated in the 1 week period as the Free ISK Event that their position is to FIRMLY End Scarcity in Q4, partially negating the fatigue factor). We are yet to see if this is a comeback bounce (due to player confidence) or a dead cat’s bounce…time (the next few months) will tell.

Has CCP done what was best for its own flagship game Eve all the time? Of course not, we all make poor decisions over the course of our life, but given the trend that CCP is now seemly more leaning their focus on Monetization than innovating gameplay mechanics…try not to put up too much hope. Also, the argument that CCP is a company and need to make money in itself is all fine and good, but imaging should CCP managed to keep Eve’s Wheel of Innovation spinning than focused on scattered spoils on their path, and hence able to attract PLUS retain players at 45k ~ 60k PCU, wouldn’t they be quite cozy with the income from that and need not worry about trying to MILK the shrunken player base?


But ZhaoMin, we are all supposed to be unintelligent sheep that always fold back to the flock now.

It would take a miracle to expect Ccp/ PA to treat its customers otherwise.

Very true. Does not stop me from trying, though


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Honestly depends upon the reception I get in the initial contact. Did I ask the right person? Is it possible? Is it on their radar already?

I keep my notes and try to keep track of what has been accomplished, failed, or outright denied.


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I accept criticism all the time. It’s the name calling and other nonsense that has no place. Like, for instance, accusing me of being a troll because I disagree with you or others.

LOL, no I wasn’t. I hated the thing from the beginning and was one of the most vocal against it.

I read it - it strikes me as pretty much a standard corp heist, made difficult only by wormhole mechanics in getting folks in and the stuff out. I think the story of how INIT killed Fort Knocks is far more interesting than this story, but I do appreciate that both of them can still happen in this game. I disagree with the contention that this type of event couldn’t happen anymore. People still steal things from POSes, and we’ve seen all kinds of crazy things happen with structures being flipped, the abandoned structure mechanic that’s resulted in crazy loot pinatas (I was part of one of those myself just a few month ago) and all kinds of other cool stuff you’ll never see in another game.

They are both space sandbox MMOs, albeit one is done and the other isn’t.

I hope that’s explicit enough for you. If you want to know more, go try them out, or see ZhaoMin’s post above (although he disagrees with me that these games are similar enough to EVE to have them try them out.

Bottom line - if you’re having fun with EVE, keep playing. If you aren’t, try to get back to having fun. I don’t think coming here to the forums and being negative is going to suddenly make EVE fun for you again, though.


No I called you a troll because you dismiss members of this forum community out of hand. You as a CSM have to keep personal feeling and impressions to yourself when posting on a public forum. If you are unable to do that, I’d suggest you go to another form of social media, one NOT run by CCP
Last night I spent a couple of hours on Discord, listening and talking about your attitudes toward Eve Forum Posters. It wasn’t positive.
What I really don’t understand is, if you honestly believe the Eve forums to be full of those who don’t play but just like to post, WHY do you post here? Aside from the obvious of creating discourse within the community.

The only people I dismiss out of hand are people like you, who constantly jump on everything I say and start screaming.

I don’t have to do any of that, sorry. That’s not part of my job.

I’m sure the three people you were talking to are all not big fans of mine. If you’d like, you can come check out my twitch show with a thousand people watching tomorrow and ask them how they feel about me.

I post here because these are the official forums, there are plenty of people who do play who post here, and I have an obligation to be visible and make sure they understand I’m available if they need me. It’s something I campaign about, so I do it. It’s part of my job to maintain a discourse with the community.


Not continuing with this farce but will continue to call you out when I believe you are misrepresenting yourself or the player base in the future.
For now, my time is more valuable than debating with a self righteous sudo politician who holds a volunteer position.

Ahh, well that’s good to know… I guess.

So a while back I submitted a Bug Report, then I posted this list of Market bugs in your Assembly Hall threads to which you guys said you’d inform CCP. I also posted that list in multiple ‘Known Issues’ threads and even tagged various CCP people as well.

Some people may say it doesn’t affect game play so those bugs aren’t important. However I disagree with that simply because they do affect the gameplay of Market Traders. Players who submit buy and sell orders for most of those items are getting ripped-off for their ISK, mainly because those orders aren’t being seen by players who look in the correct Market category.

So far nothing has been said or done about those bugs, some of which have been active for well over a year now and should have been fixed back when they were first identified. I mean come on, they can’t be that tough to fix.

If all you do is scream and rage while being nothing but negative, unreasonably negative, why should people continue to take you serious? You’re like one of those chihuahuas that has an impossible demeanor and never stops growling and trying to bite.

Look at your own posting and tell us if anyone should take you serious or not.

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How can you not take people serious that keep pointing out issues that you create all the time yourself by negligent development quality, development practices, by ignoring your QA or not running QA or ignoring feedback from players from the tests, by introducing features that are extremely damaging to the game and players and then going pickachu-face when it’s wrecking your economy and you have to kill your game to “fix” the issues, and so on and so forth? If CCP actually did more things that were positive, people would not be so negative because there would be fewer reasons to be negative. But you just need to look at this topic and the myriad of bugs and “ill considered features” with their latest signature feature (unfinishable sites, concord standing hits without being able to repair them, buggy graphics) to see that CCP is not willing to do that. Nor were they in the last major release when another signature feature was released (buggy nullification, unannounced changes to modules, bad bonuses for certain ships). Nor in the one before when that signature (they conveniently and against their own word forgot to pre-seed Myko sites 2 weeks before indu changes release). Nor the one before that. And so on and so forth. If you keep failing with your signature features, why should people be happy about it and cheer CCP on?

Just look at what Brisk did with this ISK giveaway. If he really suggested it as a reward and told them not to do it for reasons but CCP did it anyway, it goes to show just how willfully daft this company is. I wish there were release feedback surveys like in Valorant so that people could tell CCP what they feel about their releases. … Which actually brings me to another feature. What happened to the Surveys that CCP announced just a month ago that they would send out on a regular basis via the Char Select screen and that would reward us for participation? Wouldn’t that be an amazing thing to have: release feedback surveys and rewards for doing them. See? A positive suggestion including a feature that CCP introduced with much fanfare recently and then let fall flat right away. Tell me why I should not be frustrated and endlessly negative about a company that is just incompetent?