The Havoc content, in it’s current form will physically and mentally hurt players if continued

Every content in Eve and other games can be over done to the point of health concerns. It is not for the game maker to try to protect players from themselves. I have had a CEO of a mining corp do marathon sessions that spanned days . . . null sec folks will enter the battle and not logoff until downtime forces them to.

We are humans (most of us) and we do not always make the best choices for our own health but there is no way in hell I would support trying to convince a bunch of folks in Iceland that it was their job OR their duty to do so.



The homies are lead by Corp CEOs and FCs that seem to let it happen at least instead of finding ways around it.
If hisecers feel that CCP has declared war on their assets, sell it. Miners reprocess their assets and sell it. Sell everything including structures, put everything in ISK and PLEX. Don’t participate and let the systems go Low. Wait it out. See how much of hisec CCP wants to eat. Do they want all of it or some of it? Once their appetite is sated, settle back in.
Otherwise you all can continue to play the Alamo tactic and see where it gets you.
What is missing in this discussion is the fact that EvE is a game. To me, it looks like CCP will always have the check-mate mechanics. “All their stuff” actually belongs to CCP. It says so right in the legal mumbo-jumbo you have to agree to before you can play. None of it belongs to the player.

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That’s because you’ve never actually been involved in them, especially at the level of a strat FC, or even someone with a Titan on grid.

There is no legal justification for the argument, period. I am not aware of a single country where a video game company has been held to a duty of care for the mental health and well-being of their customers based on how the game mechanics drive user time in-game. If he can find me a case, I’d be willing to revise the statement, but I don’t think he’s going to find one. That would be a major, major thing and it would open up every major game company to significant liability.

Perhaps it would be best if all the non-lawyers in here stop arguing with me about legal arguments?

This does not contradict what I said. Regardless of the cash-out option, nowhere has there been a case where CCP has been sanctioned because of the hypernet violating anti-gambling laws. It’s been more than two years since it’s come out. I think it’s safe to say that this is a spurious argument whenever it’s made.

Yes, yes, I should care what somebody who has played the game a shorter amount of time than my 13 year old has to think about EVE. I’ve been playing the game for 17 years, I’ve racked up more kills and more isk killed than most players. You want to cherry pick stats, that’s fine, but the only thing stopping me from not having as many solo kills as you is I’m really good at making friends. Sorry.

Not the point of what I’m saying, at all. Don’t be obtuse. And I translate ISK into USD because that’s what the reporters do who write the stories about these big fights. It helps to put that in perspective, since we can’t just put time in. If you don’t think there’s more stress on the backs of an alliance leader or strat FC pulling the trigger on a fight that could cost their friends thousands of dollars worth of in-game assets or years of time it took putting that all together, you’re fooling yourself. That’s the context we were talking about.

I guess retiring to lowsec, where nobody is going to care what you do and you’re not going to get in newspaper articles for the fights is an option, but many of the folks involved in these big fights are okay with the potential negative downsides to losing a big fight. I find it hard to believe, however, that you don’t understand what I was saying.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. It was thanks to me and a bunch of other nullsec CSMs that you got all of these FW updates - I spent three years telling CCP it was FW’s turn to get attention.

You’re welcome.

I’m a big fan of the Netherlands, and I have plenty of friends there. I don’t think most of them would subscribe to the same philosophy as your boy here, though.

I also don’t know why you guys keep acting like I’m still on the CSM. I did my time. I spent four years on it, and I’m not on it anymore and have no desire or plans to go back on it, largely because I’m tired of dealing with people like you. No matter how much you do for the game, you’re going to get crapped on and it’s tiresome. All I tried to do was make the game better, and I think I succeeded for a lot of folks, and now more people want to play the game, and play it longer than they have before, and your buddy here seems to think that’s a bad thing that should be regulated because people are apparently too stupid to make their own decisions about what they do with their free time.

If you really think that’s true, you weren’t there. You want to try killing the game again, go for it. I loved blackout, but I know it was bad for the game. Do you?

There’s no issue with my ability to notice such - if it had happened, I’d have seen it. But this is also an invitation for you and your buddy to actually do some research and find some cases that I didn’t see,if they exist.

You can’t search and review discord like you can reddit and the forums, which is why I mentioned those.

The programmers were being paid, and they chose to do the work. Don’t worry about them.

That’s really what it comes down to. Worry about yourself. Let others worry about themselves. Telling somebody they shouldn’t be allowed to do something because somebody somewhere could or has abused the something in question is just dumb. Don’t do that.

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I think the point is that CCP radically changes the rules regularly and the new rules also being objectively worse than the old ones both of which leads people to be exhausted

Contradicting, also player count is on multi-year highs. CCP needs to shake things up to keep people interested in play and coming back. Embrace the change, it’s only a game.

That is a short sighted strategy and it explains why active players are in a downtrend

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is more than 10 years old and it has more players than ever you can argue, its also a top seller in steam, number 16 at the time of writing. Isnt that strange considering the devs never radically change the rules?

Would love to hear you or anyone else CCPsplain themselves out of that one. Maybe the issue is that EVE online is not changing radically enough and not enough in a state of flux.

Truck Simulator is not a PVP game and can in no way be related to EVE which is a PVP game.

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You cant be serious with this take can you?

When people say EVE is dying, the response is usually its an old game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And when people say EVE is a PvP game they sound ignorant because most people have probably played EVE and never done any PVP. Chribba for example is a good example and he is not exception to the rule.

Anything else? :slight_smile:

At its core, yes its a pvp game because even though you may be a pve character, you are still in some ways taking part in pvp like the market. And being pvp at core, even if you wanna play strictly as pve, someone else may come in and blap you. That is what separates this from any other game that splits pve from pvp.

PVP usually refers to combat in ships against other playerr and you can play the game without doing that so its not a PVP game more than a PVE game. Not yet at least.

Player vs player.

Market manipulation is pvp, you want to sell your ■■■■ over someone elses.

Ganking is player v player. Any action that pits 2 or more players against each other is pvp.

That is a terrible definition of PVP. For example WoW has an auction house, even on servers that have world PVP off. So according to your logic its still a PVP server

Player versus player (PvP) is a type of multiplayer interactive conflict within a game between human players. This is often compared to player versus environment (PvE), in which the game itself controls its players’ opponents.

Dark patterns

o Main public concern regarding dark patterns

“There is a general concern that tech and videogames “manipulate” us into doing something that we didn’t want to do. This topic overlaps with the concept of attention economy, which I described in the section about addiction, with the idea that tech companies “force” us to engage with a platform longer than we initially intended.”

o What science says about dark patterns

“A dark pattern describes a design with a purposely deceptive functionality that is not in users’ best interest.”

There’s a plethora of research into game design and manipulation of the player base within, and without the industry if people want to read it.

Maybe CCP need to go and read up on it because as things stand they are cynically forcing players into taking actions and spending far more time in game than they want to to defend assets they spent a lot of money on and possibly damaging players physical and mental health.

It’s real and CCP could very easily be held responsible. As for saying they don’t have to log on and play that way, they are left with no choice, defend or lose it all, all they possibly spent years building is on the line and all because CCP and probably the CSM want to forcibly direct a certain type of player into playing in a way they don’t want to.

Which makes your reply even more disappointing considering how much you try to support new players.

Above quotes were from;

Ethics in the Videogame Industry: A Mythbusting and Scientific Approach


Do you also go to the WoW forums to complain about how WoW is losing players?

I suspect this isn’t your first time having this conversation since on these forums there’s a rotating door of single accounts that keep popping up shouting “PCU” without further critical thought.


Imagine being like the game is dying is normal and thinking you are the good guy :smiley:

You didn’t answer the very easy yes/no question: do you also post „the game is dying“ to the WoW forums or no?

I dont, and you dont spend your time BlizzardSplaining on WoW forums either so where does that leave us?

CCP has a short sighted strategy of regularly and radically changing the rules and in many cases changing them for the worse both of which is driving players away. Dont try to change the subject?