The Hunt for Komi Valentine is Over!

Your point is well taken! I sent my redheaded wife and her minions after her! :black_heart:


This was the best player driven content I’ve seen in soooooooooooo long. I don’t know how to say thanks! :crazy_face:

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The best ship is the FRIEND SHIP, wouldn’t you say, MY BROTHER ThePhotographer?

I would not go THAT far when it comes to the free ride of being a CSM, but yes, I wholeheartedly agree! :grinning:

The answer is always @Chribba, he traditionally handles the PLEX4GOOD stuff that arises from player driven fundraisers.

If this turns into one of them, may I suggest that the denizens of C&P that don’t like the complete RP aspect rally together, @Komi_Valentine rallies her supporters from the RP forums that are also into PvP, and turn it into a brawl of god vs man; complete with a betting pool and possible auction of Komi’s corpsicle with all proceeds being donated.

Everybody has fun and the isk goes to a worthy cause; job done bosh.

Still not really getting the schtick here.

I don’t get it either TBH, there again I’m from the country whose political system gave us Screaming Lord Sutch and Lord Buckethead; poking fun at politics is what we do.

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Respect to the Monster Raving Loony Party.

@Komi_Valentine Why not make a deal with everyone here? Biomass your char if all the bounty goes to plex for good then make an alt called Komi_Reborn and run as the alt ^_^.

I’ve reached out to Komi to engage in diplomacy. I’ve identified a possible way in which the hunt could come to an end while appeasing the hunters and obviously Komi - and there’s no extortion or anything else like that involved :sweat_smile: .

I’ll keep everyone posted o7.


this should be an interesting turn of events.

Maybe you can take her place and biomass yourself… :no_mouth:

As for the OP of this thread reaching out with a possible way to appease everybody and end this through Diplomacy…


Yeah right, that ship was sunk as soon as this thread was created.

If I was Komi, I’d get a bunch of people to file multiple complaints of stalking, harassment and grief play tactics being done with the sole intention to intimidate and forcibly coerce a resignation from running for CSM.


Welp…I hear she wasn’t signing in on that character anyway… Is that how hardcore RP is done? In any case, Komi friend, ‘Deep Matari’ may not be quite as safe as you imagine…

I spaced some slaves in your honour @Komi_Valentine:


DMC…when did you go all soft on EvE? Darn. :frowning:


I didn’t go all soft.

In my 12 years of being in these forums, I have never seen anybody blatantly try to intimidate and forcibly coerce somebody into not running for CSM.

That’s just gotta be all kinds of wrong, in my opinion it goes against multiple aspects of the Rules, TOS and EULA.

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I know this is all treading a very thin line. I think the Dev’s are scratching their heads too.

Komi is being a good sport about it.


Yes, after rereading all I’ve said, I do owe them both an apology. Sorry! I don’t know why I still care about the game that much sometimes…

Edit; I still think the Dev’s are scratching their heads over this one. Score 1 for the player base who are not Goon! :wink:

I don’t think you quite realize the significance of all this thou. Komi has demonstrated the glory of perma death and how much it changes the game even thinking about it.

I would biomass after extracting all 100mil sp of mine and donate it all to plex for good if CCP Rise made Hardcore characters with 30x training speed but had perma death :].

Imagine, bounties would actually mean something, like it does in this thread.

I understand that you are white knighting, but at the same time you are diluting her honor.

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Ok, this is more than just treading a very thin line, this has gone WAY over the line. Yeah, CCP is probably scratching their heads wondering what to do.

Just recently they publicly accused a CSM member of violating the NDA and banned him. Then after Forum outrage they supposedly conducted a complete investigation and ended up rescinding their unwarranted ban, made an apology and walked away with a bunch of mudcrap all over their faces. Do you really expect CCP to quickly step out into a pile of mudcrap again? They probably haven’t done anything because nobody has made it a point to file any official charges…

The main issue here is if this continues to it’s foreseeable conclusion, it will set a precedent for all future CSM elections to which they will no longer be a democratic process where players get elected based on the merits of their Campaign Platforms.

Instead people can just knock out their competition by dipping into their wallets, buy $1000’s worth of PLEX and post a Bounty Event to be paid to the player who pods them the most, all done with the intention of forcing that competition to resign from running for CSM. Course due to constantly being stalked, harassed and griefed both in-game and in the forums, they ultimately get chased away from the game as well.

I’m not even going to get into how this violates the players personal right to access the game without having their play session constantly disrupted.

What this does is turn the CSM election process into a Pay To Win scenario. Now maybe it already is and has been for a long time. If so, it’s all been done quietly behind the scenes in dimly lit smoke filled rooms, definitely not publicly promoted in plain sight like this.

As for Komi, I never even heard of her before all this happened and probably wouldn’t have even looked twice at her Campaign thread. Unfortunately somebody got a wild hair up their arse, decided to turn it into a personal vendetta and in the process of doing that, disrupted the forums by dragging this into the Forum Big Top, placed it on Center Stage and focused all spotlights on it. All without actually considering the ramifications this will have on future CSM elections.

Seems people don’t realize this basically opens up Pandora’s Box allowing future CSM positions to be secured using grief tactics of intimidation and coercion, forcing would be rivals to resign from running for CSM.

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The whole fiasco started when she strictly wanted to run as an RP, and then decides that she didn’t need to post any qualifications for CSM. then sending a “rep” and talking complete nonsense on the stations interview.

It was confirmed few days ago that CSM is a PLAYER not character. So even if she did biomass she’d still be on the CSM if she were voted in… The fact that she is trying to go through this whole thing RP’ing, while cool on one hand, wouldn’t acknowledge that she’d have to participate OOC, plus admitted that she’d leave anything game mechanic wise for the other csms to talk about when in iceland. But when you make a vow, that you’d biomass yourself if podded, you gotta know you just put a target on your back.

if archer and komi come up with a compromise, then thats cool and I can’t wait to see it.