The James 315 QuitMark Metric

When I log in next you will receive what you had asked for.

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Donā€™t forget, a billion isk for Aiko!

Donā€™t let the witch gaslight you or a recently new term I found out about .


I sometimes think Eve should be called Paradise Lost.
Itā€™s like being in an epic poem sometimes.


Thank you, frosty does show difficulty in understanding whatā€™s really the message here

** They send memes and GIFs, but never engage in a proper conversation.*

Orā€¦ Parasite Found



Imagine playing on lost temple in 2024 OMEGALUL

With hyperventilating regards
-James Fuchs

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Thatā€™s some odd thing to get triggered by. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Especially considering what you could already assume that itā€™s just a random screenshot from the internet based on a google image search, the first useful result for parasite starcraft.

Now checking its source itā€™s actually from the official strategy guide (Zerg Strategy Guide) and thus is probably like several decades old.


Calm down miner.

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The Russians have a saying ā€œAnd then things got worseā€. Kinda a national anthem for them and the gameā€¦

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Looks like we have a healthy crop of capsuleers who have passed the Mark!

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It looks like the most recent graduate of James 315ā€™s school of newbro gankers was Ronin Amelana who killed his first Ishtar! Congrats!


Calm down ganker.


Dueling permits are fake!

Why donā€™t you ever kill abyssal runners, it canā€™t be anymore boring than ship spinning or talking to my fellow ag , trying to persuade them to join you why you wait for a target.

I do. Why donā€™t you learn to use zkillboard?

You guys are gonna need to get a lot better before I even consider letting you join. Princess Aiko Hold My Hand is still recruiting miners, so you can apply there. However, there is a processing fee of 1 billion isk which must be submitted with your application, and like all Goonswarm affiliates, I require a full API on each of your characters. You are also going to need a mining permit.

Can you please work on your grammar? Your application will be denied, unless you put some thought and effort into your essays.

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Iā€™m sorry Princess for what frosty just did!

Whatever you refer to, your action will probably incur a fee of at least 1 bil ISK to be paid to her. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Your response shows just how afraid you are to log in Uriel

Thatā€™s some odd conclusion to make from that sentence. :upside_down_face:

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I want my permanent in my mailbox before days end.