Good luck!
I liked the can you change your mind thd.
Good luck!
I liked the can you change your mind thd.
But can we psychoanalyze each others or not?
I’m not sure if I’m adding much to the conversation, but I’ll contribute my own experiences of this event.
I’m a marauder pilot and I fly a Kronos. I’ll admit that my Kronos is pretty blingy in many ways and I fully understand and accept the dangers of that every time I undock. So to mitigate those dangers somewhat, my beloved Kronos has 3 Abyssal 1600mm plates, 2 armor HP rigs, very good resistance membranes (80%+ resists across the board in Bastion), and I’m in a full Amulet clone. So basically, my Kronos has half a million EHP and is beefier than the Yellowstone cattle ranch.
However, the price for all that tank is that I have only a single decent Mag Stab (all my gunnery and marauder skills are maxed), which means that while I have more than enough firepower to clear sites with ease, I really can’t comp-ete with other, more dps-focused, marauders.
My modus operandi is simple: I bought some secure gate keys for both types of site, and when I warp in I kill anything pointing or scramming me while heading for the secure acceleration gate. The moment the points/scrams drop, I warp into the final room (leaving a few npcs on the initial room so anyone who tries to snipe the site will be delayed slightly clearing them). I bastion up, clear the site, kill the battleship, loot it and move on.
I d-scan the site before warping to it (or if it’s out of range, I warp to something near by) and if someone is running the site, I leave them to it. If I warp to the site and someone beats me to it, I “o7” in local and warp out - there’s plenty of sites out there. If someone warps into the final room with me, I overheat my guns on the battleship and see if I can win. If I get the loot, great. If I don’t, then I give the winner a “GG” and move on with my day. The price for all that tank is that sometimes you lose out due to lower dps. I see it as healthy (and semi-friendly) competition.
I run sites within my home constellation, and after a while the other locals see how you fly and how you act. The number of people who have warped into the first room after me (usually they are also marauder pilots), then warped out again far outnumber those who have competed for the battleship. I play fair, and while I’m not naiive enough to think that other players will also play fair, many do anyway.
How you feel about the events (and Eve in general) is the about the frame of mind you play the game. I play relatively cautiously, don’t take unneccessary risks, behave fairly and respectfully while not expecting the same in return (so I don’t get butthurt when they don’t), and generally just get on with my day without bothering others without a good reason. My ships are always heavily tanked, I watch local and use d-scan. On the rare occasions where someone has tried to gank me, they have thus far found me far too tough a nut to crack and I’ve competed with Concord to blow them out of my sky and afterwards just tractored in their wrecks, looted them and gone on with my day. No salt. No mocking in local. Just another day in New Eden.
On one occasion, a Kronos warps into the final room just after killed and looted the boss while I’m waiting for bastion to cycle off. He then goes suspect at point blank range (a marauder pilot who goes suspect is either an idiot or he knows something you don’t)… so I ignore him warp out, head home and dock up. Then I look up his zkillboard… and low and behold this guy has about a dozen marauders on his killboard in the last two weeks alone! My beloved Kronos may be a beast, but it can’t compete against what is clearly a skilled pvp-fit Kronos pilot. I don’t hold it against him, I don’t bear a grudge. I think “well played you magnificent bastard, but I’m playing my game not yours. Fly safe/dangerously o7”
TLDR: My life in Eve is quiet and relatively peaceful because I understand the risks, and mitgate them as much as possible through fitting and behaviour. I never fly what I can’t afford to lose, I keep my safeties on green, I don’t get provoked into bad situations, I help out newbies whenever I can and don’t get mad on the occasions I lose out to someone. I learn from my mistakes and I just get on with my day.
My Eve life is pretty sweet.
That mostly happens in hisec. In nullsec only a crazy person would try this
+1 to @Faiyna !
Most people simply don’t realize that this is a public event and they actually compete with each other. They always have the option to get personal rewards from just talking to a mission agent and doing whatever he asks for. Those sites spawn only for them and only they can get any payment, no matter who actually did the job, as long as all demands are met.
That may have been me (sorry, first day of doing the event).
No need to be sorry. Last year during the Yulai event my golem curb stomped all the Praxis pilots.
#Mauraders Online #ez ISK