The like and get likes thread II

The books were a fun quick read but as we know rust was abandoned as it was a 1 platform mix with eve.

It was a 100% failure at the time but with today’s technology and having it on several platforms AND a decent FPS game would be the solution. It would’ve been neat.

They’ve been on life-support since the VR thing thinking this would be self-sustaining I suppose?


Almost Stranded on Moon: Buzz Aldrin Talks Circuit Breaker Issue

3,922 views ; 191 Thumbs Up , 12 Thumbs down
Published on Mar 24, 2019


And now, i’m off to bed! Nighties lovelies!

Also: I just happened to obtain the “Kraken Unleashed!” achievement in World of Warships. It requires killing 5 ships in a single battle (teams are 12 vs 12). I already ahd obtained it once (in over 8,200+ battles!) so it’s the second rarest achievement I’ve got in the game, just a few days after obtaining “Solo Warrior”.



I always wondered why everything, including the cars are bigger in the U.S.? :thinking:

Even the Mercedes A class(which is a hatchback in Europe) is a sedan in the U.S.


Essentially it’s because of having less people per square kilometer. This leads to more building surface which allows bigger houses which require longer roads on which drive larger cars. People in the USA are used to think of large spaces for everything whereas people in Europe is used to think of more cramped spaces.

Specificaly, the average European car must fit in the average European city, with narrow, often winding streets in the old town. A large American car would be useless there as there’s some streets where it wouldn’t fit…


This is most likely not a full government vehicle since there are so many civilian related parts on it which government vehicles would not use, unless covert of course…

The fisrt photo shows what it looks like from a distance.
It’s also visibly not a hatchback or a car, but a pickup truck, seemingly a Toyota.
There are however devices on it which are used on military vehicles.
I’m not sure what those 2 tubes are on the sides of the cargo loading area at the back.

Launch Pad Astronomy
Published on Jun 1, 2019

Surface of Venus Is Weirdly Elastic, Mobile and Volcanic

51K views * 3 weeks ago
Anton Petrov
Published on May 16, 2019

Ancient Ocean Tides on Venus Turned the Planet into Hell

Anton Petrov
Published on Jun 4, 2019

Btw, those pickup trucks are used by the ministry of transport to carry crew of workers to job sites (or roadways that need repairs).
It has seats behind the front cab to sit 3 or so , more people, at the back.

Robots would work extremely well on every solar system celestial bodies, and we could design specific robots for each and everyone of those bodies, as some as different properties on which specific systems would work better , or, which specific systems would work better with the other systems, together.

Additionally, the reason for human or other life form to be there is for if in case of cataclysm on earth which would make life impossible , or, too complex, or, more complex.
It may be possible to have life there even if it is more complex, however, it should be kept in good measure, and , within scope of facts and conditions, which conditions will change, and which conditions which should analyze to understand better how they do change, and , how they will change.

We could literally produce on every celestial systems and reduce our launch times and efforts to launch from earth, and also improve the health regeneration rate of the ozone layer, without damaging it by launching or , re-entry.

Of course, the energy required to do so build system in space and on the moon and on mars is much more considerable than the amount of energy and efforts that we have been expanding so far, however, that is still a viable goal.

It would also let us have forward bases of operation.
It would also let us detect greater distances and times that we currently now cover, and, with a greater level of accuracy and, effectiveness.

Opening the International Space Station for Commercial Business on This Week @NASA – June 7, 2019

45,654 views ; 2.7K Thubms Up , 89 Thumbs down
Published on Jun 7, 2019

The International Space Station is open for commercial business…
This video is available for download from NASA’s Image and Video Library:…

Eventually, once we can improve our medical science levels, and improve how to adapt to different conditions in space, or once we create systems that will let us withstand those conditions, better and longer, and more efficiently, we will be able to survive better in those conditions, even if we would have to adapt. That is to say, in tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, and perhaps, over 1 billion years, if we are to be successful to live as long as that, or, as long as possible, or, as long as possible that it would be for us to live good in those conditions.

European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Published on Apr 10, 2019

Galaxy’s Core is Packed With Dark Matter

808 views * 6 hours ago
853 views ; 96 Thumbs Up (11.25% of views) , 8 Thumbs down (8.3% of Thumbs Up)
Published on Jun 9, 2019

World’s Lightest Solid!

12,170,408 views ; 354K Thumbs Up (2.9% of views) , 5.7K Thumbs down (1.61% of Thumbs Up)
[Veritasium]( textXA)
Published on May 31, 2019

Strange “Faster Than Light” Effects At The Edge of Neutron Stars

Anton Petrov
Published on Jun 3, 2019


Good night, lovelies. :heart:


Stop using anti-dank memer language.



Who Lives in Antarctica?

The Population of Antarctica - Find a job in Antarctica

Antarctica does not and has never had an indigenous population (there are no native human Antarcticans).


Beddy time for me… nighties lovelies!

Also: a useful tip if you ever encounter a riddle sphinx!


I’d go there if penguin tasted okay.


I’d go there for research and not be bothered.
I’m engaged for marriage and I got bothered so much for the last 35 years, and it interferes against the positivism I bring to society to benefit society and attempts to discredit to credit those who seek to discredit me.
I am willing to do and invest in scientific research on it and gather evidence of the facts to use it for improvement of society and to be more positive.


As long as you had fuel for heat and food/penguin? I’m okay with it, there might be a day or 2 where it get’s near 0C.


It’s more complicated than that, because of the diplomatic treaty.

Access to Antarctica is restricted by the Antarctic Treaty. If you want to organize your own trip or expedition there, you will have to request permission from the government of your own country.

So, if that doesn’t work, you have to do research for another country.


Who technically owns it? I didn’t read, if that’s not an option I’d go above the arctic circle.


Well, that’s the whole point, it doesn’t.

(btw, the quote I included was removed and I had to insert it back again.)


Well, I’m sure it’s not hard, just sign a waiver if you die from exposure?


Neither, your suggestions are 0% probable and on the axis of imaginary.
In other words, completely out of touch with reality.
Psychology is a field of research that deals with contact with reality and contract with reality, also written contracts in reality which are not verbal communication offers only.


Imaginary? I watched a show where some lady lived in some old train cars well above the arctic circle. Trying to remember name, had trappers on it also. She had internet, crappy but internet, diesel generator, heaters, etc.
I suppose these train cars were insulated.