The like and get likes thread II



If it wasn’t such a process, i’d join EVE Uni to relearn the game since its been years since i was able to do anything, guess solo mining is good enough to have me play maybe once a week till Project Nova. o7

3 Likes,fRoiTmXJNO2QtbzD&b=1

A comparison between the two flagship monitors(of Asus).


Time to go to bed! Nighties lovelies!

Also: raise your hand if you’re old enough to know what is this!





EVE Skillboard now shows how much ISK is your character is worth(in extraction).Sweet!

Good night, lovelies. :heart:

EDIT: I woke up in the middle of the night to satisfy my battle royale craving. The mario game is down unfortunately. :roll_eyes: Oh well, back to bed then.



from googling :
intrepid 2nd ww
(as if it had nothing to do with the Star Wars Galaxies Intrepid server…)

I searched as I was avidly trying to verify if www could be used for the 2nd internet!
As if , compared to , say, www for World Wide Web…
Like, why would they make a 2nd internet anyways, right?
Would it be to keep an internet backup, for in case that the first internet went down?
Or, would it be that , when the first internet went down, that the 2nd internet back-up would be used, and would be usable to use.?
Or would it be that it would require a 2nd internet to be started after that the first internet ceased and desist?
With new rules, new systems, and so on?

as if… as if it would ever work, anyways…

Tom “Conman” Connors
Published on May 12, 2018

BBC Earth
Published on Jun 21, 2019

Photons, Entanglement, and the Quantum Eraser

53K views * 5 days ago
The Science Asylum
Published on Jun 20, 2019

The Science Asylum
Published on Jun 3, 2019

So, what if Google and Apple, who now offer to hire people without a College Degree, do however require to be bondable, such as for few allowed to be going into the Google Data Center, while other’s are restricted access to it, whether due to clearance or other?

Does that mean that the computer science studies for 25 years, which is more than equivalent of a master and doctorate degree, if not twice that, at 4 years for a bachelor, or 3 years, + 2 years for a master’s degree = 5 to 6 years, + 2 years for a doctorate degree = 7 to 8 years x 3 = 24 years to 22 years,
is now obsolete, even though their employment in that system would pretty much be obsolete in those conditions, and there would inevitably be another war due to it or in relation to it.?

Neil deGrasse Tyson Q & A @ Overheard

Published on Feb 23, 2019
~ hard work dissipates ignorance.
I should tell me future wife about it so that she can use it for her military training.
It reminds me of the story of the Tower of Babel and how it closely resembles how important is communication on an aircraft carrier for communication.

Development of The Purdue Cognitive Job Analysis Methodology

Pages 277-295 | Published online: 15 Jun 2010
Funny we have to design and develop jobs for employees as part of a new system because, if we have to design new jobs for old employees, if new information systems are going to be used to replace them and improve their work, they have to be able to be trained to do the new job, or, they have to be able to learn or study how to do the new job.
Not all analyst will think to do that, and will often resort to measures which will create more problems than the benefit of the new system does account for.
In other words, their accounting, or actuarial analysis does not account for all parts of the economic system, and will lead to economic problems and conflicts.

Published on Jan 19, 2010
At 3:08, So, I met with a top neurosurgeon .
And I asked him, how long is it possible to go without breathing,
like how long could I go without air?
And he said to me that anything
over six minutes
you have a serious risk
of hypoxic brain damage.
to 3:21
So, I took that as a challenge, basically.

Brain hypoxia is when the brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. This can occur when someone is drowning, choking, suffocating, or in cardiac arrest. Brain injury , stroke, and carbon monoxide poisoning are other possible causes of brain hypoxia .

Published on Jul 31, 2009

How This Guy Makes Amazing Mechanical Mirrors | Obsessed | WIRED

1.5M views * 1 week ago
Published on Jun 18, 2019

STP-2 Mission

1M views * Streamed 1 day ago
1,036,363 views (average 43,181 views per hours ; average 719.70 views per minutes ; 11.9949 views per seconds.)
26K (2.5% of views) , 347 ( 1.33% of Thumbs Up )
Streamed live on Jun 24, 2019

Watch SpaceX’s ‘Most Difficult Launch Ever’

#SpaceX #ElonMusk #TechInsider
162K views * 19 hours ago
Tech Insider
Published on Jun 25, 2019

Recommended for you

Published on Jun 21, 2019


[ bab-uhl ]SHOW IPA



verb (used without object), bab·bled, bab·bling.

to utter sounds or words imperfectly, indistinctly, or withoutmeaning.

to talk idly, irrationally, excessively, or foolishly; chatter or prattle.


verb (used with object), bab·bled, bab·bling.

to utter in an incoherent, foolish, or meaningless fashion.

to reveal foolishly or thoughtlessly:to babble a secret.


inarticulate or imperfect speech.

foolish, meaningless, or incoherent speech; prattle.


Such, as , what occured during the tower of Babel :
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
and from thence did scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

That is why when you call local police and you can find this confounding of language, such as making false comments about first language and native language, that you know right away about their intentions to scatter all the world, since it would cause problems with the governor to stay there, as the confounding of language would be annoying and possibly cause death by misleading and misrepresentation and psychological warfare.
Even the military police knows that, and yes, they do have global authority to deal with local police matters.

THE CURRENT WAR Official Trailer (2019) Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch Movie HD

1.2M views * 22 hours ago
Rapid Trailer
Published on Jun 25, 2019

Deep Space Update - Falcon Heavy STP-2

18K views * 1 hour ago
18,774 views ( average 312.9 views per minutes ; average 5.21 views per seconds )
2K Thumbs Up (10.65% of views) , 11 Thumbs down (0.55% of Thumbs Up)
Scott Manley
Published on Jun 26, 2019

Everyday Astronaut
Published on Jun 18, 2019

New Trailers This Week | Week 23 | Movieclips Trailers

Movieclips Trailers
Published on Jun 8, 2019
at 15:28
must have faced quite a few challenges ,
the language barrier , the culture chock .
I mean, you don’t pull a kid out of a war
zone and have him turn out like Luce
without a lot of help which is why this
is so difficult

Published on Jun 25, 2019
So, if the tower of Babel was done to overcome the flood problem, and that, certain forces have seen it as something which may have given us equal powers, or so, interfered against their control or powers, and benefit they may have gotten from those powers, to spread out, and increase the chance of survival may also be a good way to solve the future earth problem caused from the flood, or future flood, due to asteroids or other celestial bodies changing the earth’s systems, which affects life on earth, atlhough that, with proper communication, the problem may be solved in space.

With proper communication, or, with proper navigation, as navigation may require proper communication of signals , or, sensor results, to avoid to be confounded and left for loss in space that is, if and when we are to come back to earth in some ways…


LOVELIES! :heart:


Sheryl Crow: Universal Studios fire destroyed all my master tapes - BBC News.
Ex-Chair of FCC Broadband Committee Gets Five Years In Prison For Fraud - Slashdot


Tonight I just had a craving of Elite and flew Ish from her last location to Sol (about 117 ly, not a big deal) and once there traveled to a tourist spot. On the way there, I got too close to a blue planet so was dropped out of warp and had to reengage towards my destination. After visting the spot, i looked at the blue Planet and turned to be Mars. Moved to a couple destinations more before landing at Mars High station and for all the session today and the last one on modnay I didn’t fire a single shot nor feared i was in any danger (other than being rusty at fuel scooping and getting too close to a star, which is more an inconvenience than a threat, most of the time).

It’s been a soothing experience, just fly around space. I might do it more often.

Nighties lovelies!

PS: I’ve just read that Drifters are attacking and reinforcing player structures (Keepstars) in nullsec. CCP confirms it’s intentional and not a bug. Huh.


This Unconfirmed Planet Is Most Earth Like Discovered To Date

3.8K views * 58 minutes ago
3,822 views ( average 65.896 views per minutes )
544 Thumbs Up (14.23% of views) , 6 Thumbs down (1.1% of Thumbs Up)
Anton Petrov
Published on Jun 26, 2019

Forty year long black hole mystery solved | Night Sky News June 2019

7.5K views * 3 hours ago
7,584 views (average 2,528 views per hours, average 42.13 views per minutes)
928 Thumbs Up (12.23% of views) , 21 Thumbs down (2.26% of Thumbs Up)
Dr. Becky
Published on Jun 26, 2019



A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later

#mystery #planes #brightside
147,608 views ; 17K Thumbs Up , 1.4K Thumbs down
Published on Jun 27, 2019

I graduated in around October 1992 and November 1992, and yes, we did have a student from Nicaragua, a Delgado. What a coincidence!
Even more puzzling , is that my grand-mother’s father, designed and registered patents for this type of DC-4 type planes, with another man, and the pair sold the rights to another company, like the McDonnell Douglas company.

Aerospace company

Image result for mcdonnell douglas


McDonnell Douglas was a major American aerospace manufacturing corporation and defense contractor formed by the merger of McDonnell Aircraft and the Douglas Aircraft Company in 1967. Wikipedia

Headquarters: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Founder: James Smith McDonnell

Founded: April 28, 1967

Successor: Boeing

Aircraft designed: McDonnell Douglas MD-80, MORE

Parent organization: Boeing

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Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin



It seems I was also born 14 days before that.!
I also didn’t know that Boeing was their parent company although I do have a Boeing software program used to repair Boeing plane systems and verify them.
I am now sure how Boeing became their parent company or how they are their parent company.

Even more so interesting considering all the delays caused against me to be able to marry more promptly, not including the original problems caused in the 1820s in relation to documentation systems and the names in relation to this.
That’s even before the country existed.

McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet

Boeing Unveils New Version of F/A-18 Super Hornet Developed for U.S. Navy

US Defense News
Published on May 9, 2019

Multirole fighter


The McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet is a twin-engine, supersonic, all-weather, carrier-capable, multirole combat jet, designed as both a fighter and attack aircraft. Wikipedia

Top speed: 1,915 km/h

Unit cost: 29,000,000–57,000,000 USD (2006)

Variants: McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet; High Alpha Research Vehicle

Number built: F/A-18A/B/C/D: 1,480

Engine types: Turbofan, General Electric F404

Did you know: On November 18, 1978, the prototype F-18 Hornet flew for the first time.

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Asteroid Deflection Mission Explained by Queen’s Brian May

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Amazing Sun Closeup Snapped Using 1-Meter Solar Telescope

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Good night lovelies. :heart:


The current heat wave has taken a toll on my poor sleeping… I’m wrecked and considering to keep the AC on at night if things get worse.

Meanwhile i’ll go sleep a little earlier than usual… nighties lovelies!

Also: those days when a flight simulation finds out that your B 737 Max 8 had an ace up the sleeve…

If it’s an issue caused by computer hardware, fixing it won’t be as easy as uploading a patch on every B737 Max. As in “a whole new truckload of crap is crashing on the fan” not easy. Because, how do you perform any kind of hardware replacement on aircraft scattered all over the globe and which can’t be flown to the nearest workshop?


Question is:
Would an asteroid hitting the earth, or, otherwise, changing the planetary system, manage to change the gravity, which would change the size of humans on earth, including human properties?
It seems it could be related to gravity, but there may be other genetic reasons for it, or, perhaps, what diet they used, or some other factors related to those facts, in time.

Also, the Sphynx erosion of its body , compared to its head, is also related to the levels of water, and so, not only due to time only.
In other words, if the water level ended below the head, or, what was there, if changed, then, the erosion above that water level would not be the same.

Furthermore, the erosion may not be caused by water fall erosion only, but rather, by erosion caused by flooding of water up to the level, which, may have been done by dams, and other methods to literally flood that area, which, funny enough, is a clue as to how they built the pyramid, using barges and control of water to move the systems by buoyancy.

That is why, when making hypothesis , to verify all possibilities to avoid errors and inaccuracies leading to problems, unless of course, those inaccuracies , errors and problems are intended to be caused to control that way, so to control by causing problems, and inaccuracies to others, so that they lose contact with reality, and crediting themselves while in control of that, although fraudulent, and no matter how fraudulent.

It also leads to making hypothesis which are not only unsound scientifically, but it also diminishes the benefit from science to society, such as can be seen by substandard forensic services, such as poorly ballistic analysis.

Caught Drilling Under the Sphinx…They Know What’s Down There!

Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries
Published on Jun 11, 2019

Scientists Discover Huge Bacterial Biomass Inside Earth

Anton Petrov
Published on Dec 13, 2018

What is the most powerful object in the universe? - Space Discoveries and Theories

24,509 watching now ; 124 Thumbs Up , 28 Thumbs down
Space & The Universe HD
Started streaming 112 minutes ago
live chat

2:07 AMTyler Carlson​I don’t work for NASA

2:07 AMSapphire Tears Wavebreaker​I was being harassed, and came here to get my mind off it

(truncated out for simplicity and to limit spam, since some viewers and readers cannot or prefer not to read this, and can’t let others read it without it disturbing them, since they shouldn’t have to read this, even if that means that others couldn’t read it, even if they wanted to , or even if they wanted to have a reference to it from here, or even if the chat displayed included blatant spam, albeit from other sources, if not from enemy source altogether…)

We will also limit comments to explain encryption being a valid means and method of work for diplomatic purposes, if and when appropriate, and done right, and we will also omit edited for spam (or to limit the so called spam…).
Point of period.

2:15 AMCyodextrus​chrunch owns the universe

2:15 AMCyodextrus​run

2:15 AMCyodextrus​fly


Timezone lovelies! :heart:


Don’t mind me, I’m just being a bit silly. :crazy_face:



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