The like and get likes thread II

Time to go to bed. Just finished watching Sam Mendes’ 1917, what an awesome film! Hope it gets a Oscar as best film.

Nighties lovelies!


In French, “To Entertain” is “Divertir”, which is related to Diversion, such as in Military Diversion.
I also certainly don’t mean the use of the term Military Diversion, in the sense of a judicial process or procedure for veterans who are accused of wrongdoings, or, wrongfully accused.

No, I meant in the sense that Military Diversion is something used in case of attack, to save one’s life in self-defense, or, to protect one’s country, or, for the protection of allies.

And yes, that does include allies wrongfully misrepresented as enemy, even if it is misrepresented under the false pretense to try to protect them, since they are allies (especially when it doesn’t, and it makes them take the tab for all the bills).

The second military diversion use of the term and military procedure is less than the best term for this action.

Computer games, and Mass Multiplayers Online Games also are Entertainment, to Entertain, and, can also be military diversion.



It’s back!

NASA Brings Voyager 2 Fully Back Online, 11.5 Billion Miles From Earth - Slashdot.


Time to go to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: low budget, high ingenuity

Clever girl! :ok_hand:


A good reason to invest a smaller amount at first is to find out if it is worth it, and , if the entity you invest in can wisely use a smaller amount, before they can be trusted or, have a greater amount invested with them with enough confidence to do so.
So, it’s a good way to build confidence, before more trust can be invested into it.

Additionally, if it is not worth it, you will be out of your small amount, so, you only have so many of those small amounts to invest with, until you find one that is worth it.
Of course, if you invest more with an entity which is not worth it, there is no way it will work as they will simply waste the investment, or, the investment will be wasted from other causes occurring to that entity.

Funny enough , the same goes for charity, whereas, to give charity for causes you don’t have enough for yourself of, can negatively impact the charity in question.

Since most people are poor, there is obviously not many good opportunities around, and, more problem solving should be apply to this, so to increase efficiency.
Designing job search programs, and contracting systems for programming, or copyright registration also helps me to solve some of those problems thrown at me, including communication gap, and, gap analysis.

The nice part about making something great with a small amount, is that it can generate more efficiency when done on a larger scale, although that is only in theory, as, other causes may interfere such as rules or unfair discrimination or competition.

How Much I Make With 1 Million Subscribers

599,113 views • Jan 15, 2020
Graham Stephan
1.5M subscribers

Ancient Aliens in Art | The Sumerian King List & Lost Secrets of History - Humanities Origins

28,252 views • Premiered 23 hours ago
The 5th Kind
285K subscribers

In 1841, it had taken 110 days for the news of the death of President William Henry Harrison to reach Los Angeles


You guys remember I had one of my PCs infected with a virus? Well, my friend formatted it and now it works great! I had no important files on it. Just a couple of old movies. Now I can insert usb flash drives into the PC! YAY! :partying_face:


Yeah, formating and burning with fire is usually the ultimate solution to viruses, malware and other nasties. :grin:

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!


Had some digital advertising displays installed at the restaurant/marina today. The authoring software only works in windows :angry:

They do offer a cloud based author but boss mang said no.

I’ll be damned if I have to carry a windows laptop in addition to my Macbook or installing windows onto my Macbook. I have the authoring software currently on a shared windows based office computer, I guess that will just have to do even though I regularly get kicked off when one of the restaurant managers have to use it.

Guess I’ll have to find a spare windows computer to use… Ugh

**** google and windows.

I’m not really for it but our guest wifi asks for a facebook login or an email for “authentication” with redirects to tripadvisor. I think It’s a really sleazy way to do business, but the marketing opportunities are just too much to pass up to not do it as the average person would more than likely tell you anything about themselves just to get some free wee-fee.

Fortunately the massive invasion of privacy is just for the restaurants free Wi-Fi. The marinas free Wi-Fi asks for nothing besides a redirect to a simple webpage of the services we offer.


Use of Turn-Offs against my work is such that even military intelligence intervened back in 1988, up until 1998, on and off.
So, it’s worst than invasion of privacy in my case.

Also, attacks against my rights of authorship, creator of authorship material, if not other rights to even use a ship, much less dock it at a marina, since the powers that be would rather have me dock at pirate safe-havens instead of the legal marinas cities inside your country, that ,
even programs to detect it, record it, register it, and automate such procedure are even met by those same copyright registration powers, who are supposed to enforce fixed copyright, and too often will expect those attacked to “enforce” and “police” their work,
are treated as if they were not programs, so much so , that I even have to register the fact and email about how they are being mistreated as not being a program,
including job search programs and so, with the use of turn-offs words.

Up to, and including, indictment, and intent to indict for life.
So, no, none of it can be of any use the protection of my rights, and intellectual property right , and those of my family and future family, and potential son, who would also inherit from those rights, which powers also want me to pay them a lawyer so that my son can inherit from the transfer of copyright, which he shouldn’t have to , really.

It sounds to me more like a scam than a right.
It’s like if anything positive and constructive is always met with equal military intelligence to destroy and interfere and publish the fact that they are getting paid to do so, as if some kind of positive marketing scheme , or , legal business activity.

Meanwhile, they try to justify investment with allies as if supporting enemy, and levying war against them, even if it is not of their business, or, they omit how they misrepresent even their own rights, and the rights of those they are supposed to protect, and are paid to do so by law.

In fact, I am appointed to courts again this morning for it, and,
had a case against me withdrawn by the government prosecution, earlier this Monday, 2 days ago now,
as if they finally realized that their refusal to prosecute illegal attacks and use of turn-offs against me, was the cause of their intent to try to justify prosecuting me unfairly, as if it was even legal to do so prosecute anyone unfairly.

Unfortunately for them, I and the military do use it for work.
It would not do society any good to omit it.


Maybe that authoring software would work without instaling windows. :thinking:


dark horse
a candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds.

“a Gloucester side that could be a dark horse for the title”

Here’s a joke:
What’s the similarity between a grenade and a wife?
You pull off the ring and then your house is gone.

Good night, lovelies. :heart:


My time to go to bed has come and I shall say: nighties loveleis!

Also: “You know, I really like open people” “God, you’re the jerkiest coroner I know!”


A Brand New Humanoid Species is Discovered in a Cave

462,772 views • Nov 11, 2019
Smithsonian Channel
2.46M subscribers


xkcd: “Blockchains are like grappling hooks, in that it’s extremely cool when you encounter a problem for which they’re the right solution, but it happens way too rarely in real life”

The same goes for Virtual Reality, IMO. :tipping_hand_woman:


EDIT: Forget the last post. It had a politician’s name in it and against the forum rules.

Timezone lovelies. :heart:



How do kids tell you their grandparents called?

60s kids: Grandma called.

70s kids: Gramps called.

80s kids: Granny called.

90s kids: Grandmother called.

Kids now: Boomerang.

Today I drank two cups of tea with a friend. He told me to go into the translation business because he claims I have knack for that. He believes in me so much that he is going to sacrifice his Saturday(day off) for me so he can take me to the translator’s office.
Good night, lovelies. :heart:


Today i’m going to bed earlier because I’ve got two medical appointemnts tomorrow in the morning. Thus, I just drop by to say: nighties loveleis!

And to say that apparently CCP has CCP’ed mining or something, and I don’t care. EVE 2020 is a game I have no interest in playing.

Also: physicist Richard Feynman watched a nuclear explosion with his bare eyes, and was the first person ever to do so


Timezone everyone :kissing_heart: