I get that same feeling in elevators. It is also hard to cope with not having a proper escape route should things to awry.
Good morning, lovelies.
If you insist.
Totally feeling the same in elevators too. Somehow I never trusted those contraptions, also cars. When I drived one, it was like me grasping tightly controls, not believing the machine would do what I wanted, trying to calm myself knowing my speed is deadly and car is not stopping instantously at such speed. My senses were compromised, sound and vision and touch, I could not feel the speed while driving, but I wanted to extract everything from the non-obstructed vision angles I had. Treacherous isolation, speed and machine’s innate flaws, and all those humans in their cars forgetting eventually how potentially dangerous it is, what they prepared for themselves.
That is why I like driving bicycles a lot more. Its a lot less dangerous. I can fully feel everything, “be one” with bicycle and it feels like I am moving, not carried over on some hellish contaption.
Its more fun to listen to that on bicycle:
Timezone everyone.
So, you two might feel less than thrilled about flying in an airplane, aren’t you?
I feel like landing would be really problematic, but flight and take-off something very easy. I did not ever flied tho. I dont know how it would feel. Maybe better than car. Dissasociated so much from obstacle driven environment.
If I would have wings, I would fly of course.
I’ve flown a grand total of seven times in airliners and once in a Cessna and the most shocking part is taking off. The seat presses hard on your back and the world outside begins slipping faster and faster and a bit of your mind thinks “yeah now we hit /anything/ and this whole thing will disintegrate”, then suddenly you’re climbing and the perception of movement and speed diminishes because the ground is far away and moves slower. I find it funny, actually. Landing is usually slow but not always smooth and inflight you barely feel anything unless there’s turbulence. So from a perception side, moving at 900 km/h at 9,000 meters high with outside temperature of -50º C and enough air to pass out in 10 seconds and die within minutes is not very scary… unless there’s turbulence. But I’ve never encountered turbulence, just some mild shaking.
As for the Cessna, the awareness of being in the air is quite greater. It moves a lot more. Lands faster and the whole take off acceleration part feels like a car actually… right until the nose goes up and you’re in the air and the thing begins shaking.
Must be rough air.
That is strange, I always imagined the flight should be smooth, not machine trying to shake you off while whizzing air all around its body.
All air is rough for a Cessna, the thing is large as a small truck and weights half of a car, so when the air moves, it moves with it. So even quiet air is a little bumpy. Rough air might feel like been inside a cocktail shaker…
I imagine spaceships would be a lot easier to fly. Computer navigates and program of flight is always ready, you know what to expect. What could go wrong in a place where you dont have much else of stuff around than nearby planet or moon, and millions of $ were pumped into shielding you from that empty void?
The bumpy part is what your guts and sense of balance feel about zero G
This freedom to opt out entirely is also the last argument that spokespeople for LinkNYC and the city itself fall back upon when challenged with privacy concerns: If you don’t like it, you’re welcome not to use it. It’s a disheartening place to land, especially when discussing infrastructure that’s supposed to be serving people who aren’t served otherwise. To Moglen, it’s simply an unacceptable conclusion. “That’s what they want us to believe, that we have a choice between isolation and monitored connecting,” he says. “Those are not adequate choices in a 21st-century world: We are designing the net to track you — if you don’t like it, don’t use it. The human race is shifting to a fully surveilled and monitored superorganism — if you don’t like that, stop being human. That’s a poor outcome. The United States is a society that was based around the idea that human beings can have liberty. So give us liberty! And don’t tell us that otherwise we can have the death of the net.
How do you combine two monster neodymium magnets? Very, very, VERY carefully… and with a lot of brute force!
Filling the coolers. Loadin up the fam. Time for a day outdoors.
Now only to take them apart.
I LIKE IT…but as a lover of missiles im curious…why so many missiles. Does it HAVE to use missiles?
well then sir where is another?