I dont know, Shape looks nice enough, conceptually maybe too plain surface of the wings, but good place to start working on it for CCP.
It’s a classic.
Wow, that’s one of those cars you’d make love to.
They should have programmed him to shout “Weeee, what a lovely spring we have!”
In our alliance’s null ratting systems. When ratting, our carriers are always aligned to the POS instead of the station so we can warp to it without being caught in a bubble by the neutral players.
Or just go around singing “Exterminate! Exterminate!” in Kaizuno Ai’s voice!
After reading INN’s article on abysmal sites and the Triglavian stuff, I’ve come to realize that CCP has put an enormous amout of time and effort into them. They’re Wormholes 2.0, just this time players won’t effin colonize the new dangerous space until CCP wants them to (maybe with player built stargates to abysmal space?).
Abysmal sites are not just a PvE occurence. CCP wants them to be a stepping stone to Apochrypha 2.
The stakes are really high…
Some announcements are just better than others.
Attention in the water …
… be advised …
… that the Park is asking us …
… to make an announcement …
… to let you know …
… that you are paddleboarding …
… next to …
… approximately …
… 15 great white sharks.
… Thank you for your cooperation.
Today Ishtanchuk spent about an hour completing “Gone Berserk” with the Drake. Shield never was below 40% so it’s been slow and boring but safe. Turns that of her mission ships, the one with less issues to run as Alpha is the Nightmare; would only lose the MJD and salvage drones, plus the % of Omega bonuses. Other fits need cruise missiles and/or sentry drones and et cetera. But for some reason, the Nightmare is 18 jumps away.
Officially, she’s just testing the water.
And now i’m off to bed, so I say: nighties lovelies!
Also: it’s not what it looks like, but it’s crazy the same
Technically it’s a heavily modified go kart with a 250 cc motorcycle engine in front and the modified body of a Barbie car.
Have they tried charging against them with a broom and shouting “PERKELE!!”?
Good night,lovelies.
Thats one of the cars you’d make love IN.
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I noticed it was the drone swarm that was the main problem, but clearly some peops also trying to point you, thinking you were the enemy.
I miss ol’ ashurman running Spectre Fleets.
Some people in my HS incursion group with WH experience decided to do the whole WH living thing again and I hopped in with them as I’d only daytripped in WHs before. Been living in there for about 2 weeks now, mostly enjoying it… being cut off from easy trade hub access is the main issue I find, but I’ve made 4-5 Amarr/Jita supply runs already, recently trained into Viator/Occator on 2 toons and having fun with those.
When stuff’s kinda shut down in the hole due to hostiles or lack of good sites/holes to do stuff in, I’ve mostly been playing Starcraft II lately (both MP and SP). I passed on it when it came out as the whole “paying 50 or 60 bucks for just 1/3 of the game” didn’t appeal to me at all, and now 75% to 90% of the game appears to be F2P, so that was a nice savings.
Starcraft 1 I always liked very much, but Starcraft 2 was a disapointment for me. Maybe because of nostalgia goggles I always thought the Starcraft was more serious, more engaging storywise, had better memes…
There was Starcraft RP going on in one of the forums I knew, used to be those different people RPing combat engineers and marines and ghosts, fighting with xenos, I mean zerg and protoss. Well, it was just like Warhammer RP really but Starcraft lore.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
“But, but, it’s a digitally painted duck! A virtual duck!” “And? The money you’re charging for it is not virtual in any way”
What’s funny is that companies could just be selling the stuff for “premium” currency, but they don’t do so because the-thing-that’s-not-gambling brings more revenue as players are forced to pay for useless junk.