Sports without gambling is like watching ducks swim.
But I would not gamble with my money, only some in game currency.
Also, good morning LAGLers!
EVE Online: Killjoy was not here, he was from here!
We have a small rainshower here
If this keeps up for another hour, it’s going to look like this here
One tweet too many… So much for “Rosanne”.
I liked the new Rosanne and the humor it brought.
I didn’t think the tweet was racist. Planet of the Apes is if anything a movie against racism, but some just cannot see beyond the apes I guess. And so the entire show had got to go…
The reason why I spend so much time in front of the PC
To notice that requires seeing beyond the pure entertainment and thinking about it. It should come as no surprise that most people are incapable of that.
On another note:
I hope this trend spreads to other areas. Elsevier can kindly go and ■■■■ itself.
Oh, that’s because you live in flat countries… Just yesterday there was a storm that dropped 100 miimeters of rain in under 40 minutes in a small town, and nothing serious happened there, it just went downhill and filled up the local creek and then the reservoir downwater opened gates to let go 2 m3/second.
OK, I don’t know what’s going on, but, only in Japan…
I just wonder what will be the stakes to anyone peer reviewing for free in their spare time, if he just happens to “accidentally” greenlight utter bullsh*t. The peer reviewing part is a relevant part of the cost to publish.
I don’t think it requires much thinking, but it’s rather obvious. One could in fact blame these movies to be using apes in the first place (instead of only people) if one tries hard enough. But it’s just good entertainment and an intellectual stimulation really.
Anyway, the fact they cancelled an entire show over one single tweet has a much darker and sinister side to it. It says a TV broadcaster can throw away an entire show when they want to, while Twitter cannot control a single tweet.
Such power helps TV broadcasters to keep their dominance as an entertainment platform over all the Twitters, Facebooks, and the rest of the Internet. Even if it means they’ll have to cancel a show people like to make it seem as if a single tweet on Twitter caused it.
mmmm Yamadogs as we like to call them in the boat business.
I have my house on a hillside. It’s not really a flat area here. I made those pictures when the storm was rather quiet, I didn’t dare open the window or door while it was in full motion. That would have filled the house with dozens of liters of water in seconds. It was raining so much that I couldn’t even see the neighbors house anymore
Good night, lovelies.
A bit earlier than usual, but its also beddy time. Nighties lovelies!