Plane crash analysis porn.
Very much porn, not suit for smartphone screen. Better at home on desktop computer and a larger screen…
A mockumentary about health I watch time and time again:
It actually satirizes “Super Size Me”, a documentary in which a guy named Morgan Spurlock eats nothing but McDonalds for a period of time.
ChatGPT is getting out of hand:
These last days Civilization V has been wrecking my sleep schedule since it takes time slowing down my brain activity so I can think about being in bed and actually fall asleep. So I had no Civ tonight and it’s my time to go to sleep before midnight… nighties lovelies!
Also: I’ve been thinking whether to share this one or don’t, but come on… this is a 2 of 10 as Oglaf goes, and only for the language.
Also I will not pretend to know whether it’s actually satirizing Wuthering Heights or something else, or if the F word is used on that novel, or whatever.
Sorry to hear what happened in Turkey.
In Romania they have legend that the world rests on the divine pillars of faith, hope and charity. When the deeds of human beings make one of the pillars weak, the Earth shakes.
There are more Earthquake Legends | U.S. Geological Survey
Hope everything is OK for you and your people Lord, enduring two large earthquakes in a matter of hours was downright murderous. Those buildings collapsing while rescue teams still were looking for survivors from the first earthquake…
Nighties, people of LAGL and EVE Online.
I had a wonderful time in the forums today. Thanks to everyone involved!
Hi Nana and Yiole. I am alive. But many others weren’t so lucky. I live in Ankara region, central part of the country and the EQ took place in relatively south-eastern part of the country. As you can see from the image below that I took from CNN, the earthquake was so massive that it was felt in a wide area. I didn’t feel it, but others living in tall buildings in my city reportedly did. I don’t know how to interpret this incident metaphysically. I do have an inkling, but I like to pretend that I don’t.
Thank you for thinking about me and my country. I won’t forget this.
This image made me ponder:
Damn didnt realize you are in Turkey, glad you are ok and hope you didnt lose any loved ones.
This guy has been calculating the gravity effects of the moon’s and planets’ positions on Earth’s tectonic plates for years and look at the date of this prediction:
If the moon affects the tide, why is it considered impossible for it to have a further effect that isn’t yet calculated?
We are still alive. But I’m not sure about the upcoming Istanbul earthquake that’ll take place in maximum the next 7-10 years. That one could possibly bigger than this one.
It works on humans too, if they are standing below moon then they weight less.
someone wanting remaster?
What I found, it looks like buildings that still stand can also go down every minute after that earthquake. They must be weakened.
Nice game, sometimes you can find clues on photos, like a car, or a calendar even.
Time to go to sleep, but talking about tides earlier made me remember how I wanted to share, you guessed it, a video about how the tides actually work. Nighties lovelies!
Also: tides are not just the water moving towards the Moon, you know?
…the Earth is also pulled away from the water on the opposite end from the Moon. And then there’s the Sun. And also how your local piece of shore and sea bottom are shaped, or whether you live by an ocean or a homely secluded sea whose tides barely rise…
Suddenly it just ocured to me that Elon Musk’s management of Twitter might have a purpose: sink share prices, buy back as many shares as possible at the lowest price, then resign and hire a superstar CEO which makes Twitter look superhot for a while, then sell the low priced shares at the temporary peak price caused by the new CEO and profit. I bet this haves a name…
Connecting the words to the voices.
the things I have seen today