…if they’re anything like the orange juice guy, you don’t need to share them.
Its not orange juice guy this time
I used to advocate for audiobooks to be recorded by people who had signature voices like Christopher Lee, James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman. I went even further by advocating that there should be a voice museum in which people with significant voices should be archived and in the future be used as samples to be replicated by A.I.
I had that idea at least a decade ago and I now think in hindsight that it’d turn out like Microsoft BOB.
Speaking of voices, here is an infamous video of a Mariah Carey cover from a Bulgarian talent show:
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Also: this one is difficult…
I’ve watched it twice and i’m still stuggling with the concept of why faster cooling at higher altitude causes further heating above the surface.
Vintage photos from the beginning of the previous century. H. G. Wells “The War of the Worlds” was written between 1895 and 1897, and this world on photos was what would martians attack and destroy.
If Michael Jackson can do it, anyone can do it.
Hmm… the only fish I appreciate is some flavorless fish in somebody else’s dish. As long as it doesn’t smells of fish…
Time to go to sleep, or rather, go to bed; sleeping it’s a different business. Nighties lovelies!
Also: what is around an unexpected hole orbiting the Earth?
Answer: yet another Russian Progress capsule leaking all its coolant three months after being launched. First was MS-22 (which left 3 astronauts without their escape pod/return vehicle) and now it’s been MS-21, a unmanned cargo capsule. Since MS-21 is to be incinerated in a controlled reentry (along with ISS trash) the loss of coolant has no impact on the mission, but, something smells fishy somewhere in Russia.
I like fish, especially in a form of Crab Sticks. With mayonnaise and a bit of hot chili sauce.
What I dont like is bones in fish. Dish feels like a chore completely when you have to pick the bones one by one carefully, and then that one you miss will suddenly prick into your tongue or worse, into back of your throat.
Because of him you now have to go to work and pay taxes.
Would you go back in time to push him back into the water?
“Are you serious? I’d eat even if it was my father that came out of the sea.” - Al-Shafi’i
So late… Nighties lovelies!
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day LAGL!
When someone have 6 fingers, things get confusing
This catastrophe when someone have a really bad idea and realizes its bad, but too late
Also happy valentines day!
Tomorrow the Diablo 2: Resurrected ladder resets. I hope MrLlama becomes the first char to reach lvl 99 again.
Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!
Time to go to sleep, but first, a different take on AI… nighties lovelies!
The thing is, if AI-generated bull proliferates too much, an obvious way to avoid it will be to use AI to fool the generator AIs into thinking their content is being consumed, while the actual user remains hidden in a cloud of information noise. Say you run a piece of software which tells YT that you’ve open 50 tabs and trigger whatever ways has got YT to detect customer interaction… and on top of all that meaningless data, you just open manually one single tab.
If AI generated information noise bothers you, just feed it junk data noise and cover your actual data under a pile of bull.
Of course, those demanding information noise feeding back their opinions will not complain about AI-generated information noise. But then, what value has the opinion of someone who can’t keep their brain trash-free?
Time to go to bed… ighties lovelies!
Also: fast it isn’t…
…and it’s being remotely controlled by a human operator. The company wants to teach robots to do stuff by actually doing it under comand of a human. Later once the robots are better evolved and more autonomous they can use on their own the movements learned from being operated remotely.