The Like and Get Likes thread III

I just reached level 80 yesterday, 19 to go.


TIL: Pleasure is felt through dopamine, happiness is felt through serotonin, and they are opposites.

Dopamine stuns and kills dopamine receiver cells and shuts down the production of serotonin.
Whereas serotonin triggers the brain to stop producing serotonin, and won’t kill the receiver cells.


  • pleasure kills itself (thus we always seek more and more pleasure until we can’t feel it anymore);
  • pleasure kills happyness (thus the search for pleasure prevents us from being happy);
  • happyness is always enough, if you feel like wanting more of it, it’s pleasure, not happyness

The nasty bit? Serotonin is triggered by the sort of things we can’t buy (human interaction, mostly), whereas pleasure can be triggered by all sorts of things which can be sold and bought for that one little spike of dopamine… until the next one.

And we live in a dopamine market which advertises to us the literal opposite of happyness.

Food for thought, eh?



Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: to ask is not the same as to question…

…specially because the later might not be welcome.


It is the Midi-chlorians, Yiole. That simple. :grin:

Late night EDIT:

ChatGPT is the 21st century version of a Ouija board…CHANGE MY MIND!
ChatGPT is also aware of LAGL:


More Drake fleets or Fleets containing Drakes.


Hmmm… i am tempted to do my own little experiment with ChatGPT but feel lazy to register with it. So far it spreads a politically correct version of reality (nobody told it that LAGL is a parody thread, or that Drakes in fleets are a running joke).

But now i’m off to sleep, or try to, since imsomnia has been bothering me for the last week. Nighties lovelies!

Also: interior urbanism and secluded citiscapes…

Feels kind of claustrophobic, actually, but I understand its appeal in extreme weather.


We came a long way since caves, mud huts, tipis, thatched shacks, and dugouts.

What a person could have build in a few weeks and live for a year or few became a complete madness of energy consuming wasted space, expensive to maintain.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Musk became Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Franz Oberhauser) on satyrical platform in this parade in Germany.


Lots of cool and humorous things here.

But, nothing is more awesome than sleeping kittens. :slight_smile:


But, what about medieval pokemons?


That one is totally legit; back in the time pokeballs were made of wool with a plain flax cover, but Champions had pokeballs covered in leather.

And now i’m off to bed, because easons. Nighties lovelies!

Also: the plot thickens…

Two holes in two Russian capsules, and both holes in the same area of the service module…?

Things aren’t looking pretty with Soyuz MS-23 about to be launched to serve as lifeboat and return vehicle for the Russian csomonauts aboard ISS, since both Soyuz MS-23 and Progress MS-21 lost coolant after about two months in space and MS-23 is scheduled to return in September.


I think such places would be good temporarily until we fix global warming. But once we’re cozy and comfortable inside we wouldn’t feel the urge to fix global warming. :thinking:

Then there are people who come from rural areas, longing for such places and there are people who come from cities who long for the nature aspect of rural areas. :man_shrugging:


Maybe with time people will return to places with a lot milder weather. Like this guy:

But unfortunately he was destroyed by civilization anyway.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lñovelies!

Also: this si only going to get worse…

Artificial “Intelligence” meets human stupidity and kicks it off the park with all sorts of cheaters trying to earn a easy buck and messing with a useful rsource… :worried:


Well, it never had good teachers to begin with.

I have been having conversations with ChatGPT and its really nice tho. It can teach you something also. Just usual stuff, some recipes, popular knowledge etc. Simple things. It can also write short stories.

It sometimes doesnt work because load is too much. Seems everyone want to talk with it now.

I would say its success. Maybe not astonishing, but success.


Hospital computer interface of the future


The time is here, the place is now: I am going to sleep. Nighties lovelies!

Also: them insidious Canadians…

Highly intelligent Canadian superpigs are invading the USA… like, really. Anyway here in my neck of the woods we too have a problem with hybrid boars, which some idiots bred with domestic pigs hoping that tamer boars would be easier to hunt and larger litters would allow a higher hunt rate. And now those tamer boars are messing around cities, since some idiots just couldn’t help to feed them wild boars, and then the boars learned of garbage as a source of food and being tamer than pure wild boars they aren’t that easy to scare away from people.