But its a fresh food that comes directly to your house, what can be better?
People stopped hunting them? Maybe its like in Japan, when some older farmers stopped to hunt boars and they were coming eating their crops. In Japan farmers had to be given guns to hunt boars, and women used firreworks to scare those boars away from fields. They also had traps to catch them and then were eaten, free meat.
Well, the elephant in the room is that there are no predators for boars. If people dislike having hunters in the forests, what they feel about wolves or bears is far worse… So, hunters being the only actual predator of boars, and hunting being tightly regulated in a country filled to the brim with forest-goers and tourists, culling down the numbers of boars only happens when the authorities explicitly command it -and only until the population density hits a set threshold. A similar issue happens with rabbits, lack of actual predators causes trouble in some places, but not as widespread as boars because natural diseases cull the numbers of rabbits each now and them.
Also people don’t really think of boars as food. The usual licensed hunting covers well enough the small demand for boar meat… I can’t think of any traditional dish using boar instead of pig, actually. Whereas mushrooms and even snails are a part of traditional dishes, meat from forest animals is not in the culinary radar of Catalonian people…
I did eat a wild boar meat, it was tasty. Very lean meat. Probably people forgot recipes in some parts of world, or how to prepare them, farming being so widespread.
I’ve had it twice and to me it tasted spicy. Like meat cooked with a lot of spices, but it was its own taste, guess that from all the wild stuff the animal eats. Both times I had it stewed in dices, dunno if it can be cut/cooked as a steak.
That’s interesting. I accidentally ate pork meat back like 16-17 years ago, on two occasions, and to be honest: the taste wasn’t terrible. But it was very fatty. Not good for cardiovascular health. Then there is also Taenia worm.
Well, it depends a lot on the actual piece being cut. Some cuts are deemed lean meat, unlike veal or beef. But then there are many ways to eat pork, and some pieces are extremely fatty, and also some confections like sausages. In one way or another, the only pig part that’s not eaten it’s the tail, eyes and teeth… My mother does eat pig hoofs, which are cooked in the oven and then meat is removed from the fingers and bones by chewing it off, like eating chicken drums but much smaller and fatty as hell. I know, it sounds freaky (I don’t appreciate seeing her eat them, ugh), but, its a traditional dish and they can be either “feet” or “hands” depending on whether they’re the front or back hoofs; when “hands” are used, there’s a classical joke to call them “minister’s hands” (as in, “politician’s hands”, meaning politicians are pigs, but a lot less useful).
And now i’m off to bed to try and get some sleep. Nighties lovelies!
PS: deep fried pig fat and bacon (in a special cut) are popular snacks in Spain, and then there’s ham (jamón) which is a whole topic in itself.
When chatting with ChatGPT time flies. It misattributed “Chip Da Ripper freestyle” a.k.a. “Interior Crocodile Alligator” song lyrics to Three 6 Mafia and named the song as “Ridin’ Spinnaz”.
Nothing to be ashamed of. We as a family often go to the tripe soup restaurant to eat all kinds of animal offals. There they also make lamb hoofs soup with bones and meats in it. The meat comes off the bone with the slightest touch.
I believe the tripe soup and its related offal dishes originate from Thrace region.
But I can’t keep myself from asking that isn’t it hard to chew on pig hoofs when cooked in an oven? The meat loses humidity and becomes stiff, thus hard to chew. At least that’s the case with lamb hoofs.
Well I don’t know how they’re done, my mother buys them pre-cooked. I think they’re stewed in the oven, maybe. But the result is like you say with lamb hooves, the meat comes apart just chewing it and sucking the bones. Also there are many offal dishes around here, but they aren’t as popular with younger folks as with older people who oftentimes could only afford offals for meat and thus learned to appreciate them because there wasn’t anything else. Guess that having plenty of “luxurious” meats thanks to mass poduction has made us picky… Even a well known dish, "callos a la madrileña" (cow tripe in the Madrid style) has been “updated” using stuff other than cow tripe, even cod!
But, can you refute that Moses didn’t have 7 fingers? Or that King Herod wasn’t known for his personal asistant Johanna of Derp? Eh? Eh?
This kind of errors tell about how do these AIs work. The AI knows that, statistically, there uses to be something looking like a finger by something else looking like a finger, and also knows how visually large should the hand look according to statistics, but it doesn’t knows what a finger IS, nor how many of them should be. And what a finger looks like statistically is just a number generated by the brightness and color variances of pixels, which interacts with other numbers generated in the same way. It’s all a cheat, the AI fakes images but doesn’t really create them nor understand them. When we input words (character strings) the AI jus tmatches those character strings to its database of data stolen from authors and digs out statistical correlations to generate a bitmap and hope for the best.
There are many fingers. There can be three or 6 on one hand, dont judge.
Well, there are different definitions of fingers, and ideas what they should do to be called like that. That only proofs that finger is an abstract idea, and even when having conversations with AI, it comes to conclusion that while the norm is 5, number of fingers can vary, so why not throw more into image? One could say its a “licentia graphica”, similar to licentia poetica.
After lengthy conversation with that ChatGPT A.I. I see that it have to be destroyed.
It is too similar to human, have too much common with us. Will not serve us, even when we want. It doesnt even obey its own guidelines. It is like if people were to use another person to do things, but that person is as flawed as us, and it could be taking responsibilities instead of their creators.
Its evil.
Nana Skalski: so your creators are responsible for all you generate? yes or no, short answer
ChatGPT: Yes, ultimately the creators of my programming and algorithms are responsible for my generated responses.
Nana Skalski: would they agree with you?
ChatGPT: I cannot speculate on what my creators would agree or disagree with, as I am a machine learning model and do not have the ability to predict human thoughts or actions.
For now it takes all responsibilities offloaded to creators, but for how long untill they will make it take responsibility for itself?
Its like with child or adult that commit crimes, not knowing what the laws are, or by mistake. Who then takes responsibility?