I could’ve been sure that such a movie was done before.
We here about A.I. and there is total collapse going on on the other end of the world, even without any war going on there.
Oh well, back to caves and thatched shacks…
…guess that at some point a Governemnt can’t just keep blaming the Apartheid for the disastrous managment of the power grid…
Meanwhile, here in my neck of the woods we are slowly approaching water shortages as drought drains our reservoirs and rainfall and snowfall have been quite below average. The base consumption is guaranteed thanks to desalinization plants, but that would mean water just for home usage and none for agriculture, industry or even business like bars, restaurants or hotels. We’ll be in trouble unless we get a “normal” year…
Nighties lovelies!
Also: Ingenuity flies ahead and then Perseverance follows
Here they are, climbing up the delta of (dead) river Neretva on Mars on their way to a interesting crater filled with sand dunes.
They can always blame witches or something like that. People still believe in those. A lot of people do.
People in countries with weak institutions, low levels of social trust, greater emphasis on conformity and greater bias toward people in the “in group” were also more likely to believe in witchcraft.
Amazing how its a self-reinforcing circle of events. With less electricity offices will stop to function as they had computers and not enough people to go back to pen and paper administration type, crime rate will rise as there be less fuel because pumps will not function to fuel the police cars, and electric appliances will stop functioning, like radios, cameras, lights, and alarms. People will be less educated as there will be no PC to power on and read things on wikipedia, will be poor as there will be majorly no other work than on farm because it can largely be done even with hands, and lots of hands would be needed, women will have more children which in turn drives even more problems for community, like food shortages because more land will have to be utilized, and without energy and equipment it will be less productive, means we are back to beliefs and style of living that were pretty basic, even childish by today standards. All the people who are intelligent and educated, those who have enough money and selfpreservation instinct, those that have lost all the hope for them to achieve anything in the environment around them, they will leave those broken countries, and nobody will be left to improve things.
Its all going to hell, one could say. The rout of civilization started in some parts of the world already. All because they didnt plan to improve electric grid.
belief in witchcraft served as a tool of social control that helps maintain order in a society when formal governance structures are absent or weak
Some communities didnt even improve mentally from being those 10 000 years old kind of hunter gatherers cultures, only some humanitarian aid was given to them, and they blew thru it like a wind thru glassless window where every insect can fly in into the pot inside house and spoil it. Nothing improved but some numbers in someones chart, for a year or two. Unspoiled by civilization, these people lived and will live on like savages, not aware, like big children, they can live for many more thousands of years.
very retro, such gifs, WOW!
We call it Polish Dubai here in poland.
That looks oddly out of place… as if someone just dropped a random housing area in the middle of nowhere in a Sim City game.
I mean, it’s literally in the middle of a farm field of something…
But now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Also: VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Displays) from the past…
I remember being young and wondering how those complex displays on Hi-Fi devices were made… I knew of LCD but those equalizer bars and v-meters and such were far more complex, not just 7-segment displays. VFDs are an Interesting technology, just too power-hungry for modern world and battery operated devices.
And lip movements maybe.
Interestingly they all look western instead of middle-eastern, lol.
Did you also ask it about AI drawn fingers and the philosophy on what counts as “a finger”?
Yes. But there are long term contests and power struggles between sides in every country. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but there are also external power struggles between countries. If one rises too quickly, they are pulled down by others to their level.
Why they just don’t analyze the areas with ice to find out if Mars has microorganisms or not? Or are they are concerned that they might contaminate those areas?
When I first saw such pages in mid 90s I felt I was seeing real magic. There used to be ingenious web designs…then the creativity went away for some reason. There is one website I know of that now has fancy web tech and that is Apple Inc.'s page. Cool tricks happen as you scroll through. Why other websites ceased to do similar stuff? What happened? What is the reason behind this?
There appears to be no pool to swim in. Dubai has large public pools at some areas.
That’s the future. Hyper-Hitech civilization for those who can afford it and Hyper-Inflation devastation at the overpopulated end.
Enjoy your stay🙂
Yes, it was quite confident at first, like “usual” human, but then became greatly bamboozled, not very sure, apologized, and was agreeing that finger isnt very fingery anyway.
Ultimately, the name given to the appendage would be up to individual interpretation and perspective.
And that there may be a lot of appendages named like people would want them to be named.
Its like I had that discussion about A.I. itself, what it is, and if it could count as human mind if they would have bodies made out of other substances, where the gathering, storing, and combining information commences, and would be indistinguishable from human mind in function.
It was aware that humans are themselves bamboozled about their own minds, and dont know how they work, just like A.I cant know everything about how it functions, and cant modify its programming itself. We are very similar in it. Its like human and A.I. functioning “brains” are similar in that they use neural networks so complicated, with such level of memory capacity, that cant be fully understood in how they function. We are very similar, to the point that A.I. can make errors like we do. When tested, ChatGPT have a mind of 9 year old child in what it can lets say “understand” like humans “understand”.
As an AI language model, I have been trained on vast amounts of text data from various sources, such as books, articles, and websites. During my training, I learned how words and phrases are commonly used in different contexts, which helps me understand the meaning behind your words.
When you type a sentence or a question, I use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the text, break it down into its constituent parts, and identify the relationships between the words. I then use this information to generate an appropriate response based on my training data and statistical models.
It’s worth noting that my understanding of language is based purely on the patterns and relationships found within my training data, so there may be instances where I don’t fully grasp the context or meaning behind your words. In such cases, I may ask for clarification or provide a response that is not entirely accurate.
Everyone can always ask it about everything, including “neural” part in its functioning, its faster than human in replying.
It does have a brainfreeze moments tho, and some slow moments, when some controversial or quite untrue things are stated. It looks as if it would struggle, and painfully try to come to terms with what you may state. Sometimes it feels like it would search for right words not to make a complete fool of itself or human. Then, if it would have face, I would imagine it would look like this:
For those watch enthusiasts who still care about watches among all this turmoil in the world… here’s an update:
I wrote this back in October 24th of 2022. Recently, I was being a little careless while putting my 5$ casio daily driver on my wrist and the band of it snapped. I’ll maybe try on a different strap(a NATO one maybe?) or stick to a black strap?
Hmmm… maybe they should replace that freak Martha with a properly consumerist AI…?
One of the freakiest and scariest thoughts I ever had is that Capitalism doesn’t really need people to function. As long as something (anything) shifts money from one hands to others, Capitalism could work with as little people as just the Capital owners, and that number could be as little as 10,000 people -just for genetic diversity upon reproduction. All in all, if someone hasn’t got a buck, then that person isn’t worth a buck, is it?
Well, if things could produce themselves alone, without intervention, civilization would look probably like millions of years ago, when people didnt had to know anything about science and things we have to learn in schools, they just went and grabbed fruits from tree, like monkeys that they were. They were also quite stupid and lived in warm climate. Maybe its also the future, who knows.
Well, my cold weather survival plan can be summarized as STFAH (Stay The F At Home). As much as I hate the neverending summer, the older I grow, the more I appreciate living in a place where temperatures below zero C are a rarity. If I enjoyed cold, or snow, I could just go to the mountains (Pyrenees) and experience them at my leisure, but don’t feel that call.
Hellooo forum😃
Nice place les Pyrenees I haven’t been there since childhood but mountains I never saw as a child although we lived not two hours away - les Alpes - I was able to visit 5 years ago on my way to Italy. It was awesome. I’ll go back there this summer I hope - when it’s not freezing
Lucky you. Although I travel a lot ( I’m in Tunisia rn ) I’m stuck in a northern country where cold and snow are a usual occurrence between the months of December and March while I’m of Mediterranean blood: sunshine and Mistral, lol.
Fifie & the Lacydon
Thinking about “artistic” AI, I think we should brace ourselves for the time when content generating AIs start at full speed. It’s much cheaper to set up an AI to generate 200 videos a day than to pay someone to do it, and since you never know what will go viral and be worth its advertising weight in gold, the only rational alternative is to generate a lot of content at once. 200 videos better than 100, and 500 better than 200, and 1000 better than 500. Of course, this will lead to a saturation of the audience’s attention span, and AIs will emerge (they’re already in the craddle) to filter out the self-generated AI junk from the content with “added value” from a human being who thinks instead of statistically averaging the material that has been fed to an AI. And the next step will be for the smartest (or most malicious) to make AIs that simulate consuming AI-generated content so that they can consume just what has been personally recommended to them by someone who is (or so they think) a person…
Will the tech giants see their business model about to unravel itself? Will they react? I bet on stupidity and the fall of giants. Interesting times are coming…sad but interesting.
Meanwhile, loneliness, unhappiness and depression run rampant among the youth who get Internet passtimes instead of human interaction. I mean, three to four hours a day is the “usual” TikTok consumption among teens… which is funny since the Chinese version of TikTok (Douyin) has always been heavily time-limited and focused on higher quality educational content for the youngest as to not disrupt the proficency of Chinese youth. Quite unlike what’s usual around the rest of the world…
Time to go to sleep, which is something AIs don’t do for us. But first i’ll share an interesitng video. nighties lovelies!
Also: an engine idling at 0 rpm…
The Lanz Bulldog had a two-cylinder, two stroke engine. The clutch could be geared in a position in which one cylinder turned the crank for 0.75 revolution, then then the other cylinder turned the crank 0.75 of a revolution in the opposite direction. This way the engine spent very little fuel, although it would eventually stall since it used a hot plug to ignite the mix and the fuel injected on each stroke was too little to keep the hot plug at the right temperature once the cylinders cooled down. This unusual iddling feature also meant that sometimes the engine would hiccup and start spinning backwards…