Also 0 RPM.
Nature dont do much wheel stuff for movement, for some reason.
The only known example of a biological “wheel”—a system capable of providing continuous propulsive torque about a fixed body—is the flagellum, a corkscrew-like tail used by single-celled prokaryotes for propulsion.
Strange, it is commonly believed that energy cant be created from nothing, but it can be released, by converting it from matter into electromagnetic waves. All matter is created from energy, as mass of object that releases energy goes down, but it also emited gravitation, and then just became nothing. Maybe it was like a small black hole that evaporated?
But, from where all this energy came initially? Was it eternally converted from one thing to another?
What about the antimatter also? When objects from our world, particle and antiparticle meets, a lot of energy is released, but there is only mass affected by gravity and energy that take part in it, there is nothing what people could describe as anti-mass and anti-energy.
So, from where all that energy could come? Answer is: nobody knows, but people have some ideas.
In this case the gravitation is a form of energy that is opposite to electromagnetic waves. It too can travel as fast tho. The light from a star is as fast as gravity. For now people try to find why if they add up the negative gravitation to positive electromagnetic, it doesnt quite add to zero tho. So we dont know what is there yet to discover, or the idea of zero universe is wrong.
But black holes seem to be sources of that negative gravitational energy just all right. And they have a lot of mass, like super huge atoms. So why they dont release more light if they have lots of mass? Seems they they are just a points that have expelled big part of electromagnetic already somewhere else, that they are just opposites to what they released some time ago that travels everywhere else, there is still a lot of there to be radiated tho. They are like that point on the wave chart that goes and goes into one of two ways majorly. They are like a big atom that will radiate for a looong time, and eventually its mass will go to zero again. Lika a huuge wave that have to stabilize to nothing for a loong time. Contrary to a small atom that radiates energy and is converted very fast.
What about conversion of electromagnetic into gravitational tho? Because right now everything seems to be from gravitational to eventually electromagnetic, in one direction. I wonder what the balance is. Or maybe the balance was already disturbed and we are on the road to pure light, and then maybe it would look like another big bang?
I wonder if everything is that gravitational or electromagnetic wave, all is that energy that is now in particles. What if it was released from nothing? And then, is it just like a big plain nothing that just got disturbed and fluctuated into a very big waving pattern? Then peaks and ditches of a waveing something can be said to be electromagnetic wave or gravity wave. But what disturbed it? Maybe some other plane crossing? Maybe there are different universes constantly everywhere, and they can interact.
But then, from where came all that makes those nothing-worlds that fluctuate? Was it always here?
What about if it was not ever created, and it just was. Maybe nothing have to be created, maybe it already just was??? Like in “Oh look, that thing was always there! it will never pass, infinity realized!”
TIL: same as used to happen with EVE Online, playing War Thunder on the first hours of patch day isn’t adviseable neither. I’ve spent a couple days at home as I hurt my leg on sunday and so today I’ve been able to log into WT right after their latest expansion patch… and all day has been a hassle with packet losses and hiccups as the network (I guess) struggled to handle all downloads plus the usual 120-130,000 players online. Specially packet losses have been high and at times nearly unplayable, even events have better stability during battles at least until beyond 160,000 players and 4,600 battles.
Fun Fact: The world population now stands at 8,020,909,901. That is almost the combined number of the times I’ve listened to the songs: Tones and I’s “Dance Monkey”, The Steeldrivers’s “Ghost of Mississippi”, 3 Doors Down’s “Kryptonite”, Don McLean’s “American Pie”, Dua Lipa’s “Levitating”, and Paramore’s “crushcrushcrush”.
You mean pirates?
Gankers dont really fit. Pirates would take over ships without destroying, they would most often only fire in direction of merchants and merchants would give them loot to be free and to sail away peacefully. That would never work in EVE.
Gankers are more like punks with a baseball bat that break window in car to take out a pair of Nikes. Sometimes with hitting the owner of them, who still have them on him. The value in ISK/$ may even be as much as a pair of used nikes.
There are also gankers who gank because they are angry on someone and want that someones ship to be destroyed, for that other person to feel bad. It happens.
So in these two cases, act of agression is for personal gain. I think only that is similar with what pirates did. But past that generalizing statement, its completely different.
I was more looking at Ganking from a point of view of slang:
verb (used with object) Slang. to rob or mug (a person). to steal or seize (something of value).
(in a video game) to kill (a character), especially an outnumbered, weaker, or lower level player character.
Pirates did sink ships and they did rob, steal and seized ships: they ganked a lot of merchant ships indeed and boarded and took over vessels as well.
Players never asked for ransom to let a capsuleer leave with his cargo intact? That’s surprising.
I disagree that gankers are mere thugs. Whatever they do within the rules is allowed by the game company and the game mechanics, so gankers aren’t “outlaws” by the rules of the game.
I’m sure one player has felt resentment and has sought payback at one time or another during EVE’s 19-year run. That doesn’t define ganking whatsoever.
Ganking is so close to old-days piracy that the comparison is inevitable.
I first heard that in other MMORPG, and these were always people who killed other players for PvP exp in areas that it was prohibited, The attackers were killed by guards fast, so they had to choose low level victims or glass cannon classes. Very similar to what EVE have and what people describe as ganking.
Piracy in EVE was something other to ganking and it existed! Was more sophisticated than just destroying ship and looting remnants. It was what people in real would call piracy. Because pirate have a plan to get stuff, while not risking much. For that reason they would use cloaked ships, they would go around low sec searching for explorers or traveling cargo ships, they would not always destroy target, they would first get few shots and convo the pilot with very kind proposition. When pilot paid ransom, Pirate would free the ship to go.
Yes, they did as I wrote above, but when I joined EVE it was always called piracy, it happened in low sec, and they honored ransoms. But due to some very dishonorable and greedy bastards that spoiled pirates profession and did shoot after getting ransoms, people now would rather have their ship be destroyed with everything inside out of spite, instead of giving a ransom.
Because now we dont have piracy like we used to in EVE, you may want to compare it to ganking, but EVE had pirates and gankers, and they were not the same. EVE allowed for more. Even now CCP made bounties obsolete, while I remember there were even people called bounty hunters, and people had bounties on their heads. There were people specializing in that activity.
Here I wrote so, because EVE dont have such realistic mechanics with abordage and on ship fights.
But piracy in EVE existed with ransoming and holding ship hostage. It was more than 13 years ago when I did read a tutorial for new pirates in EVE. I remember that it was important to honor ransoms and to make a good name for yourself.
I dont remember anything about Matelotage in EVE tho. So probably was only specific to real piracy.
Some nuances are necessary since Piracy is a criminal act in real life while EVE is a game with no real-life consequences but what is neat with a pirate mind is that it decides of its own definitions for its own decisions and actions, regardless of the laws of Men.
I personally see ganking and lowsec pvp hunts/roams/encounters… ( wars notwithstanding ) as basically the same even though I understand the nuances of their differences in the game and that’s why I put them both under the umbrella of Piracy.
The point of parler doesn’t necessarily mean that a favorable outcome will be agreed upon by both parties.
I don’t know about the history of piracy in EVE, all I can see is what remains. There still are possibilities for piracy in EVE and contrary to what some say, ganking isn’t dead. I don’t see them as “professions”, to me it’s more a matter of timely opportunities within a virtual environment.
I agree that CCP has to reintroduce Bounty System in EVE ASAP. EVE MAKES NO SENSE WITHOUT BOUNTIES
Some Matelotage is possible if/when gankers/pirates from different corporations fleet together, and don’t see why that would be impossible, only they can’t allow a fellow pirate to inherit anything of theirs since characters in EVE are immortal.
I didn’t mention afk or anything.
Gangs of pirates irl would band together under certain mutual and beneficial understandings and would form fleets hired by the highest bidder. Loot and dread was equally shared.
In EVE, gangs of gankers can band together and share loot/fun/experience automatically distributed by the game system.
I don’t see the romance in that.
But matelotage was a very personal thing, something else than public sharing.
To the point that people today think sometimes that the relations were more than romantic, that they were… intimate.
But what can people today know about real piracy as it was in old times…
People now dont even know where the poop deck is.
Well, at one point, it was possible to steal ships (a notorious case was when a Titan was bumped out of a POS shield and someone just flew in and took it). Not that it is viable anymore (why would anyone leave an empty ship in space?) but, it was possible by the mechanics. But in a player-driven economy, stealing whole functional ships would break the balance in many ways, specially if it was notoriously cheaper than actually building them (and why should it be any more expensive?). Now military ships are too complex to actually board and steal one, unlike in the age of sail when prize ships and prize money where a serious incentive for determined captains. Why build a ship when you can just board it and capture it from the enemy?
Damn… I think my boss f****d up and forgot to issue some airplane tickets we had on scheduled issuing before the time limit ran out and tey autocancelled. And since I’ve been handling the matter it’s gonna be my fault to not remind him of them even being on a medical leave, and despite the authomated memo that popped on the agency mail last monday.
Maybe he found the same tickets somewhere else and issued them through another broker, but I haven’t seen any confirmation emails of it and the only emails regarding state that the tickets autocancelled upon time limit.
Of course, we can look for the same flights and book them again… but the fare will not be the same as when we originally booked them in january, and those old 5,000 euros tickets now might be worth God knows what AND we already have the client’s money AND we already issued a different one-way ticket for a relative returning on their same dates. All ingredients for a massive screw-up.
Time to go to sleep… my bos Whatsapped me after seeing the autocancellation email. Maybe it won’t be my fault after all but the screw-up is gonna hurt hard.
Nighties lovelies!
Also: the more skilled they are, the closer assassins get to their targets…