The thing is, we mined the planet to build our current power networks, and we no longer have the energy nor the minerals to mine the planet again and rebuild our power networks on a renewable energy basis. We don’t have the copper, nor the rare earth elements, nor les-than-hell-difficult uranium to mine, neither have fuel oil to fuel all the mining machinery. We don’t have more water to polute, more nature to destroy nor more biological carry capacity to keep messing up the biosphere.
Whatever we do next, we better do it with less of everything. A lot less. And better be ready to opose the a-holes who will think that there’s enough if only a sizeable part of human population goes away. There is no excess people, there is excess resource exploitation.
And now I’m going to bed. Nighties lovelies!
Also: yes, it’s from oglaf, but whatever… full loot is a PITA!
NSFW unless you’ve ever been to a public beach in selected nations
“Over my dead body” didn’t mean she could actually take it!
Helloo forum
We don’t have to screw up the earth more than it already is, we can mine all those asteroids in the system, mine the Moon and Mars and the moons of every planet too. There’s enough material and energy floating around in space for a thousand Dyson spheres.
… and a lot smater than previously, like keep the greedy lunatics from ruining our only oasis in space.
That’s a great idea, the a-holes who came up with that satanic idea can go away first and be part of the solution, lol
Appropriate song:
I wonder which game is going to be valve’s 3rd? I hope it is Portal 3…In the meantime:
Part 1:
Part 2:
I think its more naturalistic and primitive, in a way that “it had always worked this way”. But in past it mainly occured thru wars for land when we consider intended thing, something else than natural factors causing death humans have tried to eliminate, with a lot of success.
Populations shrink if the environmental factors do not support them. Chimps for example get land from other chimps thru war, they kill other group males and take their land with food growing there and female chimps. Chimps can use spears. The war and weapon is not a human invention at all, but naturally born thing from resources shortage. If there will be more people, and less food or resources, the unrest born of it will speed up destruction of civilization as we know it. Many things will be destroyed, untill the balance wil be achieved again, with human population of few millions globally.
This would be the future:
War ends only by and in deaths of enough beings on one particular side, the losing side. The most drastic example was atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think that atomic bombings will happen again soon. In a span of few years from now.
April 25, 1990
1986 - 2014
In 1990, we released a product line with Virtual in the title. Seemed like everyone had a product with Virtual in the title.
Okay, just had to post this Primal clip.
Galaxy saved. Time for tea.
The good old times… which weren’t all that good but certainly now are older than dirt.
Huh… looks like your future home is about to become your former home as the sun going red giant on the left of the image vaporizes the planet…
But now i’m off to bed, with the intent of sleeping. Nighties lovelies!
Also: buying a computer as if it was 1995…
…at Fry’s, which should be a name familiar to US players?
…and another outtakes video from the same filmmaker…
No worries. It looks to me like it won’t happen for a couple of million years.