The Like and Get Likes thread III

I like this one, lol


Flying cows are always an amusing sight :cow:


I saw a huge tornado when I worked in Kansas some years ago, we were on the road. I couldn’t tell how far it was or if it was headed our way but the rain and winds against our windshield got really scary. It never got close but it was already an experience so my heart goes out to the people whose houses got wrecked by one of those monsters.
Of course, earthquakes aren’t much better. I woke up one early morning in a 5.6 everything rocked’n’rolled for a good while and I jumped into my bathtub. That was scary too. I can only imagine the poor souls who survived a 7-pointer, I’d be traumatized.
That cow gif is still funny though.


You know the drill… i drag myself here before shutting down the computer, say something funny or interesting if I have it, share a video or image, and wish you good night.

Today I haven’t got anything to share, so here be it: Nighties lovelies!


Song about EVE.


Time to go to sleep… without playing EVE… nighties lovelies!


Sisi shenanigans to the max.
Oh, and also last in Diablo 2 I accidentally socketed an ethereal armor to make an “Enigma” runeword thinking that it’d make it indestructible, lol…my most expensive gaming mistake to date.


I think I wanted to share something, but can’t emember what. Maybe tomorrow? Nighties lovelies!


I found something to share😃 Happens to be about sharing:

Most of us are taught in so many ways that becoming happy and fulfilled has more to do with taking than it does with giving. When we search and interview for jobs, most of us are more concerned with what the job will give us than in what we have to give. When you concentrate on what you can give and not just on what you can take, everything changes. When your actions in your job and life are to impart and help others, you will do far better than if your actions are always about helping you alone. The more you concentrate on yourself and your own needs, in most circumstances, the worse you will end up doing.

EVE players all share one server and look at how well things have been going😊
$300,000+ Lost in Largest Eve Online Battle _ GamesFinity


Good night, lovelies. :heart:

EDIT: Nice gif by the way.


This is one of the things every business want you to believe, while they only think about their own needs!
Dont believe corpos and their corpospeak! Its all about the :money_mouth_face: and they want you to work a lot more for a lot less.


Pro tip, in case of doubt, don’t post while you’re sleepy after spending a bad night with disturbing dreams.


That “they” and “business” you mention are groups of people, organizations, and they share their expertise to service clients ( individuals or groups ) and render value through their operation. When a company/corporation runs as expected a lot of people benefit so the company shares, its expertise, experience and labor with the community.

That post wasn’t about believing corpo but knowing that sharing can change people’s lives.
Regardless of whomever says it, the truth remains the same always.
I know who I should believe and ignore, believe that.


Sharing should be a selfless act, if you ever consider sharing something while working in company time and being paid for it, its not sharing, its just work. You work expending your time and abilities all the time with company, and company is not a one particular person, its organization, rules and everything people are put to do.

That appeal to “goodwill” is just making people more like sheep going with the wave, while to be efficient you have to sometimes criticize inefficient ways of company to do things, criticize its inefficient politics and rules, criticize the inefficient people lacking abilities or creativity in thinking. You have to limit the time you give to every action, and then value it accordingly and not spend so much time working.
I share selflessly when I am not at work.


The common denominator is always people and the trade off is always the same: expertise, service, time and remuneration.
Some people see “work” as non-consensual labor, I and many others see it as an opportunity to be useful, make friends, help customers/colleagues and benefit others ( family & friends ) from the fruits of it all.
The sharing is in providing those to the best of the available abilities for the good of everyone involved, customers as wel as those sharing their talent and time so all benefit.
I was proud to represent the organizations that employed me and I did it to the best of my abilities while helping my colleagues when I can and sharing my time or ralent for the benefit of all regardless.
I didn’t feel like I was at work, I was “on lacation” sharing what I could do and know.

Sharing one’s talent, time, expertise and volunteer help and information to the colleagues doesn’t mean one can’t join a union and force an employer to do the right thing, doesn’t mean one can’t negotiate for a fair salary or better working conditions. No one has ever advocated to be a rug everyone walks all over.

That depends on the project. We sometimes had to work in O.R( operating rooms ) no choice, most of them were accessible only between 03:00 and 04:00 and we had to be done by then, no ifs or buts.
Some places I worked at I could keep my coffee cup filled with cream and sugar and still make the deadline.
Sometimes work and life have to superimpose and sometimes it’s way better to do that. Last time I did I was able to take my whole family to a bed&breakfast for a whole week and paid for. We had a blast. My sharing, helping and caring for organization and colleagues lead to that boon and the B&B gained customers…
That’s what the article is about. Sharing can only lead to good things for everyone.


While there are different employees and rules to employing people, still many things slip under the eyes of controllers, or they are paid to agree on certain rules.
Amazon example shows that there are companies that force limits that even violate human limits, while thinking efficiency, and that is what I think is horrible and must stop.

You had work that was pretty nice, but everyone cant do the same thing as everyone else, there are positions that needs to be filled by people anyway. Your experience is different to a factory worker or person working by selling unique skills.

What did you share, is not sharable in other positions, sometimes its only the time and space being shared, with force of trained worker.

But who knows, what will people do for living in future? I hope people can have more free time tho.


I agree. The article talks about a company who doesn’t have a good ethic regarding their employees or customers. It says that they eventually closed their doors. Granted, the exemple was of a mom&pop’s pizza business and Amazon-like corporations are international behemoths, some richer than small countries and at that scale employees are numbers that would be replaced by robots tomorrow if it was at all possible.

I did all sorts of jobs in my life, from office work as a design artist to roofer, to carpenter, passing by telecommunication networks integration and install, armed security services in L.A and Phoenix, licensed forklift driver, “lumberjack” for Parks & Services, factory worker on the line building construction equipment… I wanted to do everything and learn as much as I could because I’m very curious and tenacious. My motto is: if I didn’t learn something today I have wasted my time.
I do understand what happens at work and it’s not all honky-dory. But I have noticed that with the right attitude and some cahones you can get a lot of good done.
And when all that didn’t work I would go find something that paid better/had better hours/more interesting work and say goodbye.

You can share a lot besides what you’re being paid for and it’s not just about between you and an employer, it can between employer/employee or employee/employee.
The strict minimum, enough to get paid won’t get you far in most places. Accepting to work overtime out of the blue is sharing meaningful time of yours with the company and they know it and that’s why they pay more. Accepting to switch shift with a colleague will always bring you good will. Offering to stay late to help someone finish, helping to deliver a sensitive piece, even though it’s not your job, going the extra mile… that’s sharing and people remember it.

Now I take it easy and work when I want to. I help with horses. Cleaning, brushing, feeding, walking… I love them. They’re smart and strong. I do it for a friend and I’m not alone there. I can ride the horses whenever I want. I also teach English to a group of students, I help at the library… whenever I want. I’m happy to be useful,. Paid or not God will make sure I have food, water and a place to sleep.


Yesterday I had a humble birthday. Nothing special, nor fancy. Just a cake with my loved ones.



Happy Birthday. :partying_face:

One more cake? :birthday:


Today you get a big pie fight :grin: