The Like and Get Likes thread III

Just try to adapt. Give us a larger margin of error. Consume less resources and consume them better. We’ve beeen wasting a massive heirloom of energy, millions of years worth of turning dead lifeforms into hydrocarbons and coal, and we burned that in a bit over a century. It was a fine party while it lasted but now comes the tough part, we changed the chemisrtry of the atmosphere and that is changing how energy moves around and all weather events associated with energy moving around. So we might get too much wate ror too few or too much sunlight or not enough or too high temperature or too low and we better plan for slot crops, lost farmlands (Greece just lost 25% of all its farmland last summer, in just a couple of days… it will take years to regain its fertility after being soaked, stirred, mixed and covered with mud and trash). The less we use and the less we waste the larger will be the error margin when things go south. People advocating for a voluntary change rather than sudden crisis call it “frugality”. Roughly lviing with the energy and raw materials consumption of the 1970s, but with the advantage of all our modern technology and knowledge.

And then brace ourselves to when things go south to to people who now barely make a living. This year Siria, Iran and Iraq have been importing wheat at high expense since they’re in a massive drought and haven’t had a proper harvest in two years. And those are lucky that they somewhat still can afford to import wheat AND there is available wheat in the global markets and we still have fuel oil to burn and move stuff across oceans…

…and now I just moved from drought in Catalonia to the potential threats of food insecurity in the age of climate chaos we’re just beginning…

Maybe it’s time to go to bed before I get started with oil crash and peak diesel… nighties lovelies!


@Yiole_Gionglao If people really knew what’s waiting around the corner they’ll go instantly nuts/have heart attacks. Of course, since 80% of the population is already nuts and/or too thick to realize, The Plan will go on undisturbed until things happen never seen before by mankind in this age. It’s going to be so bad that almost no one will survive… just like happened in the last age only this time it’s the final age.

Sweet dreams :smiley:


ISD is gently trying to tell me to beat it from this forum since I started to criticize the game.
so I’ll go without a fuss.

Hugs to everyone who shared with me.


This game would be in a more pronounced awkward state without criticism :smiley:


They only take into account CSM criticism, everyone else get their posts hidden by “the community”… they forgot to tell us that so-called community is made up of ISD, CSM and devs.

I have this idea that EvE only benefits those afore mentioned. The rest of us are just suckers.

I only logged back in to reply to Wadiest Yong because he’s cool.
Yes yes, I’ll go now.


We could make a nest of pillows and blankets and nap.


I could really use some sleep. Been awake for more than a day.


I was banned multiple times and I am still here. :fastparrot:


The worrying part is that there is no Plan, just the usual almalgamation of shortsightedness, greed and stupidity. Tragedy of the commons all the way to hell…

But now i’m off to bed. Tomorrow will be another day and we shall call it Friday… nighties lovelies!


My current state of mind doesn’t know if I should tell anybody but I have some deep seated issues that I think might help me overcome my depression.

So today I am asked by my Mother had asked me a question.

When did I first start drinking.

This is how the conversation went.

Yes Mother I am what you call me, I tried to tell her the exact time that I had first tried drinking.


Children do what parents did. If your father was drinking often, you have a very high probability to do the same. I remember there were parties sometimes, very occasionally in the home and people were drinking wine and sometimes vodka. Of course I wanted a taste too. There was vodka once but when they gave me that, it wasnt very tasty so I said “its bad” with tears in eyes, also they laughed when my face was showing its pretty bad tasting. My first contact with vodka was as you can see, somewhat traumatic.


AI can write you lyrics and music now. :musical_note: :scream: :musical_note:


The Onion’s cub reporter must have broken the story.


Last night was a sleepless one at home, my father fell/slipped off the bed while trying to stand up and couldn’t stand up again on his own, his arms and legs were feeble. I tried to help him to the verge of injuring my own arms, back and legs and eventually called the emergency line for non-life threatening medical emergencies. They sent a crew of social workers and they could help my father stand back. Since dad hadn’t eaten since breakfast because of no apettite, I asked him to check his sugar levels and they were very high, too high for not having had food most day and yet having taken his pills. So the social workers checked with emergency doctors and they sent an ambulance, checked his blood sugar again and still was very high and so off to the hospital went my parents while I stayed at home and tried to have some sleep… got almost an hour before having to start my daily routine and go to work.

My psrents were back at home by noon, dad got insuline at the hospital and it did its job and all the bloodworks the doctors could fathom turned usual for my father (he takes over 50 pills a day for all kind of conditions…) so now we’re back to normal. Social assistants opened a file to get my father enroled in a home assistence program (like many coutnries do, elder people have a emergency button they carry on themselves to call for help if they’re incapacitated, and seeing how having my mother and me at home made no difference last night other than phone calls, better we can streamline the process of getting help if need ever arises again (hope it don’t ).

And now i’m off to bed and hope I’ll get some rest… nighties lovelies!


Time to go to sleep, but first, a random video… nighties lovelies!

Also: from orange peels to drilling ancient aquifers, this video goes from great to not so great good ideas…


Fleet of miner ducks out on the lawn this morning with no cats about to try and gank them!

shared a photo of lovey ducks

Kind of reminds me of New Eden :grin:


Have you ever considered that that image might trigger the anatidaephobia people didn’t know they had? :scream:



Oh no!
Thank you for your advice, I will tone it down.


Back to bed time… nighties lovelies!


I am mostly OK with the ducks, but, what’s that green stuff all over the place? :thinking:

And it’s time to go to bed so… Nighties lovelies!