The Like and Get Likes thread III

Did people really had flowers in their hair back then?
Also, these kinds of hairdos were not uncommon. Seems volume was the big factor then.


Those hairdos… from “Coolest Girl In The Universe” to “WTF were they thinking” to “Hmph, I’m Karen and I DEMAND a Manager NOW!”


My browser says “page not found” when trying to open those links. But I believe, I strongly believe that back then people had more hair on their scalp, compared today.

This is how every intel channel works in EVE(repost):


Must be some internet blockade. I can post one of them here tho, so you can see one trick how they were making them appear in such strange shapes.

Also if you comb the portions of hair backwards, in direction to the head, and do that in proper sections, they appear more voluminous and then you can use hairpins and hair spray to cement them in that form.

finishing touch: smooth it!


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Aha! So that’s how they make it…or should I say “fake it”? :thinking:

I got bored and changed my portrait to this:

Good morning, LAGL!


Time to go to sleep, but first, an interesting video… nighties lovelies!

Also: maybe it’s that simple… we grow angry because we meet too many people who disagree about too many topics, so maybe we could just build smaller communites of people who agree on something?

All in all, here at LAGL we’ve got a small community of shitposters, with the occasional more serious stuff, but we just don’t… argue? We just come here to unwind from whatever other Serious Internet Business, even Serious Internet Spaceships Business, with no advertising and no engagement mechanics. Come to LAGL, drop whatever random sh¡t, carry on until next time.

(An irony is that EVE Online is a small community and yet is extremely divided and polarized because the topic EVE Online is massively complex and there’s a million sources of disagreement…)


Wishing you well Sienna, even made in game inquiry.

Though I don’t see anything negative about how we all are moderated and hold zero grudges.

/edit the video above is so true and reason why I had wanted to reach out here


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Started yesterday. I’m so optimistic. :slight_smile:


JuiceMedia has made a vid about COP31 & explaining how AUS is playing their role in Climate Change.


Time to go to sleep, but before an interesting video… nighties lovelies!

Also: how do magnets work?

Magnets are magnetic because their magnetic domains are aligned; magnetic domains are magnetic because the magnetic atoms in their crystaline structure align in the same direction and not in opposite directions; magnetic atoms are magnetic because they have only half of the possible electrons in their outer energy level and thus those electrons all have their magnetic poles aligned the same way; and electrons are magnetic because, well, they are like tiny magnets with a north pole and a south pole and that’s how Nature works.

PD: protons also are tiny magnets, but they are so heavy and the effect is so small that magnetism from electrons mops the floor with proton magnetism


Time to go to sleep… with some boring tips. Nighties lovelies!

The scientifically sound tips for a good sleep:


  • Keep your bedroom colder than warmer (about 19-21º C seems to be a sweet spot) and as dark and quiet as possible (use face masks and earplugs if light & noise are really bad)
  • Keep your bedroom well ventilated
  • Have a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends/holidays
  • Exercise daily, a little physical fatigue helps a lot
  • Avoid alcohol


  • Use screens for at least 60 minutes before sleeping
  • Don’t have heavy or abundant meals before sleeping
  • Don’t drink alcohol, seriously. It will spoil your rest and might wake you up untimely

Also don’t:

…don’t worry if you wake up in the middle of the night. Sleep happens in a cycle that takes 2 to 4 hours to complete and in some phases you might just wake up and fall asleep again.
…don’t worry if you don’t dream, or don’t remember your dreams. Not everybody dreams and most dreams are forgotten
…don’t overthink about sleeping enough. Anything between 5 to 10 hours is in the normal spectrum


…worry if you fall asleep anytime all day long despite sleeping at night. It’s a clear sign of bad rest and could have organical causes like sleep apnea


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Do you hand out free ships to rookies too ?


Time to go to leep… nighties lovelies!


I sometimes talk to someone who is not there.

Not all the time but sometimes I get into a discussion about fine red wines. I have books about that and feel that I can grade the wines better than the labels state on the bottles.

My question for you here right now what happened to corking every mid shelf bottles?

Are we in an era of high consumption?

/ when I re. read the above I think in a way that I am too drunk


A nice change.


I am not the first to tell you that, you have to stop drinking. You know its true. :wink:


rare photo of people building pyramids, year 2500 bc or something like that.