The Like and Get Likes thread III

Yes that I must slow down as my mind plays tricks on me enough like looking at the photo that was taken back in 2500bc. never knew we had cameras back then too.


But, did you notice how the men are moving the stones away from the pyramid in the background…? The mystery deepens…

Anyway i’m off to bed for a sleep. I’m on my second and last week of holidays and so far I’ve managed to keep walking as much as usual, or mostly. Saturday I stumbled on a low step at a paved mountain path and made a two-stage landing, first on my right knee and then on my upper front teeth… several factors contributed to it being a mostly harmless fall (noo blood and no bruises and not even my teeth hurt much, and my glasses stayed put). My right knee just keeps reminding me that it is NOT a bumper and I shouldn’t crash land on it for a custom, but other than that I’m fine. Nighties lovelies!

Also: those days when you’ve got just one rocket left and lose two of its fuel tanks…

Not the best times for European rocketry…


Another day, another chance to sleep and rest. Nighties lovelies!


No, but I give out free cookies to rookies though.

Always be cautious against internal bleeding after impacts. Those can be quite challenging healthwise.

What if they’re building another pyramid near that possibly already built one? The pyramids of Giza are 3, placed diagonally. We must investigate this photo nevertheless. :thinking:



now there are 3, who knows how many were originally there? :thinking:

All we have is that one photo left, the rest sadly burned in the fire of Library of Alexandria.


Anyone up for some misbehaviour while we wait to log in?

/Never Mind we’re back in New Eden! =(

/& so had found my own sort of misbehaviour after log-in by the way of 1 billion isk bounty on my head.


It’s a pity because the Library also held the only known 3d printed model of the Inverted Pyramid, a rare feat (the pyramid, not the model).

So much was lost to mankind in that fire… guess all we can do now is sleep and dream of wonders past. Nighties lovelies!

Also: from “everyone mishaps in space”…

…those days when you install some electric wires in wrong order and your command sequence first cuts the drogue parachute, then releases it, but the main parachute works above and beyond of what was intended and saves the day.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


The vanishing carbon footprint. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


Well, they’re outsourcing the footprint… like EU and USA when hire Chinese companies to manufacture crap for them, then they claim they don’t emit all that CO2, it’s China doing it!

Now if the buyer had to pay for the whole carbon footprint… from the mines to China to the seas to the corner shop… That would make a fair point of not importing stuff from 20 days of sailing away, and maybe buy less junk?

Everything is cheaper when someone else pays the bill, like, the next three or four generations of mankind… or even longer.

Nighties lovelies!

Also: meanwhile we can have fun with balls and this exctinct product…

According to a comment, Apple bought the patent and never made anything of it so atomic trampolines no longer are manufactured…


Saudnsay just past I attented my first aa meeting/

The meeting went good as I got to listin to other men an woman talk about threr resans for drinkimng.
Thouh ha;lfway thrugh when it was tea and cofee time I was askd t leavbe cause i showed up with a cooler of beers and i din;t want cofee

was told show up next week without me cooler


The accusations about nullsec’ers being psychopaths, in several threads but by the same person, made me remember an old movie by who later turned out to be one of my all time favorite directors. The man had a wicked sense of humor and still reaches out to us with his great art of story telling and movie making. In a few cases he introduced his movies to his audience, in a style that perfectly matches the movies themselves and are extension and introduction at the same time. Imagine receiving trailers like that in our time …

Instructions: watch the first one late in the evening, preferably after midnight, and preferably alone, in a room where you have turned out the lights and where it is quiet. Pay attention to what he is telling you, it is important.

If you allow me, I’ve added two different trailers presented by our hero. Watch the second one after you have had your meal, not before. The reasons will become clear.

Good night.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Time to go to sleep… Nighties lovelies!

Also: those days when your computer freezes in a loop 22.5 light hours from the nearest workshop…

…and commanding it to reset didn’t work as NASA found out a mere 45 hours later.


Ú i vethed nâ i onnad

Si boe ú-dhanna

Ae ú-esteli, esteliach nad

Nâ boe ú i

Estelio han, estelio han, estelio

Estelio han, estelio veleth

^Lyrics to the “Evenstar” song by Howard Shore (LOTR Soundtrack)


such pretty round houses for neolithic, but looks like they really had to guard their belongings and what they worked on.


I’ve got to say, my latest weird dreams have seen some improvement. I kind of expect that there is no Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bogota in Bogota, Colombia, and if there was, it wouldn’t be consacrated to a statue of Our Lady of Loreto. Not any more than the sanctuary being acessible by a really steep road with an imposible hairpin turn so your car can’t really climb it, and then you find an elderly man resting in his car and speaking in Catalan (because, dreams) warning that to reach the sanctuary you’ll require either courage or humbling yourself as in, either you take the steep climb on foot or enter through a small opening walking on all fours. Then inside, of course, the sanctuary will hold some kind of scale model of a city (most certainly not Bogota) with miniature figures of the (in the dreams) Our Lady of Bogota marking shrines in the city. And then you realize that “courage or humility” is because the sanctuary (in the dream) is almost 5000 meters above sea level and many people climbing on foot faint before even noticing they’re short of breath. And then I kind of lost track of the dream while thinking (in the dream) about my car struggling to climb because of altitude, pondering whether a trubocharged engine such as a Lamborghini’s could climb and refusing it because the road was really terrible and those cars ride too low to the ground and then… what was the dream about? Oh, I woke up.

But hey, the dream can be explained and sort of ressembled a story and it almost made sense at some points. Nighties lovelies!

PS: well I had to google it… turns out there IS a pilgrim sanctuary in Bogota, consacrated to Our Lady of the Rock (Nuestra Señora de la Peña) albeit the patron saint of Bogota is Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Now, a Spanish-founded city having a sanctuary dedicated to some statue of the Virgin Mary is no hard to guess, but the dream… why Bogota?

PPS: the day before dreaming, one of my clients checked the latest scheduled times for a ticket he bought to Trujillo, Colombia. That’s a Barcelona-Madrid-Bogota-Trujillo flight for you!


Perhaps it is some kind of warning for you to lock your doors as the Holy House to Loreto was moved, carried by angels a few times to prevent pilgrims from visiting and robbing the artifacts.


Dreams or no dreams, it’s time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: a musical interlude by courtesy of Ishtanchuk…

And yes, this video has inspired me some funny dreams for a long, long time…

(The melody itself is a traditional huayno, which as i’ve come to learn, “traditional” means that it was composed in the first half of the 20th century and became popular enough through records and radio as to be played by every band and ensemble. Also wouldn’t be as much traditional without a quarrel on whether the credit is due to the Peruvian author of the song as “Ojos bonitos” (Pretty Eyes) or the more popular Bolivian version “Ojos azules” (Blue Eyes))


I’ve had some dreams that put me into depression after waking up. They were decent, positive, wholesome dreams almost like Hallmark movie quality, but they still put me into depression.

I only focused on other things that enabled me to get out of that mild depression.
