The Like and Get Likes thread III

Do nothing all the year.


Those are lovely goals. Thank you for sharing them.
Last time I tried to walk my cat there was less than ideal cooperation from my cat’s side.

Some of My New Years Resolutions are:

  1. To not drink Colas and similar drinks for the entirety in 2024.
  2. To not eat all sorts of potato chips(and junk food) in 2024.
  3. To not eat any deep fried foods including french fries in 2024.
  4. To spend 2 hours reading digital and/or physical books every day in 2024.
  5. To renew my drivers license by the end of 2024.
  6. To become proficient in the languages, both spoken and programming, that I dabble in.
  7. To have more physical activity in my life, either through gym or calisthenics.
  8. To learn how to use missiles weapon systems in EVE. Both skillwise and application.

@ Sarah Olson I could only guess that the recovery operations would be the most dangerious so be careful and wish you to train to handle the difficult roles in your career.

@ LordOdysseus Have you concidered pink jacket potatoes as like myself I too enjoy the potato chips though I had switched to boiled pick jack potatoes when craving carbs.


I have a resolution to not have any resolution which is why I will forget about this message and deny all knowledge.


That could work as long as it doesn’t have that much butter in it. In my country we call that stuffed potato as “Kumpir”.


I had french fries.


We tried Lay’s baked potato chips on the 26th and they’re quite good, not oily at all and I think they have less salt too. Now if you think WTF are snacks doing in a celebration dinner, in my family we never had snacks nor soda as children, only for very special occasions (i.e. birthdays and Xmas) because ~poverty~. Thus we really are not used to have junk food and potato chips are a kind of a treat to go along with different types of olives and other snacks before the main dish. Not the gourmet kind, are we…

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: the JUNO spacecraft keeps orbiting around Jupiter and its moons and giving never seen before close-ups of them… here’s Io as seen from 2,500 km on December 30th, with labels on named ground features:

There are many notorious features without a name because they hadn’t been seen before with enough detail… Some of the mountains are volcanoes, some of which spit sulphur because that’s Io for you.

PS: a “patera” is a depression on a celestial body, many on Io are actually volcanic calderas. The green labeled “fluctus” are volcanic outflows (mostly sulphur lava on Io). And the red labeled mountains Tonatiuh, Loki and Surt are active volcanos, Io is he only other body in the solar system with active volcanos.


Thats the same with me. I dont eat them often. I celebrate every chip.


Time to go to sleep, but first A is for “Also”. Nighties lovelies!

Also: “cute” is definitively something one would not expect about Alien…

I guess the inside of the book will be also completely NOT like the film… I mean, the book is for children, right? So “C” will not be for “chestbuster”, will it…?

PS: oh, oh, oh… the book will be published next July, but can be preordered through Amazon and… well… there are other cute books about Alien. I’ll need time to a) assimilate this and b) stop thinking about getting some. Like, really?


Would that be the lady who owned 14 cats?



The most tiring job is to fake something all the time.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Panda rampage


However, if you read Elon’s newest biography, you can directly jump to the last phase.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: sudden music drop!

This one’s been earworming me all day long. And you know what’s the way to get rid of earworms… share them!


The only Erasure song I’ve ever known was “Always”.

Every time I drive on the road the other drivers give me a horror movie recommendation about a killer clown by saying: “Hey! Watch IT!”. I don’t know why they do that. :clown_face: :man_shrugging:


Time to go to sleep… today we’ve been with the family at a historical restaurant in my city (open since 1835, owned by the same family since 1925). Good food, a bit slow on the service (apparently they were missing some hands) and half the clients were tourists. My parents are on a string of testing notrious eateries so this was the test for today, next month might try another. And now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

They told me to "be myself". I hope I got it right.