The Like and Get Likes thread III

With 60 hours a day there is time for everything.


The weird side of Swiss watchmakers.
Here is how big the Australia continent actually is:


I will never understand why people want to live in Europe, the countries are so small and yet they have so many people living in them. Way to crowded. I guess it is just a result of me growing up in rural Montana. Could fit several countries in the State’s boarders while having less than 1/10th the population.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Obviously there are some benefits to this. We have proof and ruins that people started crowding since 10 000 years ago in small settlements, where they lived constantly around other people. And they were very crowded in same cases where they lived wall to wall with other people, small rectangular buildings.

May be they were helping each other every day in work, sharing the effects of their work. Drinking beer after work and other fun things they could do in a group.


Time to got to sleep, but first something itneresting. Nighties lovelies!

Also: what’s really a chance of one in a million…?


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


Is there an EVE HyperNet version of this? In HyperNet your chances of winning ranges from 1 in 8 , to 1 in 512.



Time to go to sleep… just for one night, preferably, and not eternally (yet).

Today the family of one of our clients has visited our office to tell us that the man died last december. It was not my customer as usually my boss managed their travels, but it’s always shocking to think that a person you’ve known just died. The guy had survived severe diabetes, severe overweight (he eventually downsized to a normal weight after overcoming not one but TWO cancers AND having stomach reduction surgery to drop the last 40 kg…) but he was full of energy, always thinking of future plans and enjoying the life as much as possible. Thus he was visiting his daughter along with his son since the daughter and son-in-law live and work in Germany. Them three where Xmas shopping, the daughter exited the shop to have a phone call and then the man just collapsed while wlaking an aisle. His son asked for help and shouted the daughter (who speaks German) and the shop peronnel quickly reacted and called an ambulance, the crew tried to reanimate him onsite and brought him to hospital but nothing could be done. Severe diabetes, two cancers, chronic overweight, and he died from a heart attack without previous damage to his heart or coronaries. Like, really? But he avoided a long agony, he had signed a euthanasy will just in case because his health was such a mess and had been for 30 years. To the family… well, he died suddenly, and abroad, the thrusday before Xmas day, so moving apers and arranging transportation of the remnants in any plane with available cargo slots (in Xmas - new Year season!) took over a week and the family couldn’t hold a fuenral and cremate him as epr his will until january 1st (can’t help to think that since they started the year with a funeral, whatever comes next it’s gonna be a darn improvement…)

And well. Was worst when one of my personal clients was killed by a stomach cancer in about three months, his wife just came with her brother and said he was dead like that, heartburn, stomach pain, tests and checks, stage 3 out of control and good-bye at 43. On their last vacation he still asked if they needed to bring their own beach towels…

Wow. What a gloomy message, huh? I can’t vent too much at home with how my father’s health is…

Nighties lovelies!

Also: here’s a funny.

Cat cone of shame


My neighbour died because of that same thing, in the same amount of time.

But enough about dying.

translation by google: I just discovered that frogs HAVE BUTTIES



Can aomebody please explain to me in a few words what is this thread about? I see it started way back in the past but why?


But most of those are toads…

It is a thread for posting random stuff and getting likes. Oh make sure you are giving likes here too.


That’s cool, thx. Like given :slight_smile:


Today I’ve had an appointment for the results of my blood test & follow up of my health isues and turns out my meds are all working and i’m fine. My blood pressure is good and stable, heart rate is still a bit high but acceptable, my diabetes is under control, there are no signs of kidney damage from the meds and my cholesterol dropped from 134 to 66 with a single pill a day… plus i’m still losing weight. So instead of checking back in six months, it will be next year. This has improved my mood for sure… :slightly_smiling_face:

…and I will avoid thinking about my impression that my right eye is following on the same steps as the left one to uselessness through cataract-inducted myopia. Still wrapping my mind about surgery but oh is the situation growing uncomfortable… being callenged by any random set of steps sucks. Not all steps and not always but now i’m holding the handrail whenever I go downstairs and there are not enough light or visual clues on where is the edge between a step and the next below. My eyes are literal 70-somethings… for the time being.

Nighties lovelies!


Just an image from a very true documentary:

Everything goes as expected.


I had purchased this movie on my ipad and have enjoyed watching it while pretending that I am in that movie!


Story adapted to game. If you never heard about that one, its pretty good.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: fever is a state of agitation of particles


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: it’s Oglaf, but it’s completely SFW…

…which is a thing as Oglaf goes.


Apparently there is a regional average price for the Polaris skill book. :open_mouth:

800 millions, not bad.

You can even create markets orders for it despite the fact that you can’t browse for it on the market.

I may have been trying to find a way to directly buy the skill book…