The Like and Get Likes thread III

Back in 2008, I lost my first Battleship to a mission where the NPCs had whatever module is that prevents warping away, and EVE Online, always so helpful, just said “external factors prevent warping” or some other nonsense which kept me wondering whether I had stepped into a unknown to me type of space where warp was not allowed. The Battleship was a poorly fit, barely skilled up Megathron and I sat there trying to run away from the mysterious “external factors” and warp out as the NPCs chewed its carp tank (single medium armor repair, wee!) and killed it.

And then I almost quit and eventually rolled a fresh start called Ishtanchuk and used all my superknowledge to pick lasers + shields and forget about armor tanks.

So yes, some NPCs were (and guess they still are) quite deadly for new players, specially without a mission survival guide… Which btw I recall it was shut down but Chribba hosted a copy or something…? Are mission runners still a thing or have Nullsec and CCP successfully ejected them out of their game?


There are still a lot of people running missions, the SOE and Caldari Navy are still popular but now a days there are more profitable activities to do in high sec. I myself only run the Epic arcs for standings as missions lost their charm for me a long time ago.

7 Likes still exists. Not sure when its been updated.
Eve wiki also has an up to date mission section as well.

We still exist, plus you got the USIA running missions and fixing standings for everyone.


Sorry to butt in though may I ask would that happen to be the United Standing Improvement Agency?


That is correct

Its lvl 3 mission and the ship is designed as npc enemy for battlecruisers rather than cruisers. Lvl 3 mission.


Is that USIA thing a legit CCP mechanic or a player-made imaginative twist on game rules? :thinking:


We are within the rules that ccp allows. They allow faction standings to be shared as well as corp standings. So we follow their mechanics


I’ve heard that the Golem is still the best ship to run Level 4 missions with. Is that true?


That is subjective and depends on your goal. Ie… clearing the whole pocket vs blitzing.


Who (or rather what) will replace these people?

Every task can be created faster with more computing power. The methods can be improved. Quality may be enough for majority of people. So people would have to become consumers mostly, without actually creating much.

How many objects of art are around your house? These can be 3d printed now, and 3d models created from images. Not to proper quality yet, but looking how the technology improves, its a question of time.

What would be left for people to do? Operate power feeding tubes connected to artificial brains, and those suppying nutrition for people gathered outside, where they are kept drugged, satiated and lazy?

I have been reading lots of sci-fi in school, and Matrix movie wasnt of course first in creating such a world, such a story. Idea was thrown around many times before. It doesnt have to be in its most radical forms, but the fundamental idea is that people have to be kept pretty sedated.


Honestly, I’m all for automation of everything. As soon as we have machines and AI that can do all the menial jobs out there, then there won’t be much of a need for people to work.

Maybe then we can finally get a universal income for everyone and people will be free to spend time chasing their passions rather than spending the majority of their life laboring away in some 9-5.


My RL job could never be fully automated. Thats a good thing


The thing is, the only reason the 1% tolerates people it’s because they still can’t earn enough money without human consumers. What’s the point in feeding people for free if they don’t have money to transfer into your accounts? The economical value of a freeloader is zero. So, congratulations! Your job is over! Now go die somewhere where your rotting carcass doesn’t bothers the people actually relevant.

And anyway… we’re in deep trouble with global warming, and it’s just beginning as far as its impact in human history goes. Same for peak-everything (peak oil, peak minerals). Our global economy is devoted to pretend that debt is payable as we actually destroy value (read that again… we’ve been destroying value since the 1980s) and Total Factor Productivity has been going down since the debt bubble started.

Whatever comes next will be yet another unprecedented crisis, even if we dodge the bullet of the AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Oceanic Circulation) shutting down and rendering northern Europe about as ihnabitable as northern Canada but without the snowfall.

But oh yes. Some people are becoming rich as their fake AI pretends to be creating art and everybody is happy with the massive waste of CO2 and water involved in the moving parts of AI, the numbercruncher computing farms.

There are so many things already going wrong and so many still could go even wronger… but now I’m off to sleep. Nighties lovelies!


I’m not particularly sure what the discussion is for today though I had read something about tolerance I think and not that it matters much though I am happy with my small achievement year to date my average is down to 12.2 mg per day.

They use robots to make the best beers that allows more people to consume the beers.



Happy Birthday Steve Jobs

San Francisco is where he arrived
Where the Golden State Warriors have thrived
As the best in their sport
On the basketball court
In the town where they filmed Ironside

As a youth in his teens it was clear
That the course he was destined to steer
Would involve innovation
And visualization
In what was a brilliant career

In the world of computers he shone
Many talented people were drawn
To his digital knack
He gave birth to the Mac
One of many great products he spawned

As co-founder and Chairman of Apple
Mr. Jobs had to frequently grapple
With big headaches galore
In locations offshore
And at home, from New York to Seattle

Steve departed this world far too soon
As a rich and successful tycoon
But the business he nourished
Continues to flourish
Despite all today’s gloom and doom

So let’s wish Happy Birthday to Steve
Who had many great tricks up his sleeve
Until dying too soon
Like Dan Blocker, Keith Moon,
Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve

-Author unknown (I found it on zucky’s blue website)

Why not both? I used to do both in an Apoc…more than a decade ago.



Humans will be treated like pets. Some will be able to reproduce. The freedoms will be redistributed and euthanasia will be how people will be usually dying.

A.I. will be the one keeping us as pets. We are already very domesticated and not very wild anyway.


Time to go to sleep… preferably if I get some actual sleep, dunno what happene last night but what a sleepless mess… :sleepy:

Also: is this becoming a custom…?

First the Japanese (real image)…


…now the USA (artistic impression)…

Moon landers ending upside down or tipping over, 2 and counting…

There was a time you weren’t sending probes to Mars for true unless at least one in three crashed/exploded/lost contact, now Moon landers are landing in whatever position but upright -when they aren’t lithobraking…


The sedentary people who intoxicate themselves with video games, TV and streaming services is my prediction to end up like that. But others who live life consciously are going to have an easier life and the whole world is going to lay down infront of them like a red carpet.